
Chapter 855

Chapter 855
The only person who really cared about how Lu Kai died was Lu Kang.

The root cause of Jiangdong's ability to maintain stability for so many years lies in the two brothers of the Lu family.

Lu Kai was inside and Lu Kang was outside.

But now that Lu Kai is dead, Lu Kang is like a kite with a disconnected thread, and he doesn't know where he will fly.

Can Jingzhou without the support of Jiangdong stop Daqin's pressing step by step?

"Too much deceit, according to my subordinates, it's better to force Jiangdong to raise the Jingzhou army, first pacify Zhonghui, and then get rid of Sun... Taishang..." Wuyan said angrily.

He was promoted by Lu Kang, so naturally he only recognized Lu Kang.

Zuo Yi said: "Zhonghui is fighting with the Supreme Emperor's snipe and clam, and the general can reap the benefits! Jiangdong falls into the hands of Zhonghui and the Supreme Emperor, it is better for the general to get it!"

If it was ten years ago, Lu Kang might have been interested in this. After all, he was not a good man and a believer back then. He first swallowed Shi Ji's tribe, occupied Jiangling, and then pacified Xiling, Yibu clan, and made a decisive move.

However, what is there to contend with in Jiangdong now?
The people of Qin have already caught Jiangdong three times, and a big battle is about to happen, but Jiangdong is still fighting among himself.

Zhong Hui mocked, "Yes, second brother, what are you waiting for?"

Zhong Hui stood with his hands behind his back, revealing the long sword at his waist, "Everyone back down!"

However, when passing by Jiang Bin, another sword light rose from the ground.

One sentence won Lu Kang's favor.

After more than a dozen rounds, Jiang Shu was panting heavily, his forehead was covered with sweat, and his mind was shaking, "Zhong Hui, the general trend of the world is fixed, how long can you be rampant?"

Zhong Hui walked down the steps step by step, staring at Jiang Shu, "Third brother, third brother, why bother?"

Zhou Yu, Lu Xun, and Ding Feng were selected into the Wu Temple, which greatly inspired the hearts of Wu Jun in Jingzhou.

Li Mi didn't have a chance to say all the words, but when confronting someone like Lu Kang, just click to the end, "This is a letter from His Majesty, the general is busy with military affairs, so don't bother me, leave."

Zhong Hui is sneering.

The generals have no fighting spirit, the army has no morale, and the hearts of the people are scattered. As long as Qin's million-strong army goes south for a while to intimidate, it is unknown how many people will bow their knees and surrender.

"Since eating the king's salary, you should share the country's worries. Your Majesty has admired the general for a long time. It is often said that the general has the style of a famous general in ancient times." Li Mi said half of the sentence, but swallowed the rest.

Lu Kang laughed, "You are so brave!"

Soldiers outside the hall rushed in through the door.

Jiang Bin was unmoved, as if petrified.

Moreover, Zhong Hui's aura completely suppressed Jiang Shu from the very beginning.

Zhong Hui is now prosperous and rich, and is still painting big cakes...

It is self-evident what the envoy of Qin State is here for.

The soldiers backed out again, holding their knives around the head towards the hall.

After saying that, he clenched the hilt of the sword with both hands, breathed evenly, and fixed his eyes on Zhong Hui.

Qin Guo didn't need to do this at all.

As the largest surname in Jiangdong, the Lu family naturally has no shortage of dead men and meticulous workers.


Jiang Shu looked at Jiang Bin, "You and I join forces, we can control this beast, and the wealth and wealth are inexhaustible!"

"Oh, third brother, don't take it to heart." Zhong Hui waved his hand lightly.

A wisp of black smoke rose, and the silk was turned into ashes...

"Big Sima...has been in poor health for a few years ago. He has worked so hard for the past year and has become more and more exhausted. Some time ago, he tried to persuade the Supreme Emperor to bear it. He was overworked and died of illness..." the man in black knelt on the ground said.

And there is no need to argue.

Li Mi said: "One is to mourn the great Sima, and the other is to persuade the general to return to Qin."

And Zhong Hui's ridicule never stopped, "Third brother, your swordsmanship is really difficult to be refined. If you have a long spear in your hand, you may be able to wipe it as a brother."

Jiang Shu is a fierce general trained by Jiang Wei. Today, he was forced into a desperate situation, and he is like a mad tiger, wanting to choose someone to eat.

Lu Kang sighed, "Did Sima pass away at this time, is it God's will?"

"An unfaithful and unrighteous person, is it possible that brother is talking about XX?" Jiang Shu's gray temples stood on end, and bursts of blood red in his eyes.

Zhong Hui was so calm, "The general trend of the world has always been determined by people. If someone pacifies Jiangdong, he may not be able to fight Yang Xingyun."

Lu Kai is thirty-three years old this year, which is considered a long life.

Like a sharp arrow aimed at its prey.

Now the clock will pick out the thorn and prick it back...

Zhong Hui is dressed in light clothes and is agile.

It was this contemptuous attitude that completely angered Jiang Shu.

The sword was fast and fierce.

In the letter to Lu Kang, he mentioned many times that he was in poor health and had the intention of retiring, but the country was difficult and he had to try his best to support it.

Lu Kang'ai didn't want to see the death of his elder brother, but all the generals raised their heads with burning eyes.

When Sima Zhao's army of more than 20 troops besieged Shouchun, Zhong Hui was at the end of his rope, so he had to use sworn brotherhood as a means to make the two of them work hard for him.

If the momentum is suppressed, you will be restrained.

No one in the world dares to ignore the Great Qin Emperor.

Lu Kang was holding the handwritten letter, and his heart was full of emotions, but he didn't open it after all, and threw it into the fire under the astonished eyes of everyone.

After finishing speaking, he turned around and left chicly.

In the past, the envoys were either arrogant or timid, without Li Mi's tolerance.

Lu Kang could tell at a glance that the person who came was not an ordinary person, "Thanks to Your Excellency's concern, I don't know why you are here this time?"

While the two were talking, Zhong Hui would not stop walking.

"Hahaha——" Jiang Shu on the side suddenly raised his head and laughed.

As if something passed through the belly.

Even though Lu Kang's heart was calm, he couldn't help his face to move, but he soon became alert. This man's tongue is too strong, and if he doesn't pay attention, he will be led by his nose, "Emperor Daqin's heart, a certain I know, if nothing else, please come back."

"How did Da Sima get there?" Lu Kang ignored Zuo Yi and Wu Yan, let alone believed that it was Qin Guo who made the move.

Fighting on the battlefield and fighting in the classroom are completely different things.

But he held back and kept silent.

Jiang Shu straightened his sword, and Zhong Hui dodged it lightly, "I am not as good as you on the battlefield, but you are not as good as me in the room!"

Although he left, the eyes of all the generals in the hall were still hanging on his back.

But because the three of them were too close, they didn't dare to act rashly.

Rather than talking nonsense, it's better to be straightforward and speak out.

With a sound of "clang", Jiang Shu drew out the long sword at his waist and stared at Zhong Hui, "Brother is ungrateful first, don't blame my younger brother for being ruthless!"

Jiang Shu ate so many big cakes, even if he was a fool, he knew that Zhong Hui didn't take himself seriously at all...

Li Mi entered the room and cupped his hands at Lu Kang, "My condolences to the general."

People in this era generally value fame.

Jiang Bin's forehead was covered with cold sweat, and this kind of thing became darker and darker.

"Biography." Lu Kang waved his hand.

In the battle of Xiangyang, the details of Soochow have been fully exposed.

In fact, Jiang Shu voted for the Sima family, the Central Plains, not Zhonghui. He thought he would be rich and prosperous, but he didn't expect to switch to the East and West. He escaped death and complained long ago.

Now that Zhong Hui has gone ashore, the position of the two of them is a bit awkward.

A martial arts temple has actually disintegrated Jiangdong's morale, and the magnanimity shown by Daqin made them even more heartbroken.

Many misses made Jiang Shu's will shake.

"General, the Qin people have envoys!" The guards reported outside the door.

Jiang Shu was wearing armor and had trouble moving.

Zhong Hui looked away from Jiang Bin and turned to Jiang Shu, "Why is the third brother laughing?"

Jiang Shu swung his sword and stabbed again, all of which were life-threatening moves on the battlefield, but still couldn't hit.

Fu Qian would rather die than surrender, and has always been a thorn in Jiang Shu's heart.

It is an even greater honor to be recognized by the enemy country.

"Dream your Spring and Autumn Dream!" Jiang Shu laughed wildly, concentrating all his strength and stabbing at Zhonghui.

It was precisely because of his betrayal that Fu Qian was defeated and killed. He was not only disloyal to the motherland, but also unrighteous to Paozhe.

Then, Jiang Shu felt unable to control her body, her legs were still running on the ground, but her upper body was already flying...

Blood and internal organs were spilled all over the place.

Zhong Hui still stands with his hands behind his back.

Jiang Bin walked over with a sword, and stabbed Jiang Shu's heart with a sword, "Third brother... let's go..."

(End of this chapter)

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