
Chapter 866 Choice

A-Tong and A-Tong, floating across the river with a knife in his hand, not afraid of beasts on the shore, but afraid of dragons in the water.

This nursery rhyme is spread everywhere in Jingzhou.

Wang Jun's nickname is A Tong.

Beasts on the shore, sheep also, alluding to Yanghu in Xiangyang.

The dragon, the king of the water, the dragon in the water, the three points of water that are dredged, plus the surname Wang, correspond to the nursery rhyme.

It's not a day or two for Wu Guo's people to fluctuate.

Qin and Wu confronted each other, and Jiangdong's people were scattered, so all kinds of negative words emerged one after another, some of which were the secret work of Xuanyi Division of the Zhenfu Division, and some were circulated by the people themselves.

Wang Jun led thousands of large ships down the upper reaches, each of which was painted with the appearance of strange birds and evil beasts, and the roar of war drums resounded on both sides of the river.

They also built wooden rafts and bamboo rafts to accompany them along the river, so that the folks waved their banners and shouted day and night, with a momentum like a rainbow.

The people of Wu became more and more frightened. When they arrived at Yidao, they encountered iron cables blocking the river. Wang Jun set a torch on a raft, more than ten feet long, and dozens of circles in diameter. .

It was late autumn, and there were strange birds and beasts in the mist, and black smoke billowed in the firelight, all strange and bizarre.

Most of the Wu troops on both sides of the strait were Shanyue and Wuling barbarians. When they saw strange phenomena in the river, they thought that the river god was manifesting spirits, and they all knelt down and worshiped.

Wang Jun's water army was unimpeded.

There was a lot of turmoil upstream, but Lexiang downstream had received the news early.

Wu Yan hastily reported to Lu Kang, "The navy of the Qin people attacked, broke through the waters of Yidao, and came to Jingmen and Le Township."

"Prepare for battle." Lu Kang just replied lightly.

Wu Yan immediately summoned infantry and set up defenses along the river, set up more than 400 catapults in the narrow part of the river, and stored tens of thousands of cans of kerosene.

Countless wooden rafts and bamboo rows are moored on the river. Once the warships of the Qin army approach, these rafts will turn into fire boats and rush towards the Qin army...

In order to be safe, Wu Yan also prepared a death-death battalion, with more than two thousand elite veterans, armed with hammers and awls, and he personally led the team, preparing to dig through the bottom of the Qin army's ship.

Without warships, we can only use human lives to fill them up.

The autumn wind was blowing, and it was infinitely cold, and the old soldiers in the death camp were shivering.

There was determination in his eyes, "I am willing to die for the great general!"

Willing to die for Lu Kang, not for Wu...

Naturally, Lu Kang could understand. He walked up to a familiar old soldier and wanted to say something, but he couldn't say anything, and the tired look on his face became more and more serious.

"Don't worry, general, we will definitely let the Qin army come and go!" The old soldier's eyes were firm.

Lu Kang calmly said, "Shen Hei, your grandson should be ten years old this year."

"Go back to the general, there are three years left, you can continue to fight for the general!"

The fate of most military households is like this. It is not surprising that three generations of grandparents and grandchildren are in the army.

"Order the whole army to return to the city!" Lu Kang seemed to be infected by the old soldiers, and his eyes became determined.

Wu Yan was taken aback, "General?"

"This is a military order, go back to the city!" Lu Kang's voice suddenly became louder.

Everyone heard it.

In an instant, the determination in the old pawn's eyes turned into joy, being alive, no one wants to die.

Today, resistance is meaningless.

Even if Qin Jun is blocked this time, what about next time?What's more, Qin State didn't use all its strength at all this time.

However, the state of Wu has long been riddled with holes, and when the call to action from the state of Qin came, the state of Wu was already dead in people's hearts...

The land equalization system has great appeal to both common people and soldiers.

It is clear at a glance whether people's hearts are against each other, how could Lu Kang not know?
"Go back to the city! Go back to the city!" The old soldiers threw down their iron awls and hammers with tears in their eyes.

Wu Yan's expression became much more relaxed, and he said with a wry smile: " should have been like this...Why is Jiangdong guarding it? Even if we die in battle, we will just make a wedding dress for Zhonghui."

"If Zhong Hui can help Jiangdong, he may not be able to stand against the Qin people. However, Zhonghui is only Sima Zhao. Jiangdong has shed enough blood. If we can't eliminate the thieves for the country, let the Qin people go."

on the river.

The figure of Qin Jun's big ship became clearer and clearer.

Although the momentum is like a rainbow, Wang Jun is still very worried. The key to success in this battle is whether he can quickly pass through Le Township.

This place is the place where Lu Kang stationed troops, the real gate of Jiangdong.

"Is there Wu Jun on the river?" Wang Jun's everything was on this battle.

If you succeed, you will be able to rank above the Great Qin Dynasty, and your credit will even surpass that of Yang Hu and Luo Xian, and you will be close to each other.

If you lose, you don't need to think too much, Wang Jun will definitely be buried in the belly of a fish.

"My envoy, no trace of Wu Jun has been found!"

"Why not?" Wang Jun was taken aback.

Lu Kang was good at planning, and there were tens of thousands of elite Wu troops in Le Township. If he planned properly, he could definitely fight the Qin army.

It is only necessary to arrange fireboats in the narrow part of the river, and shoot them with catapults on both sides of the river. Wang Jun will peel off his skin if he is not dead. will be slowly devoured...

The Yangtze River defense line that Wu has operated for decades is by no means in vain.

At that time, Cao Wei, who rode hundreds of thousands of steps at every turn, looked at the river and sighed.

No matter what Lu Kang did, Wang Jun would not be so nervous.

The most dangerous thing is not being able to see the enemy's methods clearly.

"There is nothing on both sides of the strait." The scout was also very nervous by Wang Jun.

Wang Jun's first reaction was that Lu Kang was planning something else, "The fleet slows down, all the scouts are going downstream to investigate!"

"Wei!" The scout walked away with his hands in his hands.

"Could it be that Lu Kang is afraid of our army's prestige and dare not fight?" Luo Shang interjected.

This remark immediately drew a burst of ridicule.

Without Luo Xian by his side, Wang Jun's subordinates certainly wouldn't give this "major general" face.

Luo Shang blushed.

Who is Lu Kang?

Back then in Jingzhou, there were internal and external troubles, [-] Jin troops, plus [-] step family troops, Lu Kang only had more than [-] troops, and even dared to face the difficulties, this time the Qin army that went down the river was less than [-]. What to be afraid of?

Wang Jun squinted at him. Luo Xian is Wang Jun's superior, but Luo Shang is not. A subordinate speaks without permission, without even a respectful title. With a great reputation, how can you be a coward?"

Luo Shang was sensible and didn't say much, but the moment he lowered his head, there was a little sharpness in his eyes.

After more than an hour, the scout clipper came to report, "Report to the envoy, all Wu troops have returned to Lexiang City, and the iron chains on the river have been removed..."

Wang Jun was taken aback for a moment, but soon understood, and laughed loudly: "So that's the case! So that's the case, this is God's help, and it's Lu Kang who helped me!"

Smart people can guess the other person's mind with just one move.

The rift between Zhong Hui and Lu Kang has not lasted for a day or two. Before Zhong Hui became the Duke, he led an army of 15 to force Lu Kang to bow his head.

Lu Kai, another pillar of Jiangdong, died for no apparent reason.

There are so many bad things, Lu Kang has no reason to stick to Zhong Hui.

Even if the Qin army is blocked this time, the biggest beneficiary is Zhong Hui, and maybe he will go one step further, becoming the king...

"Order the whole army to silence the flags and drums, so as not to disturb the soldiers and civilians of Le Township." Wang Jun was full of respect for Lu Kang.

It would be very difficult for anyone in Lu Kang's position.

Fortunately, Lu Kang chose the worst path...

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