
Chapter 869 Death

Luo Shang marched forward all the way, as long as he raised the banner with the word "Qin" and shouted twice under the city, the city gate would open obediently.

Even if he didn't open the door, Luo Shang came forward with the soldiers to threaten twice, and the defenders surrendered.

Local officials and tyrants will also offer property and beauties.

Luo Shang accepted all the orders, and marched towards Wanling with carts and carts all the way.

The chief general was like this, and his subordinates were even more unbearable. General Ji left it behind, at first he only accepted it, and later he asked for it.

Everyone has bulging bags on their backs, laughing all the way.

There was Xuan Yilang's advice, but Luo Shang didn't take it seriously, "Soldiers will go out with the general, if there is no money to motivate them, how can they give up their lives? Don't talk too much, or you will be punished for disrupting the morale of the army!"

Xuan Yilang only had the right to supervise and could not interfere with the decision of the chief general, so he had to write a memorandum and report to his superiors.

Luo Xi was also afraid of making things worse, "The soldiers have acquired wealth, so how can they attack?"

Luo Shang thought it was the same, so he confiscated the goods and loaded them into a cart, claiming to keep them for him.

After eating and spitting it out, it is natural to complain.

Luo Shang promised in public: "Break Jianye, and the children of wealth and goods will be taken by you. Why should you care about these?"

Only then did the soldiers manage to gather some morale.

When we arrived at Wanling, the city gates were closed and the defenses were heavily fortified, which was quite different from the previous cities.

"Wu Jun in the city, listen, the Great Qin King's division is here, surrender quickly, spare your life."

There was no movement in the city.

Luo Xi already had a premonition that things were not going well. Wanling was already on the border of Jianye, and there would definitely be elite soldiers defending it.

At this time, the news of the Ruxu battle had not yet come, and the Wanling defenders did not know that the Zhonghui navy was defeated.

No matter how you call, there is no response from the city.

The soldiers guarding the city looked at the Qin army under the city with contempt.

"Toast, don't eat fine wine!" Luo Shang couldn't hold back his face, and ordered the soldiers to line up.

However, the soldiers were used to being loose all the way, and they were all listless when they saw that they were about to gnaw hard bones.

Only the more than [-] elites around them barely looked good, all in iron armor and well-equipped.

These people are veterans who have followed Luo Xian for many years.

"If you don't open the city and surrender, once the city is broken, no chicken or dog will be left behind!" Luo Shang drew his sword and led the soldiers to the city with arrogance, without even bringing the long ladder to attack the city.

Luo Shang just wanted to frighten the defenders,

Sure enough, the city gate was opened, but not to surrender.

A general was riding on a horse, holding a long knife, looking majestic and majestic, staring at Luo Shang coldly and said: "The Qin army is so powerful in the world, it seems that it is nothing more than that!"

"Bold, do you know who XX is?" Luo Shang hadn't finished speaking when the general Wu had already charged forward.

There was a cold light in the sharp blade in his hand.

The ten or so riders behind were all holding spears, as if a whirlwind rushed out of the urn.

The cold killing intent made Luo Shang suddenly wake up, "Array, array!"

Under Luo Xian's command, he could barely be regarded as a brave general, with someone supporting him behind him, he was naturally full of courage.

But now that Luo Xian is not around, Luo Shang lost half of his courage.

The enemy came too fast, before the soldiers had time to line up, they were rushed into the formation, knocked down several people one after another, and rushed in front of Luo Shang, slashing down with a sharp blade in his hand like a gust of wind.

Luo Shang was overwhelmed with courage, and greeted him with a long knife in his hand.

With a sound of "clang", the long knife and the helmet were chopped off, the whole right arm was trembling, the brain was buzzing, and the heart was shocked, this person has great physical strength.

Looking up again, I saw only a pair of cold eyes and a white light...

Next, Wu will become two...

Zhou Chu spit at Luo Shang whose head was split open, "Hey, how dare the thief underestimate me, a Jiangdong character!"

Waving back, the infantry in the city rushed out.

The Qin army suddenly collapsed, and began to loot the property, making a mess.

Zhou Chu's eyes turned to Luo Xi, and the horse rose up with manpower, shouted like thunder, "Stop fleeing, thief!"

Luo Shang's martial arts skills were still higher than Luo Xi's, but he didn't even last two rounds. Looking back, he was already defeated, only hundreds of soldiers protected him and fought and retreated.

Fortunately, Zhou Chu didn't pursue him. After killing the deserters for a while, he retreated to Wanling City.

Luo Shang's body was just abandoned in the wilderness, and the bloody smell attracted crows and wild wolves to eat it...

Wang Jun was the first to receive the news that Luo Shang was defeated and killed.

"Dudu Luo entrusted his nephew to the envoy..." Fan Tong, the guard, said worriedly.

Wang Jun also felt a headache. Of course Luo Shang was to blame. He was carefully trained by Luo Xian for many years. He didn't expect his ability to be so bad. Wang Jun expected that he would lose, but he didn't expect to lose so badly...

The emperor's respect for Luo Xian is not inferior to his own, but this account may not be easy to settle.

"Right and wrong, His Majesty has his own judgment, so don't worry too much."

There are too many lice to worry about, and Wang Jun's debt is not bad. When he was in Shandong, many people wrote letters to impeach him.

How can you look forward and backward when doing big things?
Wang Jun said in a deep voice, "Today we must break through this city!"

"Wei!" The generals echoed loudly.

There are Wu Jun's family members in Jiangxin City. If this city is captured, Zhonghui in Ruxu City on the north bank will be gone.

However, Zhonghui has kept many elites in the city.

The situation is quite stalemate.

The Qin army attacked for two days, but was still unable to break through the city.

The siege of Ruxu by Du Yu's army did not go well, and Zhong Hui looked like he would carry it to the end.

Obviously, as long as one of Ruxu City and Jiangxin City is breached, the State of Wu will perish.

The small battle in Wanling City is not worth mentioning compared to this moment. The dense rain of arrows poured down from the city, pieces of wood and rolling stones fell down, and people kept falling in pools of blood.

Qin Jun rushed to the city desperately.

The fleeing man was cut down to the ground by the supervising team in an instant.

Compared with the authentic Qin army in Guanzhong, the Qin army in central Shu still has a lot of gaps. Wang Jun has been guarding Tongguan for many years, and he has always had lingering fears about the unyielding momentum of the Qin army.

As long as their emperor points, there will be countless Qin soldiers with flesh and blood to shake the enemy's iron walls.

Wang Jun looked at the three thousand elite soldiers around him.Everyone is eager to try.

But Wang Jun held back and didn't send them up.

"The first climber will be promoted to three levels in a row, and will be rewarded with millions of rewards! Those who die in battle will have [-] acres of land for their families!" Wang Jun shouted, beating the war drum himself.

The military order was passed down, and the morale of the Qin army rose again.

The fiercest fight was precisely the defected Wu army. They were just consumables and slaves in the Wu state, but when they arrived in the Qin army, they suddenly saw hope...

As long as you win, you will have land, money, identity, status, everything.

Even if they died, fifty acres of fertile land was enough for them to live decently.

After being suppressed for too long, the original desire in the body was fully stimulated.

"Kill!" A roar resounded through the sky.

They threw away their shields, grabbed their long knives, quickly climbed up the long ladder like monkeys, and rushed to the top of the city within a few breaths.

No.1 was cut to pieces by the defenders.

The second man was stabbed to death with a random spear.

The third person was shot as a hedgehog, but he still swung his knife forward and stubbornly stabbed out the first knife in his hand. Although he did not hurt the enemy, he gave the enemy a huge shock...

One after another, more and more people rushed to the city wall.

One man fights his life, ten men are defeated, a hundred men forget to die, and the three armies break up!

Even Qin Jun was shocked by this momentum.

The defenders' knives were slashed, their spears were broken, and their arrows were exhausted, but they still couldn't suppress the crazy attack of the Qin army.

Suddenly, someone suddenly discovered that the so-called Qin Jun was actually the former robe.

But Pao Ze was already red-eyed, and he stabbed the ring-shou knife into his chest without hesitation.

"The city is broken!"

There was a burst of exclamation, followed by cheers like a tsunami...

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