
Chapter 861 Western Front

Chapter 861 Western Front
On the surface of the Lexiang River, a large number of sawdust floated down from the upper reaches, sinking and floating in the water, and meandering eastward with the river.

It happened to be seen by Wu Yan, who was patrolling the river. He looked up to the west. The big river came out of the mountains. Behind the green mountains and green waters, there was always a faint mist lingering.

Picking up a piece of wood, there are obvious marks of knives and axes on it.

Wu Yan hurried back to Le Township and reported to Lu Kang: "There are a lot of sawdust in the river, it must be the Qin army's large-scale warship and raft. This battle is unusual, and the general should take precautions early."

Lu Kang coughed, "Yang Hu, Luo Xian, we have already fought each other."

Luo Xian raided Le Township, and most of the Jingzhou Navy was captured.

Lu Kang's vitality was seriously injured, and he still hasn't recovered.

It takes more energy to train a navy than cavalry, and it takes years to build warships.

Jingzhou has been able to survive for so many years under the attack of Cao Wei, the most important thing is Jiangdong's support behind it.

Jiangdong and Jingzhou are each other's lips and teeth, and both will perish.

This is also the reason why Lu Kang compromised with Zhong Hui.

But now, Zhong Hui is facing the north-south attack from Du Yu and Huo Biao, and Jianye has just experienced a big turmoil. It is good to be able to protect itself, and it has no strength to support Jingzhou.

Lu Kang was not as confident as Zhong Hui. He knew the strength of the Qin army very well.

In terms of military strategy alone, I am afraid that Du Yu is still above the Qin Lord, and Huo Biao is not well-known, but Yang Ji, Mao Jiong and others under the Huo family are all generals of tigers and wolves.

Wu Yan cupped his hands and said: "The news from the detailed work is that Wang Jun is building warships in the middle of Shu. This man should not be underestimated. The Qin army is going down the river, and our army is difficult to stop. It is better to cast iron cables. From Yidao, Lexiang, Gongan, Xiakou blockades the river."

The advantage of the navy is not in the hands of the Wu army, but in the hands of the Qin army. This is the first time in decades.

Moreover, the Qin army is in the upper reaches, and down the river, it can reach Jianye directly!

"Do your best." Lu Kang was extremely depressed today.

Wu Yan was stunned for a moment, and didn't know whether he agreed or not, but seeing Lu Kang's face was not good, he handed over his hand and left.

Back in the barracks, the soldiers talked a lot.

"The brother who fled to Xiangyang the day before yesterday has a letter. Daqin is really dividing the land!"

"Twenty acres! If you are a village head, you can divide one hundred acres and bring people over to double it!"

Jingzhou has been fighting for years, and it was turned into no man's land by Wei and Wu, and a large area of ​​fertile land was abandoned.

"Can the people of Qin live reliably? Don't trick us into going there."

"Cheat? Uncle Yang, can't you believe it?"

"That's also..."

"Cough—" Wu Yan coughed and interrupted their conversation, "What are you talking nonsense about? The seven prohibitions of military law and 54 cuts, have you forgotten all of them?
Soldiers, you look at me and I look at you, but you are not talking.

These people are all members of the Lu family, and even they are moved...not to mention the others.

Wu Yan was furious in his heart, and was about to arrest a few people and kill chickens for the monkeys to see, but when he saw the disheveled faces, ragged clothes, and tattered leather armor of the soldiers, his heart seemed to be blocked by something.

Are the soldiers wrong?

Fighting for Jiangdong for so many years, what did you get in exchange?
Not enough food to eat, no clothes to cover their bodies, parents, wives and children starving and freezing, rich people are rich and well-clothed, eating and singing every night...

In fact, when Sun Hao was in power, Jiang Dong was almost tossed.

The Bu brothers brought Xiling to join the Sima family, and the state of Wu should have perished, but Lu Kang turned the tide and saved Jiangdong's life for a few years.

Sun Hao and Zhong Hui fought, destroying the last breath of life in Jiangdong. For three months, Jianye did not send a grain of food or a weapon to Jingzhou.

"All back down, if you talk nonsense to confuse the army's morale, you must act according to the law!" Wu Yan sighed.

These veterans are definitely not people who are greedy for life and afraid of death.

"Thank you...thank you, General." The soldiers seemed to be pardoned.

Wu Yan finally knew why Lu Kang was disheartened.

After Daqin's proclamation came, people's hearts no longer belonged to Jiangdong. Even if Lu Kang was an extremely famous general, how could he win back people's hearts?


[-] Qin troops surrounded three ques and one.

Luo Xian revisited his old place, and felt a little more emotional. When the Shu Han did not perish, they would always live frugally and plan carefully, but their military strength, money and food were still stretched.

Less than ten years after the Great Qin ruled central Sichuan, there have been earth-shaking changes.

After the land equalization system was fully implemented, Central Shu returned to the land of abundance in those days.

No, one step further than the Land of Abundance.

Every family worked desperately to cultivate and farm. The government also rented Quyuan plows, cattle, and horse-drawn carts, and organized manpower to repair the canals.

There are fertile fields everywhere in central Shu.

The government of the Great Qin Dynasty is different from the government of the Shu Han Dynasty. The government of the Great Qin Dynasty is different from the government of the Shu Han Dynasty. They lightly corvee and pay less, and rest with the people. .

On the surface, Daqin is strict and harsh, but as long as the law is not violated, the life of the people is quite easy.

Luo Xian had to admit that Great Qin was much better than Shu Han in governing the country.

Even he gradually forgot about Shu Han in his heart, and his identification with Da Qin became stronger and stronger.

And Daqin has shown the arrogance of participating in Juanbahuang from the beginning of the founding of the country. At that time, the Sima clan was still strong, and Jiangdong was not weak.

In just over ten years, powerful enemies fell one by one under Daqin's army.

Da Qin's domineering has gradually become grand.

All-encompassing atmosphere!
"Has the letter of persuasion been shot in?"

"Reporting to the governor, since yesterday, Wu troops have been overturning the city and surrendering to our army."

"Can Zuo Yi reply?"

It is clearly written in the call to action, those who have meritorious service will be rewarded, if Zuo Yi can bring Xiling back to the Great Qin Dynasty, he will be at least a miscellaneous general in the future, with titles and honors, conferring his wife and son, and leaving his name in history.

"Zuo Yi has something to say, he only obeys the orders of General Lu Kang!"

"Pedantry!" Luo Xian scolded, but he admired Lu Kang even more in his heart, even at this point, his subordinates were still loyal and kept Jingzhou from falling.

However, given the current situation, Lu Kang is doomed not to last much longer.

"Keep persuading, the heart of a certain person who doesn't believe in Xiling is hardened!"

Lu Kang is a famous general, and his generals are also loyal and brave.

"Since Zuo Yi only listens to Lu Kang, why didn't father persuade Lu Kang to surrender first?" Luo Xi said with twinkling eyes.

If Jingzhou can be taken down in one fell swoop, the Luo family's status in Daqin will skyrocket!

Luo Shang on the side is also full of anticipation.

Luo Xian shook his head, "Who is Lu Kang? If he wanted to surrender, he would have surrendered long ago."

"Then why didn't Lu Kang surrender?" Luo Xi was young and only saw fame and fortune.

"Jiangdong is his homeland after all. If Jingzhou falls, Jiangdong will perish. Lu Kang will be the No. 1 dead Wu. Lu Kang is loyal, benevolent and filial. He dare not bear this kind of infamy. If he betrays his homeland, even if he returns to Daqin in the future, he must be a man. criticized."

Luo Xian suddenly remembered the scene when the Shu Kingdom fell, and all thoughts in his heart were lost.

Lu Kang's situation was almost the same as back then.

Scholars must always have a bit of character.

"Heh, from my nephew's point of view, Lu Kang is just trying to gain fame for his future attachment to Great Qin." Luo Shangneng laughed.

"Stop talking nonsense." Luo Xian suddenly felt that this nephew was becoming more and more annoying.

(End of this chapter)

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