
Chapter 856 Sword

Chapter 856 Sword

"Good sword!" Zhong Hui stared at the long sword in Jiang Bin's hand and said.

Jiang Shu was wearing armor, but was cut in half by Jiang Bin. Without a good sword, he couldn't do it.

"This sword is one of the Eight Swords of the First Master. It was given to the Later Master, King Ganling, King Anping, Marquis Wu, Generals Guan, Zhang, and General Zhao. My father was fortunate to be gifted by King Anping." Jiang Bin looked proud, Wiping a drop of blood beads on the blade of the sword, "Duke Yue wants to achieve great things, Bin's sharp sword still has its uses."

The blood was still warm.

"Can I use it as a brother to watch it?" Zhong Hui admired famous men, and he also loved famous swords.

Jiang Bin handed over the sword with both hands.

Zhong Hui played with it carefully, and the more he looked at it, the more delighted he was. He held it in his hand and refused to return it to Jiang Bin. "I'm curious, why didn't the second brother join hands with the third brother just now?"

Adding up the two of them, there might be a chance of beheading Zhong Hui.

But if you want to capture it alive, it is definitely impossible.

Jiang Bin closed his eyes, "When Sima Zhao rebelled against me, he could raise troops, but he couldn't bear it for a while."

Even the personal guards around him were named Zhonglang Jiang.

"That's right, I drew my sword and boarded the chariot, commanding the soldiers and civilians of Jianye, Zhong Hui'an dares to kill the king in the street?" Sun Hao showed his determination to kill the king, "I would rather die for a noble man than live as a man of Shanyang!"

"Follow the order!" Several tyrants immediately went with their steps.

Countless soldiers roared wildly, the ground shook, and the entire Jianye City trembled. The fire, black smoke, and screams only helped their prestige.

The local ruffians plundered, insulted and made a mess.

But for such a long time, there was no news from Zhong Hui, which made everyone feel uneasy.

However, Sun Hao's reputation was too bad, and there were very few people in the city who responded, only local ruffians, who took the opportunity to cause chaos and looted good homes.

Sun Hao sealed it all the way, and made all kinds of promises. The rebel army became more and more imposing, and charged towards Zhonghui's mansion in Beicheng.

"So that's how it is!" Zhong Hui clapped his hands and smiled, "No wonder the second brother has been keeping silent."

When will Jiangdong get a northerner to point fingers?

Sun Yan, who was under the chariot, couldn't bear it, and advised: "We can separate an army to protect the people."

A series of names were rewarded, and the morale of the rebel army reached its peak.

"Punish the national traitor Zhong Hui!" The soldiers shouted with all their might.

The flames were getting bigger and bigger, and there were crying crowds everywhere.

Firstly, Jiang Bin did not have the confidence to capture Zhong Hui alive.

A large number of soldiers poured out from the houses in the east city, and there were still powerful tribes pouring in from outside the city.

Zhong Hui didn't draw his sword from the beginning to the end. Others didn't know it, but Jiang Bin knew it well. For so many years, Zhong Hui had never let go of swordsmanship and calligraphy. ", and his swordsmanship is by no means inferior to calligraphy.

The tyrants also raised their swords excitedly, they had waited for this day for too long.

After the ordinary soldiers are defeated, they can also share money and good land.

Jiang Bin shook his head. He still has the character of a scholar. In fact, since Hanzhong took refuge in Zhonghui, he can only go to the dark. Quit."

Adding up the two sides, with 10,000+ troops, the prosperous Jianye might be destroyed.

If it hadn't been for Ding Feng's inexplicable overturning and death, and the navy retreating, Wu Jun might really be able to defeat the Jin army.

Sun Hao anxiously waited for the news.

"Of course I know."

Zhong Huiruo was just a loner, but he also brought in the children of Yingchuan to squeeze the interests of the powerful gentry everywhere.

Zhong Hui's eyes became a little complicated, "Then, did the second brother ever regret it?"

Sun Yan said: "The bell will be cited but not issued. The only thing to worry about is His Majesty's identity."

"All my Jiangdong disciples should be together to punish the thieves!" Sun Hao got himself a chariot and stood on it with a long sword in his hand, full of pride in his heart, Jiangdong is the Jiangdong of the Sun family!

"Then it should not be too late. After the matter is completed, the second brother's life will be safe!" Zhong Hui couldn't wait.

If this battle is won, the powerful gentry will continue to live. If they lose, they will be like the Shu Han, where outsiders will suppress the mainland.

Even Sun Hao himself didn't expect to make such a big noise, he laughed hysterically and crazily, "God bless the Sun family, destiny is mine, Zhong Hui must die!"

In the past, when Zhong Hui was the prime minister, he could still tolerate it, but he had already crossed the line when he was promoted to the public, so what should he do next?
To blame can only blame Sima and his son for having too much influence.

Sun Hao is a tyrannical man, he dares to fight and rush at critical moments.

"Because I want to see how far Mr. Yue can go." There was no trace of flinch or fear on Jiang Bin's face.

The wages of avarice is death.

This is indeed what he really thinks.

This is also the biggest regret in Sun Hao's heart all the time.

In previous incidents, people were only killed at the upper level, and the people did not suffer much damage, but this time the battlefield was directly in Jianye City.

"Jiang Bin and Jiang Shu are probably not Zhong Hui's opponents." Sun Yan reminded.

Second, even if Zhong Hui is captured alive, he will inevitably die in the end. Sun Hao is even more miserable than Zhong Hui. A person who betrays his master and seeks glory is destined not to survive.

Even if Sun Hao didn't revolt, there would be others.

An hour later, dense footsteps sounded in Jianye City.

"Haha, the second brother has a heart." Zhong Hui returned to the main seat, waved the soldiers outside the door to retreat, and signaled Jiang Bin to take a seat.

the other side.

"Is the meeting too hasty?" Sun Zhen was a little hesitant. Zhong Hui was too famous and had no advantage in his hands. Lu Kai's sudden death from illness intensified the conflict in advance.

Sun Hao had a brutal temperament in the first place, and this situation made his blood boil even more. Standing on the chariot, he shouted excitedly, "Whoever kills Zhonghui will be rewarded with millions of dollars, and ten thousand households will be granted! Never break your promise! Promote Gu Mu to the prime minister, Min Hong to the minister of the minister, and Chen Ju to the general of the bandit..."

Whoever calls the name is the captain, and whoever points the finger is the captain.

It was originally a hunt for thieves, but the cries of the people were everywhere.

No fewer than a hundred people were able to be promoted to the title of school lieutenant and capital lieutenant.

"Doing such things, can you survive?" Jiang Bin mocked.

Calligraphy and swordsmanship have a lot in common.

"If you don't stop, you will be subject to chaos. The soldiers are precious and fast. You should use all three armies to decide the victory!" Sun Hao took the case, his character has always been like this, and he used such random punches when he dealt with Sima Yan back then. Sima Yan couldn't resist.

Make this conversation seem weird.

The city became even more chaotic.

Sun Haohong's eyes were on the top of his head, and Sun Yan didn't remind him, so it was fine, but when he reminded him, he became even more angry, "If it weren't for the attachment of these untouchables, why would Zhonghui be as rampant as it is today? Send an order to drive out the untouchables in the city and attack Zhonghui's mansion!"

Jiang Shu's body was just lying in the hall, with blood dripping slowly on the wooden plank.

"Of course, don't you want to see how far you can go? Of course I will help you as a brother!" Zhong Hui said conceitedly.

"Since the second brother wants to become a brother, he should know how to act."

With the situation in Jiangdong, I am afraid that the suppression will be more intense than that of Shu.

The Jiangdong nobles neither wanted the Northern Expedition, nor did they want to be tied to Zhonghui's chariot.

So Sun Hao's restoration has natural supporters.

As for the future liquidation, it will be a matter for the future, and Zhong will be the common enemy.

(End of this chapter)

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