
Chapter 870

"Wu Jun in the city, listen, Ruxu Island has been breached, and you will be cut off from the road!"

Under the city of Ruxu, Qin Jun scouts came and went shouting.

Du Yu didn't have the strong desire for fame and fame like Wang Jun did, and with his status, he didn't really need fame and fame, too much credit would not be a good thing.

He cared more about the lives of his soldiers.

Most of Wang Jun's subordinates are from Shu and Wu, but Du Yu's subordinates are genuine Qin troops.

Iron cavalry shrouded the north of Ruxu City like a dark cloud.

Soldiers are like mountains on three sides of Ruxu City.

The glory of the army made even the sky and the earth change color. The wind swept the clouds and quickly floated from the north to the south, and the Ruxu water and the river roared.

An autumn rain followed, pattering, and the world was suddenly dark.

The Qin army under the city stood still, their black armor blending into the darkness between heaven and earth.

The defenders on the city were overwhelmed and breathless.

Suddenly, the war drums sounded in unison.

It came from the sky, from the distant mountains, extremely powerful, extremely heavy, and oppressive like the end of the world.

When the momentum of the Qin army reached its peak, it did not attack the city, but returned to the camp to avoid the rain.

Wu Jun of Ruxu City heaved a sigh of relief.

The boundless murderous aura has long made them terrified.

However, compared to the knives of the supervisory team behind them, they still insisted on standing on the city wall.

"Why didn't Duke Du take down Ruxu in one go?" Yang Xu just wanted to end the battle earlier.

"Ruxu is already dead, and Zhong Hui cannot fly without its wings. This city is very strong, and the soldiers will inevitably suffer heavy casualties. If our army makes a strong attack, they will share the same hatred with the enemy. If our army slows down the attack, Wu's army will definitely undergo internal changes." Du Yu explained.

In addition, Qin Jun didn't have many siege equipment in his hands.

As long as the family members of the Wu army from Ruxuzhou come and stand under the city, how long can the Wu army in the city resist?
In order to control Wu Jun, Zhong Hui gathered his family members together, but now it has become his Achilles heel.

"There are [-] to [-] people in Ruxu, Zhonghui must have no food and grass, and the siege is enough. The subordinates are willing to lead an army across the river to attack Stone City, and go straight to Jianye!" Zhou Zhi asked for orders.

"Yes." Du Yu agreed.

Zhong Hui has a heavy army in the north of the river, and the east of the river is empty.

After taking Jianye, Ruxu City is not important.

"General Zhou's going here will be successful immediately." Yang Xu also encouraged.

Zhou Zhi was overjoyed, knowing that Du Yu wanted him to make meritorious service, "Thank you Your Highness, thank you Du Gong!"

At that moment, they all rode at eight thousand paces, and Yang Xu and Du Yu sent them out of the gate.

Only two hours after Zhou Zhi set off, scouts came to report, "His Royal Highness, the governor, Wang Shishi personally led [-] elites to go down the river and go straight to Niuzhu!"

Breaking through Jianye is the real destruction of Wu.

Du Yu didn't care about this achievement, but some people rushed to get it.

Wang Jun went straight to Jianye without even saying hello, which was a little bit out of bounds, and even a little out of courtesy.

It should be known that there is not only Du Yu, but also Prince Yang Xu under Ruxu City...

If Du Yu and Yang Xu were narrow-minded people, how would they feel?

Du Yu laughed magnanimously, "Inspector Wang is full of enthusiasm, and his heart is commendable."

At this time, Du Yu is still speaking well for Wang Jun.

"Will Inspector Wang disagree with General Zhou?" Being able to say this shows that Yang Xu has seen the essence of the problem.

It stands to reason that all Qin troops on the Eastern Front should be dispatched by Du Yu.

Wang Jun's reckless behavior has already challenged Du Yu's authority.

Du Yu thought for a while, "General Zhou is very wise, and Governor Wang is resourceful and good at fighting. Both of them know the importance, and they will never neglect national affairs just because of a whim!"

"Report, there is a letter from Wang Junshi." The soldiers brought in Wang Jun's letter at this time.

There are two letters in total, one for Du Yu and one for Yang Xu.

The content is almost the same, it is nothing more than that soldiers are expensive and fast, the military situation is urgent, and there is no time to report to Yang Xu and Du Yu in person, please forgive their sins, and then plead guilty in person when Jianye is taken down.

The words are quite humble.

But after Yang Xu read the letter, his impression of Wang Jun became worse...

When Zhou Zhi rushed to Niuzhu, the ferry had been captured by Wang Jun.

He was about to land, but was rejected by the defenders, "No approaching without an order from the king's envoy!"

"Blind your dog eyes, do you know who we are?" the account supervisor said angrily.

"In the North-South War, Wu Jun often pretended to be there. Without a military order, no one should approach." The opponent was obviously prepared.

"Go ashore!" Zhou Zhi didn't talk so much nonsense, he was really stopped by this little captain, and he would never even think about standing upright in front of his subordinates in the future.

In terms of status, Wang Jun is by no means inferior to Zhou Zhi.

What's more, Zhou Zhi's backer is not only Du Yu, but also Lu Zhi.

The ship just leaned straight over.

The other side really didn't dare to act rashly.

Guan stopped the boat and rushed over with more than a hundred soldiers. He was about to kill the captain on the spot, but was stopped by Zhou Zhi, "Why do you have the same knowledge as him? Don't waste time!"

The soldiers got on their horses and went straight to Stone City.

It's a pity that it's still a step too late. The "Qin" flag has already been planted on the stone city.

Jianye's door is wide open.

"The whole army rested overnight." Zhou Zhi said, looking at the gloomy twilight.

"General, Jianye is just around the corner..." Guan Ding was also eager to make contributions.

Zhou Zhi sneered and said: "If Jianye City falls, it will be too late for us to go. If Jianye has not surrendered, why should we rush to go? Let Wang Jun gnaw on the hard bones, and we will get enough energy to take down Jianye in one go .”

Guan Ding suddenly realized, "Haha, the general is brilliant!"

At dawn the next day, scouts and secret agents sent back news that Zhong Yi's son, Zhong Yi, was defending Jianye and was determined not to surrender. Wang Jun stormed all night, but unfortunately [-] troops were too short for a big city like Jianye.

After Wang Jun tried a few times, he set up camp.

"Wang Jun can't do it, let Wu Gou see who is the real Qin Jun!" Xiao general Wu Chao laughed.

Zhou Zhi waved his hand, "Jianye is solid. Even with Wang Jun's strength, it is less than [-] troops. It is difficult to break through. Let's wait and see what happens."

Within two days, Wang Jun attacked twice more, but returned without success.

Zhou Zhi waited for Wang Jun to ask him for help.

Wang Jun was so arrogant that he never spoke to Zhou Zhi, but instead sent people to transfer the army of Ruxuzhou.

Ruxuzhou has an army of [-] to [-]. If it is considered as the Wu army who has surrendered, he can gather some more. Wang Jun's army of [-] can barely capture Jianye.

Seeing that Wang Jun's army was about to come for reinforcements, the generals couldn't sit still and called for a fight one after another, "General, we can't wait any longer! When Wang Jun fights Wang Jun, we fight ours."

Zhou Zhi shook his head.

At this time, the scouts came rushing over, "General, Zhong Yi's troops will unite with Wanlingzhou's [-] troops to launch a fierce attack on the governor!"

All eyes turned to Zhou Zhi.

Obviously, Wang Jun was eager to make meritorious service, and he was a little overbearing.

Luo Shang's [-]-strong army marched straight in, defeated Wanling, and died in battle, which shows that Wu still has the strength to fight.

Zhou Zhi asked, "Did Inspector Wang ask our army for help?"

Marching Sima Zhang Fu said, "Not yet."

"Wang Jun likes to grab credit so much, let him grab it for a while." The subordinates hated Wang Jun extremely.

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