
Chapter 868

For the Qin army, the opportunity for a big war has arrived.

Wang Jun went down the river and tore open Jiangdong's solid shell.

Throughout the battlefield, the advantage has completely shifted to the Qin army.

No matter what the general trend of the world is, it must be reflected on the battlefield. Now Soochow is only one battle away from destroying the country.

Jiangdong's navy advantage has been quietly resolved.

Du Yu and Wang Jun occupy the upper reaches of the north and the west respectively.

In water warfare, whoever is upstream has a decisive advantage.

When Sun's father and son attacked the upper reaches from the lower reaches, Huang Zu guarded Jiangxia for 17 years, repelled the Wu army many times, and shot and killed Sun Jian, Ling Cao, Xu Kun and other generals.

"General, Du Du's military order!" Fan Tong presented Du Yu's military order.

Wang Jun opened it, and as expected, it was an order to attack Ruxu together.

It is clearly stated above that Du Yu's army besieged Ruxu City and attracted the Jiangdong navy. Wang Jun quickly captured Ruxuzhou, and then strangled Zhonghui's army on the north bank together.

Wang Jun's mind was on Luo Shang who had been away for many days.

This partial division progressed quite smoothly.

When the Qin army arrived, the Wu army opened the city and surrendered one after another. According to the news from the scouts, Jing County was captured without bloodshed two days ago. Calculating the time, they should arrive in Wanling today.

To the north of Wanling is Jianye.

Luo Shang's march was so smooth that Wu Jun surrendered in anticipation, so that Wang Jun doubted his own judgment.

Wu Guo has long been a rotten fruit, waiting for people to pick it.

If the credit was taken by Du Yu, Luo Xian, and Yang Hu, Wang Jun would recognize it, but how could it be convincing for someone like Luo Shang?

It was as disgusting as eating a fly.

Wang Jun is old and has a great desire for fame.

Of course, this is also because there was no opportunity before, and the years are wasted. I don’t know that I am almost sixty. If I don’t grasp the opportunity this time, I will only grow old in a mediocre way...

"General?" Fan Tong's voice was slightly louder, which brought Wang Jun back to reality.

"Order the whole army to attack Central Continent!"

Zhongzhou is another name for Ruxuzhou.

"The whole army is dispatched!"

The sound of the messenger was louder than the sound, and after a while, the drums sounded, and all kinds of flags were waved.

More than a thousand warships on the river seemed to wake up, one by one sails were hung up, and the helmsman and oarsmen began to row the warships.

On the big river, the wind is surging.

Gusts of river wind blew away the unhappiness in Wang Jun's heart.

One day's march, Ruxuzhou can be seen far away.

Like Lu Kang, Zhong Hui forged a triple iron chain across the river.

There are also iron cones in the river water, and reefs and wooden piles are piled up.

This is the so-called "bronze wall and iron wall" by Zhonghui.

"Zhonghui has a great reputation for more than 20 years, and his name is in vain. However, it is far inferior to Lu Kang in Jingzhou." Wang Jun's evaluation of Zhonghui was greatly reduced.

Fan Tong replied: "Zhong Hui is from the north, so it is only natural that he is not familiar with water warfare."

"This person is not only not familiar with water warfare, but also does not know what will happen in the future. The first battle in Xuchang did not move forward and missed a good opportunity. It shows his mediocrity. Zhong Hui's reputation will be ruined here!" Wang Jun waved his hand, and the bow of the ship waved the flag.

The white sails were lowered one by one on the river, the oarsmen stopped, and only a few heavy ships with a deeper draft rushed downstream.

The underwater iron cones and wooden stakes were pulled up and continued to rush towards the iron cables.

Then a burst of rockets shot out, and the flames on the heavy ship rose into the air, as if the entire river was ignited.

"Beat the drums and cheer!"

The drums sounded with the roar, and the momentum was overwhelming.

Wu Jun on Ruxuzhou looked at the river in astonishment, indifferent.

In less than half an hour, the three iron cables were burnt, and Ruxuzhou was like fallen leaves in a strong wind.

This is a war without suspense.

Wang Jun drew his sword and stood up, "Attack!"

At this moment, Ruxushui was also in flames.

Wang Jun looked down on his old boss Zhong Hui, and actually Zhong Hui didn't think much of his old subordinate Wang Jun. He only had Yang Zheng, Lu Kang, and Du Yu in his eyes, so the navy naturally turned towards Du Yu's army.

Even if the copper and iron walls on the river are broken, there are still [-] elite soldiers on the island, and [-] Wu troops will stick to the city.

As long as he stayed there for two days, Zhong Hui would be able to defeat Du Yu first, and then take advantage of the momentum of the victory to destroy Wang Jun.

But God did not wish.

In front of Du Yu's raft and bamboo raft, Jiangdong's most proud water army has become a living target. The bigger the boat, the bigger the target, and the easier it is to catch fire.

Groups of flames rose, and Wu Jun's warship fell into the sea of ​​flames.

The red-yellow flames are like tarsal maggots, as long as it is touched, it is difficult to be extinguished.

Wu Jun screamed and jumped into the river, barely escaping the catastrophe.

But what came oncoming was Qin Jun's ropes and wooden sticks.

In order to survive, many people didn't care so much and surrendered to the Qin army one after another.

There are also many people who sink forever under the icy river.

The Ruxu water was originally narrow, and several large ships in front burned up, lost control, and slammed into the warships behind. The flames danced wildly, gradually swallowing the "Wu" tooth flag, and the bright flames illuminated the entire battlefield.

On both sides of the strait, the Qin army's iron cavalry was like two evil dragons, rushing to the rear of the Wu army.

Seeing the momentum of the cavalry, Wu Jun didn't even have the courage to go out of the city to rescue, and watched helplessly as the navy was eaten bite by bite.

Looking at the burning tooth flag, Shen Ying sighed in her heart, and wanted to swing her sword to kill herself, but was stopped by Sima, "It is God's will for Qin to destroy Wu, why bother to be buried for Zhong Hui? The general doesn't think about himself, don't he think about his children?"

Shen Ying withdrew her long sword, "Order the whole army, no need to resist, surrender!"

Without his order, warships surrendered to the Qin army one after another.

Wu Jun in the water was also picked up by Qin Jun.

However, the floating corpses still covered the surface of the river.

Yang Xu looked at the twisted and scorched corpse floating in the river, burning beyond recognition, and suddenly felt chills all over his body. He grew up in Daxing since he was a child, and what he saw and heard has never been so horrifying, and the psychological impact on him can be imagined.

The enthusiasm for war in the past has dissipated a lot.

No matter how much it is described in the Art of War, it is still not as good as seeing it with your own eyes.

"Soldiers are murder weapons, and saints use them as a last resort." Du Yu comforted softly.

Yang Xu breathed out the cold air in his heart, "The general trend of the world is fixed, Zhong Hui will donate the lives of thousands of people for one person's selfish desire, this person can be killed!"

"Since the great chaos at the end of the Han Dynasty, there have been more than tens of millions of casualties? Only by unifying the world can the people be restored to peace. Does Your Highness know the heavy burden on his shoulders?" Du Yu praised Yang Xu for his compassion.

Only when you know the horror of war, you will not talk about war lightly.

Since the melee of the Three Kingdoms, such a monarch is too much needed.

Great Qin can take over the world immediately, but cannot rule the world immediately. If the second generation of Great Qin monarchs also fight in the south and north like Yang Zheng, I'm afraid it may not last long.

"The general trend of the world, if you follow it, you will prosper, and if you go against it, you will perish! Divided for a long time, it will be united. This is the first major trend. The prosperity of the country and the people's livelihood and people's living and working in peace and contentment are the second major trend. Your Highness's responsibility is no less than that of your Majesty." Du Yu's eyes were full of expectations.

Yang Xu bowed his hands to Du Yu, his expression unprecedentedly strict, "I know you alone, thank you Du Gong for your teaching!"

Du Yu nodded, looking at Ruxu City in the distance, "Next, it's time to end this war."

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