
Chapter 863

Chapter 863
The progress of defeating Wu was not smooth.

Yanghu and Luo Xian on the western front were still blocked in Xiling, and Jianping prefect Wuyan cast iron ropes to block the Yangtze River in Yidao, Lexiang, and Xiakou.

Duyu encountered heavy rain on the eastern front, and the roads were muddy, making it impossible to go south.

Huo Biao, Yang Ji, and Mao Jiong in the south were blocked by the Tao Huang brothers.

Lu Kang is the most famous in the state of Wu, and the battle of Xiling made a big difference, covering Tao Huang's brilliance.

If Lu Kang is the barrier to the east and west of the river, then Tao Huang is the barrier to the southeast of the river.

When the Shu Han perished, the state of Wu was ready to move. Huo Yi attacked decisively. The vanguard Yang Ji defeated the Wu army, beheading Liu Jun, the governor of Wujiaozhou, and the former supervisor. Sun Hao sent Xue Jue, Yu Fan, and Tao Huang to support him, and was defeated by Yang At the hands of Ji and Mao Jiong, the Wu army was defeated like a mountain, and the Qin army drove straight in, almost swallowing the entire Lingnan in one gulp.

It was Tao Huang who defended Hepu and curbed the rapid advance of the Qin army.

Hou Guoma rebelled, attacked and killed the governor of Guangzhou, Yushou, and claimed to be the governor of Guangzhou, and the military forces of Guangzhou Erzhou, united with the South Central Qin Army, and absorbed the Lingnan barbarians, with a great momentum.

It was still Tao Huang who went out and defeated Guo Ma three times, five times and two times. In half a month, such as Tang Poxue, Guo Ma, He Dian, Wang Zu, Wu Shu, Yin Xing, etc. would be passed on to Jianye, and the Qin army did not do it. Ready to intervene, the situation in Lingnan was stabilized.

If Huo Yi was still alive, Yang Zheng would have enough confidence, but now the governor of Nanzhong is the young and energetic Huo Biao.

Huo Biao's loyalty is fine, and he really wants to make contributions to Daqin.

However, it is difficult for a novice on the battlefield to take the initiative to attack a veteran.

Although Yang Ji and Mao Jiong are veteran generals, they do not have an absolute advantage in front of brothers Tao Huang, Tao Jun, and Tao Kang.

Right now, Jiangdong is like a walnut. Everyone knows that the inside is crisp, but they just can't break the shell.

The centipede is dead but not stiff. From the time of Sun Quan's death, the court of Wu State has been in a bloody storm, staggering, but it just doesn't fall down.

Yang Zheng read the battle report, hesitating in his heart whether to continue to increase the number of troops.

If you are not in charge of the family, you don't know how expensive Chai Migui is. Before going out to fight, it was Lu Zhi who took care of the rear.

Only when Yang Zheng stayed in Daxing this time did he realize how much pressure a war put on logistics.

Luo Xian was provided with food and grass from Shuzhong, and Yanghu was supplied from Nanyang and Hedong. Huo Biao, Yang Ji and others had few soldiers, so the pressure on food and grass was not great, and Jiaozhou and Nanzhong were self-sufficient.

Du Yu was under the greatest pressure, with [-] cavalry and more than [-] horses and livestock.

It has only been a year since the end of the Great War in the Central Plains, and with the exemption of taxes, the only little grain in the hands of the local governments is eaten by people and chewed by horses. After two or three months, it is almost the same.

Lu Qin in Huaibei has already submitted a request for food, grass and troops.

Zhong Huiti's 15 troops faced the battle, and with the addition of the Wu army in Jiangbei, Du Yu's [-] cavalry was under great pressure.

But if you want to increase your troops, you need to raise taxes.

"Reply to Lu Qin, I can support food and grass, but I don't need reinforcements. Daqin has difficulties, but I believe Wu is more difficult than Daqin." Yang Zheng has enough confidence in Du Yu. The family background is not comparable to the young and strong recruited by Zhong Hui temporarily.

Besides, Du Yu didn't even write a letter to ask for help, which shows that everything is under his control.

Isn't it consumption?

The huge Central Plains, plus Guanzhong, Shuzhong, and Nanzhong, can't consume a mere Jiangdong?
"Your Majesty, you don't need to worry too much. Jiangdong is exhausted, and the Wu Kingdom will be destroyed in this battle. As for food and grass, as long as this old bone is still here, the soldiers in front will definitely not starve!" Lu Zhi cupped his hands.

Yang Zheng was moved in his heart. He has been supporting him all the way to this day, "Uncle Lao."

Wei Guan also agreed with Lu Zhi's point of view, "I also believe that Soochow will surely perish. Wait for a while, and there will be good news ahead."

Du Yu, Zhou Zhi, Yang Hu, Luo Xian, Wang Jun, Huo Biao, Yang Ji...

This lineup is even more luxurious than the battle between Jin and Wu in history.

"Then I'll see if Zhong Hui has three heads and six arms." Yang Zheng laughed.

A few days later, Zhang Te, Ma Long, Yang Xiao, Pang Qing and other governors wrote letters one after another, saying that Dong Wu had just had civil strife, Zhong Hui was named the Duke, the country was suspicious, and the soldiers were eccentric. Give the clock time to develop.

Wen Yang, Meng Yu, Meng Guan and other generals also took the initiative to fight.

Du Yu and Yang Hu's memorials were also sent up. They were on the front line and could see it more clearly.

"Your Majesty's proclamation is deafening. Jiangdong scholars and people who bring their families northward are like crucian carp crossing the river. Jiangdong's people's hearts are floating and morale is collapsing. This is also a sign of the country's subjugation. Lu Kang is a famous general. He has lost ground. Zhong Hui calls himself a hero. It is in vain. Biao, they are not people who are destined for the world, as long as half a year, as short as three months, the minister must go to Jiangdong, and capture Zhonghui, Lu Kang, Sun Jinxian and Daxing!"

It's still Du Yu's domineering, who even calculated the time to destroy Wu.

This is almost a military order. If Wu cannot be destroyed, he will bear the corresponding responsibility.

With Du Yu's current status, if he is not [-]% sure, he will never be so entrusted.

Except for Du Kuan, a few old scholars who had been sitting on the bench all year round and did not want to fight, the other officials in the court unanimously advocated the resolute destruction of Wu.

"A century-old bandit must not be brought back to life."

"The Great Qin is invincible vertically and horizontally, and it cannot be stopped by a big river!"

Yang Zheng's proclamation not only set off turbulent waves in Jiangdong, but also caused shocks in the country.

The general trend of the world, the long-term must be united!
Only when Great Qin ruled the world can it truly possess the orthodoxy and legitimacy inherited from the Han and Wei dynasties!
This is the basic responsibility of a dynasty.

The Shu Han was a mere state, and the country was small and weak. It also went out of Qishan six times and cut down the Central Plains nine times.

Even Cao Shuang knew that he wanted to conquer Shu, although the motive was not so pure...

The atmosphere in the middle school was unprecedentedly hot. Scholars debated how long Jiangdong could resist in the teahouse library, and even analyzed the battlefield situation in a serious manner.

The common people are also talking about it after dinner and tea, and they are proud of their words.

The tyrants of the Yongliang gentry sent their children into the army one after another, expressing their support for Daqin with practical actions.

The scholarly spirit advocated by Yang Zheng for so many years has finally begun to bear fruit.

To live in the vastness of the world, to establish the right position in the world, to walk the way of the world.If you are successful, you will be free with the people; if you are not successful, you will follow your own path.Wealth and honor cannot be promiscuous, poverty and lowliness cannot be moved, and might cannot be subdued. This is called a real man!
Among the sages of Confucianism, Yang Zheng admired Mencius even more.

Confucius founded the sect, and Mencius continued the past and opened up the future.

The spirit of Chinese scholars is many times superior to the so-called "aristocratic spirit" in the West.

It is a pity that in the long dark history, generation after generation of Sima Yi-style characters rose up, and after generations of refined egoists misinterpreted, they gradually erased the nobility and elegance in the bones of our nation, and also wiped out the blood and bravery in our nation... …

In this era, Yang Zheng's greatest wish is to reshape Huaxia's spiritual outlook.

Of course, this is a long process.

Maybe decades, maybe hundreds of years...

As long as you sow the seeds and persevere, they will always break through the ground.

Yang Zheng clearly felt the positive state of the whole country, and he no longer had any doubts about the battle to destroy Wu.

With the current state of Qin, how could it be possible to lose?
In other words, what does Wu Guo win?

(End of this chapter)

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