
Chapter 865 Gathering

The deceased is like a husband who does not want to leave day or night.

In a blink of an eye, another two months have passed.

Everyone knows that the general trend of the world is irreversible, but when the general trend will come, no one knows.

Maybe a month, maybe a year, maybe ten years...

To the west, Xiling City stands still.

In the south, Yang Ji, Mao Jiong, Tao Huang, and Tao Jun fought several times, winning and losing each other, but they couldn't start the situation for a long time.

To the east, Du Yu garrisoned troops at Dongguan, but did not send out, and absorbed Jiangdong's descendants.

Facing the tremendous pressure from Daqin, the state of Wu is still struggling to resist.

The situation seems to be stabilizing gradually.

If there is no military victory, Jiangdong will always be strong.

"It only takes one big victory, and Jiangdong will fall apart!" Yang Hu said while looking at the long river.

"Xiling and Jiangling are both fortified cities, and it will be difficult to capture them in a short period of time!" Luo Xian sighed.

Yang Hu is a very charismatic person, but so is Lu Kang.

The two were evenly matched, those who surrendered in the Wu army almost voted, and those who remained swore to follow Lu Kang to the death.

"The pillar of Jiangdong is nothing more than Lu Kang alone, and his subordinates have a plan to destroy Jingzhou!" Luo Shang cupped his hands.

"Oh? What's the major general's strategy?" Yang Hu didn't like Luo Shang, but he still gave him some face.

"You can make an army pretend to be defeated, surrender to Lu Kang, and then wait for the opportunity to assassinate him! Once Lu Kang dies, the dragons in Jingzhou will be leaderless, and the army will naturally be defeated!" Luo Shang said with a gloomy face.

Yang Hu frowned, "Major General's words are wrong, what kind of person is Lu Kang? How could he not know how to feign surrender? Besides, even if Lu Kang can be assassinated, it will definitely arouse the Jingzhou army's heart of revenge and hatred against the enemy. , On the contrary, it helped the morale of the Wu army."

Luo Xiandao: "The Great Qin is open and upright, how can he act like a villain? Even if he wins, he will be despised by others!"

"My humble opinion at the moment." Luo Shang didn't force it.

While the few people were talking, the guards came to report, "The two governors, Yizhou Inspector Wang Jun led [-] warships, and [-] troops went down the river, and they have left Baidi City!"

The crowd cheered.

It is a good thing to have reinforcements, and it is still a navy.

"So, Xiling can go down!" Luo Xian said happily.

The two expeditions were blocked by Xiling, and Luo Xian was full of hatred for this fortress.

"The Inspector Wang is highly relied on by His Majesty, so don't wait too long." Yang Hu reminded.

Luo Xian nodded, "Send an order to welcome the Yizhou Navy!"

On the surface of the river, white sails are blossoming, like white clouds sailing out from between the green mountains.

Many ships are not warships, but civilian ships.

However, the flags on the ship were fluttering, and the soldiers standing on the bow were full of energy, holding swords, spears, bows and crossbows, standing on the deck.

Wang Jun was very skillful in governing the army and the people. When he guarded Tongguan and confronted Meng Guan, the Qin army did not find the slightest weakness.

"Wang Jun is from the north, and he would manage a naval force without even thinking about it." Luo Xian was amazed.

Yang Hu also admired him greatly, "No wonder His Majesty favors him so much."

In the past, Yang Zheng's judgment on his career and career attracted the attention of the whole world, which indirectly raised his popularity in Daqin.

When the big ship entered the port, a group of mighty soldiers disembarked first, with flags and honor guards, and the cards were bigger than Luo Xian, the governor.

The generals frowned.

Yang Hu comforted everyone, "Those who have extraordinary abilities must have extraordinary abilities. If you look at their tools, if you have great talents, you must use them!"

Yang Hu has always been a kind person, and he will not offend anyone.

Luo Xian gave him face and didn't say much.

Surrounded by a group of generals, Wang Jun walked up, and bowed his hands to the two from a distance, "The two governors came to welcome your subordinates, and you will break the evil."

Wang Jun also had a bit more ostentation, but he was not annoying.

The three of them were not narrow-minded people, and after a few polite greetings, the estrangement disappeared.

"Xiling City is high and solid. Even if our army can capture it, there will be heavy casualties. There are also important towns downstream, such as Yidao, Jingmen, Lexiang, Gong'an, Xiakou, Wuchang, and Chaisang. Once our army is exhausted, Lu Kang will send his troops I'm afraid there will be Liu Xuande's defeat in Yiling back then." Wang Jun has no obsession with Xiling.

"If you don't destroy Xiling, how can you capture Jingzhou, and if you don't destroy Jingzhou, how can you capture Jiangdong?" Luo Xian said in a deep voice.

Wang Jun cupped his hands and said, "If you don't break the Xiling, why can't you go straight down to Jiangdong?"

This question made both of them stunned.

But soon realized that Yang Hu praised: "Worthy of Wang Shizhi!"

Luo Xian bowed his hands and returned the salute, "A great strategy!"

If it was two years ago, when Lu Kang held an elite navy in his hands, Wang Jun's words would be nonsense.

But now that Lu Kang's navy is gone, Qin Jun has the advantage.

On the other hand, Wu Jun was used to the solidity of Xiling, and never expected that Qin Jun would go directly down the river.

Unexpectedly, attack its heart!
Yang Hu reminded: "Wu Jun built three iron cables on the Yangtze River, I am afraid that the navy will have difficulty passing through."

Wang Jundao: "This is why Wu's army has a guilty conscience. If it has a navy in hand, why bother to cross the river? The subordinates have their own way to break the iron chain. Eastern Wu is solid on the outside and empty on the inside. If it can break through Jingzhou and go down the river, the Wu people will surely Shocked, the subordinates recruited and accepted the rebels, rushed into Jianye, and wiped out Soochow!"

It's so easy to say, but it's another matter to implement it.

Just like when Du Yu smuggled into Yinping back then, it seemed simple afterwards, but Du Yu knew the dangers involved.

Wu Guo has always attached great importance to the defense line of the Yangtze River. If there is any accident, Wang Jun will never return.

Wang Jun's ambition clearly exceeded Luo Xian's and Yang Hu's expectations. He originally thought he was just capturing the weakly defended lower reaches of Jingzhou, but he didn't expect that his mind was directly on Jianye!
"There is Lu Kang in Jingzhou, Tao Huang in Lingnan, and Zhonghui in Jianghuai. Although our army is strong, there is nothing we can do for a moment. Otherwise, we cannot defeat Dongwu." Wang Jun bowed his hands to the two again.

Luo Xian still frowned.

From another perspective, Qin and Wu confronted each other. If Wang Jun never returned, and the Qin army was defeated for a while, the morale of the Qin army would inevitably be damaged, and there would be no talk of destroying Wu.

Staying in Xiling, the three armies will fight fiercely, although it is a stupid way, but the victory is safe.

Since ancient times, planning is easy, but making decisions is not easy.

Luo Xian is responsible to the court and to Yang Zheng.

But Yang Hu laughed loudly, "Whoever destroys Wu must be ruled by the king! Governors don't have to worry too much, soldiers are precious and fast. Now that the people of Jiangdong are scattered, and the rule of soldiers is going down the river, the people of Wu will think that the country will be destroyed. Take full responsibility!"

In terms of fighting, Yang Hu is not as good as Luo Xian, nor is it as good as Lu Kang, but when it comes to understanding people, there are not many people in the world who can surpass him.

Historically, Du Yu and Wang Jun happened to be recommended by Yang Hu to Sima Yan.

Wang Jun saluted Yang Hu gratefully.

Luo Xian stared at Wang Jun with piercing eyes, "Wang Taishou dares to risk his life, how can he tie his hands and feet? If this battle can be successful, there will be fewer than 10 dead bones, a total of [-] families, and five soldiers in our army." Thousands of elite sailors can be transferred to the command of the prefect, and Luo Xi and Luo Shang obey orders, so the general king will go out."

"Wei!" The two walked out with their hands clasped together.

"There are two governors in the Great Qin Dynasty. Can Jiangdong's security be destroyed and the country's security not prosper?" Wang Jun saluted Luo Xian.

Although he knew that Luo Xian's sending his two nephews was meant to share military merits, but this kind of trust was rare.

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