
Chapter 864 Advantages

Chapter 864 Advantages
Ruxu's confrontation continues.

But as the weather cleared, Wu Jun's advantage was lost bit by bit.

More and more Wu troops fled and surrendered to the Qin army.

Du Yu gathered the surrendered troops, each with [-] mu of Huainan fertile land, and promised that if Wu was destroyed, each of them would increase by [-] mu, and those who did meritorious deeds would be rewarded again!
During the confrontation in 70 and [-], Huainan, which was rich and prosperous in the Han Dynasty, became a no-man's land.

Large tracts of fertile soil are waiting to be reclaimed.

Du Yu promised to reward this place, which not only filled the population of Huainan, but also did not touch the interests of any forces.

Twenty acres of good land can make a family of five eat and drink without worrying about food and drink. With 120 acres, you can directly become a landlord...

During the Three Kingdoms period, the Shibing system was widely implemented, which means that the imperial court cultivated a piece of land, and the family members managed it in a centralized manner, forming military households. Even when they are old, they cannot retire and continue to serve as heavy soldiers until they are exhausted. Their status is not much higher than that of slaves, and ordinary people are unwilling to marry them.

Several battles in Hefei, the Wei army fought hard to defend the city, Cao Wei's reward was only to exempt some of the meritorious soldiers from the world soldier system...

So it is conceivable how much the temptation of dividing the land was to Jiangdong soldiers.

Under the reward, there must be a brave man.

Before, the troops who had surrendered like frost beating eggplants, after eating two full meals, all of them had eyes shining like wild wolves.

The water army in Chaohu Lake is getting bigger and bigger.

Ding Wen is worthy of being the son of Ding Feng, and the training of the navy was quite effective. He quickly compiled a 6000-man navy with extremely high morale.

But the biggest problem is the lack of warships.

The warships built by Lu Qin on the Huaishui River cannot be compared with Wu Jun's buildings and boats.

A qualified warship cannot be built in a short time.

"No matter how quickly our army builds warships, it cannot compare with Wu's army." Yang Xu came to a conclusion after observing the navy in Chaohu.

Du Yu nodded, "It is really difficult to defeat Wu Jun on the water now, what is your highness' good strategy?"

"Big boats are time-consuming and labor-intensive, so why not use small boats?" Young people's thinking should always be more active. The young talents gathered around Yang Xu are all chosen at the moment, and they can always find something different by brainstorming.

"Oh?" Du Yu became interested.

"Our army only needs to build rafts and bamboo rafts, select soldiers who are good at water, cover them with heavy kerosene, directly hit the big Jiangdong ship, and then use walking boats to clean up the battlefield!"

The fierce fire oil can float and burn on the surface of the water when it meets water, which is simply a weapon for water warfare.

Du Yu laughed loudly, "Your Highness is very intelligent and very human!"

I didn't have much hope at first, but I didn't expect Yang Xu's suggestion to make people's eyes shine.

"Mr. Du praised it absurdly. This is the strategy of the prince to give up people to Zhang Gui and Wen Ji." Yang Xu was not greedy for merit.

This made Du Yu take a higher look at him, feeling in his heart that Lao Yang's family has successors.

Modesty, Minghui, such a prince is full of expectations.

Du Yu is a cautious person, and he has a strategy to defeat the enemy, but the feasibility needs to be verified.

People in Chaohu Lake, ten big rafts are full of straw people, with dry firewood and oil tanks in the middle.

Du Yu gave an order, and the six sailors among the straw figures slid quickly, and the raft shot out like an arrow from the string, crashing into the center of the lake from all directions.

With a "boom", the flames rose into the air, black smoke billowed, and flames spread across the lake, burning wherever it flowed.


The general who watched was amazed.

Ding Wen lost his mind and said: "Once this thing comes out, there will be no more sailors!"

The bigger the boat, the more powerful the fire oil will be.

Du Yu shook his head and said: "Although this thing is powerful, it is by no means invulnerable. Before the raft gets close, the enemy can shoot it with rockets, and it can be cracked. All fighters should not stick to one frame."

"What the governor said is true." Ding Wen's face looked better now.

Once you have something to destroy the enemy, it depends on when you use it.

Ruxu City.

There are human heads hanging on the city wall.

Despite this, there is still an endless stream of people who escaped.

During the day, Zhong Hui pretended to encourage morale, and promised to share [-] acres of land after the victory. The soldiers also showed great enthusiasm.

"He Qin Jun is also a head, so why be afraid of it?"

The soldiers were honest and honest, and they swore to devote themselves wholeheartedly, spitting, as if they wanted to fight the Qin people forever.

Zhong Hui was very satisfied and relieved, and rewarded him with wine and meat on the spot.

However, early the next morning, all the people in one camp ran away, leaving only the lame old yellow dog who barked at the bell...

The biggest function of Ruxu City now is not to resist the Qin army, but to lock the Wu army inside to prevent them from surrendering to the enemy...

Zhong Hui's face was red, and he swore and swore all his life, but he didn't expect to be cheated by a group of reckless men.

In fact, this cannot be blamed on the soldiers of the Wu army. Zhong Hui entered Jiangdong for the first time and looked like a saint. The people of Jiangdong were full of expectations for him, and Zhong Hui also painted a lot of big cakes. It got worse in the past, the government and the opposition fought several times, the people lived in hardship, and Zhonghui's pie grew bigger and bigger.

After being enfeoffed as Duke Yue, the children of Yingchuan ascended to heaven and became a new class riding on the heads of the people in Jiangdong, taking food from the tyrants of the gentry.

Such and such, how could Jiangdong Shimin have confidence in him?
To some extent, he deceived Jiangdong Shimin first.

With the example of the Sima family before him, no one believed that he was Zhuge Wuhou who dedicated himself to death.

The soldiers followed Zhong Hui and escaped death, wondering if they could get the [-] mu of land he talked about. There are only so many fields in Jiangdong, how can they give away [-] mu of land to reward the soldiers?

People are not stupid, one person has 1 mu, 20 people are 15 mu, 300 people are [-] million mu...

How many fields are there in the entire Jiangdong?

And surrendered to the Qin army, and immediately had a piece of fertile land in Huainan, which could be divided into one hundred acres after the destruction of Wu.

It is clear at a glance who is more credible on both sides.

There is a lack of people everywhere in the Central Plains, and there are fields, Huainan, Huaibei, Huaixi, Jingzhou...

After the destruction of Wu, more fields will be cleared.

In this regard, no one questioned Qin's determination. Back then, the Sima family still had the land occupation system against the Great Qin's land equalization system, and Jiangdong had nothing...

As a last resort, Zhong Hui could only stick to Ruxu.

Although he had a huge advantage in terms of military strength, Zhong Hui couldn't guarantee that after pulling out more than [-] troops, he would turn against him...

"Forget it, just keep your beard!" Zhong Hui's confidence was shaken again and again.

He couldn't understand that his family background and talents were the best in the world, but he was still no match for others.

Jiang Bin said with a half-smile, "The general trend of the world, like the water of this great river, is irreversible."

Zhong Hui squinted his eyes and said weakly: "Second brother, before the end, how do you know who will win?"

So far, the Qin army has been blocked from the border of Soochow.

"People who run away are not worthy of pity, but staying is a disaster. Sun Zhongmou's 40 Wu army can stop Cao Mengde's [-] steps, so why are you afraid of Du Yu?" Zhong Hui smiled, "What is the general trend of the world? It's just The soldiers are strong and the horses are strong!"

Supporting Zhong Hui's confidence are the elite who followed him in the South and North Wars and exiled to Jiangdong, and now there are 3 people left.

He just needs to hold on to Ruxu, this is his last bottom line.

(End of this chapter)

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