
Chapter 862 The Eastern Front

Chapter 862 The Eastern Front
It was the first time for Yang Xu to fight with the army. For him, everything was so novel.

In many cases, he is not like a prince at all, but more like Xuan Yilang, mingling with the soldiers without any pretensions, eating meat and drinking heavily, and chatting.

This point has a bit of Yang Zheng's shadow.

Comparing their hearts to their hearts, the soldiers naturally support such a prince.

In just over a month, Yang Xu has grown a lot stronger, and he also has a little more heroic spirit.

Du Yu saw everything in his eyes and knew his intentions, but he didn't stop him, but sent someone to secretly protect Yang Xu's safety.

All military affairs, big and small, are brought with me, and in private, from the formation of troops to the calculation of the Art of War Temple, they are almost taught to each other.

"Since Jiangdong is at the end of its rope, why has Duke Du been stationed in Dongguan?" Yang Xu asked curiously.

Originally, the troops were sent straight to Ruxu, but a heavy rain washed away the road, making it difficult for the Qin army to move forward, so Du Yu had to retreat.

"Dongguan is connected to Ruxushui. It is now June, which is the wet season. There have been heavy rains recently and the roads are muddy, which is not conducive for our army to march south."

In the land of Jianghuai, every June and July will enter the rainy season, and the rivers and Huaihe Rivers will flood. Zhuge Dan wanted to use the flood to flood Sima Zhao's hundreds of thousands of troops. Unfortunately, God deliberately favored Sima's family.

"Didn't our army have General Ding's navy?"

"General Ding's four thousand sailors are not the enemy of Zhonghui's tens of thousands of sailors. Moreover, in this battle, the attack on the city is the bottom, and the heart is the top. There is no need to fight for the length of time. As a general, you should calm down. As a king, you can So it is." Du Yu explained carefully.

Of course, Yang Xu only had so many questions in private and less formal occasions.

During military discussions, he never said a word.

This period of getting along also narrowed the relationship between the two.

Yang Xu treats Du Yu like a teacher, and Du Yu treats him like a nephew.

At least one-third of the Great Qin's world was brought down by Du Yu. With Du Yu's approval, the crown prince's position would be as stable as Mount Tai.

What's more, Du Yu is still his future father-in-law.

After this battle, the marriage is almost done.

"Du Yu, come out and die quickly!" A loud shout sounded from outside the tent, and the Jiangdong navy came to provoke again.

"Go out and have a look." Du Yu's state of mind was not disturbed at all.

The two came to Chengguan, the entire East Gate was built on the Ruxu River, behind it was Chaohu Lake, and in the lake were gathered warships mobilized by Luqin from the rear.

The Qin State Navy is also stepping up training.

Under Dongguan, dozens of Wu army warships are showing off their might.

The Jiangdong water army has ruled the world for decades, but Zhou Yu's 20 water army burned [-] Cao's army in Chibi.

After so many years, the state of Wu has declined badly, but the navy still retains some of the confidence it had back then.

Flags, armor, and ship formations are all neat and orderly. The sailors on the warships are as tall and straight as pines, and they are as stable as pines on the floating deck.

"Jiangdong should not be underestimated!" Du Yu shook his head and said.

"The last general is willing to lead an army and capture the enemy general alive!" Ding Wen bowed in front of Du Yu and Yang Xu.

Daqin lacked generals of the water army. After he was attached, he was directly appointed as the governor of the water army by Du Yu. Please seal the ship general.

If Wu can be defeated in this battle, Ding Wen's future is limitless.

Du Yu laughed and said, "It's just a few small thieves. It's not enough to win, so there's no need to fight."

However, the yelling and cursing from Guan Xia became more and more unpleasant, directly attacking Du Yu and Yang Xu personally.

Call Du Yu a freak with a big neck, call Yang Xu a wild breed of the Western Qiang...

Du Yu didn't care, but Yang Xu's face was flushed, and it was the first time he dared to scold at his face at such a big age. What he was most proud of was inheriting Yang Zheng's bloodline, but he was called a bastard by the Wu people...

"If you can't bear it, you will make a big mess. Our army is already invincible. Why should we be as knowledgeable as a few clowns?"

Du Yu waved his hand and took Yang Xu back.

Wu Jun scolded for a while and then retreated.

But on the second and third day, they still blocked the door and yelled and cursed.

The Qin army in Dongguan became angry gradually, but no one dared to disobey Du Yu's military order.

After scolding for more than ten days in a row, there was no movement in Dongguan. Wu Jun felt bored, so he died down, and the two armies turned into a confrontation.

But this confrontation is extremely beneficial to the Qin army.

Every day, soldiers and people from Jiangdong surrendered, exposing the reality of Wu.

Zhong Hui led 15 troops to station along the defense line along the river.

"What is the price of Jianye's grain?" Du Yu took Yang Xu to personally ask the Jiangdong scholars in Beitou.

"Xi, Shangguan, one piece of bamboo for one stone of rice!" Although the civilian husband didn't know Du Yu's identity, he could feel his aura.

A horse of Daqin can be sold for about [-] yuan, which can be exchanged for three or four stones of grain.

In the state of Wu, it can only be exchanged for one stone.

It shows that Wu Guo's food is a little bit powerless.

"Very good, give him a stone of grain." Du Yu nodded.

"Thank you, envoy! Thank you, envoy, I knew that Daqin was so benevolent, why should I suffer so hard in Jiangdong." The man kowtowed happily, and promoted Du Yu's "shangguan" to "envoy".

Du Yu said a few words of comfort, and asked a few more people, and the answers were almost the same.

"Wu country is short of food!" Yang Xu said happily.

"It's just a lack of food, and it's not at the end of the mountain." Du Yu explained.

After several tosses in Jiangdong, Sun Hao and Zhong Hui repeatedly launched the Northern Expedition, and the country of Wu was exhausted long ago. Zhong Hui's 15 troops were stationed in Ruxu and Niudu, and they had to deal with the Nanzhong Qin army in the south. Naturally, there was not enough food.

Yang Xu thought for a while and said: "Zhong Hui is frivolous, Duke Du should be on guard against the danger of his soldiers."

Dongguan was not foolproof. Ding Feng once fought hard in the snow and defeated Sima Zhao's [-] troops in one fell swoop.

"Haha, what Your Highness said is true, but Zhong Hui is a stern person. The year before last in Xuchang, the Wu army sat on the mountain and watched the tigers fight. They could go straight to Qingyan in the north and go down to Huaisi in the east, but Zhong Hui did not move. He missed a good opportunity. It can be seen that This person is nothing more than that, looking at his actions today, he is nothing more than a dog guarding the household! Jingzhou, Guangzhou, Yangzhou, the three armies, if any one of them defeats the enemy, Jiangdong will be defeated."

Others were afraid of Zhong Hui's prestige, but Du Yu didn't take it seriously.

This is not to underestimate the enemy, but to gain insight into the essence of Zhong Hui.

So far, except for bullying Sima Yan and Sun Hao, Zhong Hui has not had a successful record.

After asking about food, Du Yu asked about the Wu army's equipment, morale, main generals, etc., and even asked about Jiangdong's defense map from the mouth of a captain.

The whole state of Wu looked naked in front of Du Yu.

The timing, location, and harmony of people are all in the hands of the Qin army, and there is only one opportunity left.

Apart from asking Du Yu for advice, Yang Xu didn't forget Yang Zheng's intention of sending him to this expedition, and he also secretly wooed the generals in the army.

In fact, there is no need to woo, as long as you are not stupid, you will know to take the initiative to get close to the prince.

Especially Gou Xi, who was originally talented and never had a chance to show off. When he finally met Yang Xu, he naturally hugged his thigh tightly.

Talk about military aircraft every day, or learn martial arts, no one can match it.

Zhang Gui can barely compete in military strategy, but his martial arts are far behind.

Beigong's pure martial arts skills are good, but his military strategy is a little bit worse.

Yang Xu benefited a lot from being close to him.

(End of this chapter)

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