
Chapter 867

Defenses can not do without.

Temple calculations are always temple calculations, Wang Jun still made some preparations, using rafts and heavy boats to clear the way ahead, in case Wu Jun was tempted underwater.

The entire river was stable and passed safely.

All anxiety in Wang Jun's heart was gone.

It is self-evident that the Qin army passed through Le Township and directly reached the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River.

The big banner with the word "Qin" was hung on the warship, and the war drums rang together, shouting and cheering, and the sound shook the north and south of the river.

The governor of Xiakou stayed in the constitution, and General Shi Hong of Pingxi was in doubt. He either suspected that Lu Kang would surrender to Qin, or that Lu Kang was defeated by the Qin army. Wang Jun made a decisive decision and drove the water army to attack the city. Ambush, captured in one battle, Xiakou then surrendered.

The Qin army was so powerful that it was like a tiger in a flock of sheep, invincible, without bloodshed. The cities in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River either surrendered or were captured.

Taking advantage of the situation, Wang Jun incorporated the Jiangdong water army, read out the Daqin Pingjiangnan Manifesto, and promised to distribute the land and exempt taxation after the destruction of Wu.

The people in the south of the Yangtze River responded to the Qin army one after another, and joined the army of the Eastern Expedition on their own boats and rafts.

Wuchang, Chaisang and Wu Jun were silent like cicadas, and there was no one who hesitated to resist.

Wherever the big banner with the word "Qin" came, the gates of the city opened abruptly, the mighty drove the sheep and the oxen to greet each other, and the common people gave each other food, pots and oatmeal.

Wang Jun ruled the army strictly, forbidding soldiers to harm the people.

Wu people respected him more and more.

Like a snowball, Wang Jun's troops rolled bigger and bigger until they reached the lower reaches of the Yangtze River. The flags and armor covered the sky and the river, and their power was so powerful that all those who watched were lost their souls.

Banners with the word "Qin" were hung on the heads of the cities along the river.

However, after entering the border of Jiangdong, fewer and fewer Wu troops surrendered.

After making a detailed report, Zhong Hui moved the family members of Wu Jun's officers and soldiers to Ruxuzhou to take care of them.

One person surrendered, and the whole family was beheaded.

Under the coercion, the entire Jiangdong was suddenly plunged into terror and panic.

The country is about to perish, but not many people are impassioned.

Standing at the bow of the boat, Wang Jun looked at the boundless scenery of Jiangdong, and patted the side of the boat, "I have no regrets so far!"

It is only one step away from Jianye, and the immortality is close at hand.

"Congratulations, envoy!" Luo Shang appeared behind him at some point, with a somewhat strange tone.

Wang Jun stared at Luo Shang, and suddenly felt that Luo Xian sent him for a more complicated purpose.

The merit of destroying Wu is too great, and someone will definitely be tempted.

It is necessary to have the heart of guarding against others, and you must not have the heart of harming others.

Wang Jun knew his situation, and all his power came from the emperor's trust. He offended many people just because he killed the nobles in Shandong.

This is a vote of honor, and it is also a risky move. Although it has successfully won the emperor's favor, it has also buried a lot of hidden dangers.

Therefore, I usually pay great attention to personal safety, and the soldiers around me are loyal and loyal soldiers.

"What's the matter, Major General?"

"Zhonghui stationed troops in Ruxu Prefecture. The river is narrow and defended by an elite navy. The waterway is difficult to succeed. The subordinates ask for orders to go overland, cross Wanling from Jing County, and attack Jianye from south to north!" Luo Shang's tone was incongruous. It seems to come to ask for orders, but to report.

Wang Jun frowned, and his good mood suddenly faded. This is clearly to grab credit.

At present, Zhonghui's army is gathering in Ruxu, Jianye is empty, and people in Jiangdong are in panic. As long as the banner of Daqin stands under the city, Jianye will surrender without a fight.

Luo Shang was the first to destroy Wu!
Wang Jun put all his wealth on the front line, but the credit goes to others...

Wang Jun looked at Luo Shang, and Luo Shang looked at him without courtesy.

Suddenly, Wang Jun laughed, "The major general seems to have underestimated the Jiangdong people. Wanling is the southwest gateway of Jianye. With Zhonghui's cunning, there must be strong soldiers guarding it..."

"I don't need the Inspector to worry about this matter." Luo Shang was full of confidence, and he emphasized the word "Inspector", intending to remind Wang Jun that he did not have the power of the governor and could not control him.

Along the way, Wu Jun looked forward to the wind and surrendered. Since Wang Jun was going, Luo Shang felt that he could do it too.

"Then I wish the Major General the best of luck!" Wang Jun sneered.

"Your subordinate will leave." Luo Shang also sneered and bowed his hands.

Fan Tong, the guard, said in a low voice: "Luo Xian is loyal, resolute, and talented. I never thought that my nephew would be so miserable that Junda would not obey the military order to kill him."

Wang Jun said with a smile: "This man has great ambitions and talents, and is greedy and insatiable. I expect him to lose! Let him try Jianye's defense. It's not a bad idea."

"Even so, the Lord should make preparations early in the morning and report to the imperial court so as not to be held accountable in the future."

"That's right." Wang Jun nodded in agreement.

Everyone can ignore and offend, but the emperor cannot hide anything.

Wang Jun's future status will all depend on the emperor's trust in him.

Ruxu City.

After receiving the battle report, Zhong Hui finally lost his former composure.

Wang Jun's water army was able to go down the river, it must be Lu Kang who released the water.

"A certain person treats Lu Kang like a brother and a foot, so why abandon each other!" Zhong Hui raised his forehead with his hands, and lay lazily on the soft bed.

The surrounding generals Zuo Wubu laughed inwardly.

Half a year ago, Zhong Hui led an army of 15 to force Lu Kang to submit. How could there be such a brother in the world?

After that, Zhong Hui advanced to the title of Duke Yue and killed the Supreme Emperor Sun Hao.

But the murderer has been at large.

Although Sun Hao was angry and resentful, he was the last emperor of Soochow after all.

Zhong Hui's various behaviors are the same as those of Sima Zhao back then.

There are storytellers everywhere in Jiangdong, and the Sima family's scandals are well known to the world. Zhong Hui hooked up with Sima Zhao, and he will never be able to clean up for the rest of his life.

With so many stains on his body, Lu Kang had already restrained himself from turning against Jianye.

"It's okay, it's okay, Lu Kang should have not surrendered to the Qin army, Wang Jun came alone, Ruxuzhou is a fortified wall, and Jiangdong can be protected without worry." Zhong Hui seems to be talking to himself, and it seems to be telling others .

The water of Chaohu Lake flows to the southeast, passes through Dongguan between the Qibao and Ruxu mountains, and flows eastward into the river. The people of Wu built a city in the north of the river, named Ruxu City. The island, across the river, looks like a natural fortress.

Behind Ruxu are Stone City and Jianye.

After the battle of Yiling, Cao Pi was so hotheaded that instead of attacking the extremely weak state of Shu, he attacked Soochow with heavy troops. At that time, Zhu Huan succeeded Zhou Tai as the governor of Ruxu.

Relying on his large number of troops, Cao Ren dispatched his son Cao Tai to raid Ruxu City, Chang Diao, Zhugeqian, Wang Shuang and other generals to raid Ruxuzhou where Wu Jun's family members lived by boat, and led [-] elite troops to support him.

Zhu Huan seized the opportunity to attack the weakest Cao Tai and set fire to Cao's camp. Cao's army was defeated.

Zhong Hui also followed Zhu Huan's example and moved Wu Jun's family members to Ruxuzhou, where they were separated from the inside and outside for easy supervision.

The effect was not bad, as fewer and fewer Wu troops surrendered, and the situation was barely stabilized.

However, from the original 15 army, now there are only less than 12 left.

One in five soldiers defected...

Shen Ying really couldn't see it anymore, she cupped her hands and said: "Although Ruxu is strong, Du Yu is in the north, and Wang Jun is in the west. We are attacked on both sides, and our army cannot move. If Wang Jun sends an army to attack Jianye, what can we do? "

"Jianye is defended by my son Zhong Yi, and Wanling is guarded by Zhou Chu. Wang Jun's tens of thousands of horses want to raid Jianye, daydreaming. Generals, although the current situation is difficult, it is not dead. Among them, when the Qin army is exhausted, our army will smash it with one blow, and then we will share Jiangdong equally with you!" Zhong Hui habitually drew a big cake.

However, there are too many cakes and paintings, and they have never been realized, so others will feel nothing.

The last person who ate the bell and got big cakes, now he doesn't know whether he is alive or dead.

People are doing it, not only the sky is watching, but also under the eyes of everyone.

There was no disturbance in the hearts of the generals, they looked at me and I looked at you, and replied listlessly, "Thank you, Duke Yue."

The scene was deserted and slightly embarrassing...

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