
Chapter 871

The sound of killing in Jianye City shook the sky.

Zhong Yi saw the right moment and joined forces with Zhou Chu to launch a fierce attack.

The timing, location, and harmony of people are all in the hands of the Wu army. Under the attack of 2 people from the north and the south, Wang Jun's camp gradually collapsed.

Thanks to Luo Shang, the Jiangdong Wu army's awe of the Qin army was greatly reduced, and the mentality of sharing the same hatred with the enemy was born. Coupled with Zhong Yi's instigation, the Wu army fought bravely.

Historically, the Wu army's Northern Expedition was extremely hip-stretching, but it was extremely brave in defense.

Over the past few decades, it has repelled the large-scale attacks of the Central Plains again and again.

"Report to the envoy, Zuoying was captured by Zhou Chu."

"Report to the envoy, the right battalion was attacked by Wu general Zhang Ti, please help."

"Reporter, Zhuge Liang..."

All kinds of news told Wang Jun that the situation was not optimistic.

The army under his command had just gone through the Battle of Ruxuzhou. They were exhausted and had no rest for two days, so they raided Jianye non-stop...

Wang Jun put on his armor, raised his long sword, stroked the blade, and sneered, "Wu people really think that a certain old man is too old to fight?"

The reason why he didn't ask Zhou Zhi for help was because he had enough self-confidence.

"I would like to fight with the envoy to the death!" Three thousand soldiers raised their knives and crossbows.

What was missing was the defectors from the left and right battalions, and the elite under his command had been recharging their energy.

If a worker wants to do a good job, he must first sharpen his weapons. This armored soldier was all the elite of the Shu army. They were recruited by Wang Jun, treated them kindly, trained them strictly, and equipped them with fine armor and continuous crossbows.

"My dear son, follow me to win fame, kill!" Wang Jun raised his arms and shouted.

"Kill!" There were bursts of roars on the battlefield.

The black armor is like a black tide, sweeping northward.

Wu Jun fought fiercely for a long time, and when he was exhausted, he did not expect Wang Jun to save his hand.

With swords and shields in front and crossbows behind, the Qin army's arrows were like flying locusts. For a while, Wu's soldiers turned on their backs.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

The entire battlefield seemed to be filled with the sound of their shouts of killing, and Wu Jun fell in pieces like wheat in the direction of the blade.

Zhong Yi mobilized heavy troops to encircle them.

But still to no avail.

Raising soldiers for thousands of days and using them for a period of time, this army has been silent for a long time, even in Jiangxin City, Wang Jun is not willing to use it, and now it is released, like a hungry and thirsty beast, which needs flesh and blood to fill.

The battlefield became extremely tragic.

When Wang Jun guarded Tongguan back then, with [-] to [-] troops in his hands, he dared to utter wild words that he would drain the blood of the Qin people.

But madness has the ability to be crazy.

If he can train an elite navy, he can naturally train an elite army, not to mention Yang Zheng's support behind him.

The blood gathered together one after another, flowing slowly like a stream.

With Wang Jun's momentum, it seems as if he wants to drain the blood of the Wu people...

The brutal fight made the battlefield suddenly silent.

The morale of the Qin army recovered a lot, but after all, the Wu army had an advantage in strength, and another infantry army rushed out of Jianye City to join the battle, and the battlefield turned into a stalemate again.

One side wants to protect the country, and the other side wants to make contributions...

Surrounded by soldiers, Wang Jun looked up at Jianye City not far ahead, and his achievements through the ages were close at hand!
"Boys, work hard!" The desire for achievement turned into a raging fire burning in his chest.

However, at this moment, the earth trembled and the mountains shook in the west.

A cavalry came at full speed.

It is shaped like a huge long sword, piercing the battlefield.

As the first two banners, "Qin" and "Zhou" were written.

"Zhou Zhi!" Facing the mighty Wu Jun, Wang Jun never frowned, but at this moment his brows were furrowed, his mood very complicated.

The cavalry rushed forward, the spear in his hand trembling up and down with the ups and downs of the horse.

Seeing that they were about to enter the battlefield, the cavalry suddenly split into two, only a small group of cavalry rushed to the battlefield, and a large group of cavalry went straight to Jianye City to kill.

The cooked duck flew into other people's bowls, Wang Jun was shocked and angry.

But no matter how fast the infantry is, it is not as fast as the cavalry.

Moreover, Wang Jun was still deeply trapped in the battle formation and could not get out...

With the support of the cavalry, the situation on the battlefield was one-sided.

Wu's army had been fighting fiercely for a long time, with a scattered array and enemies on both sides, so they were naturally unable to resist.

There is a natural fear of the cavalry of the Qin Army.

No matter what Zhong Yi ordered, he couldn't stop the defeat.

Seeing Zhou Zhi's cavalry rush into Jianye City, Zhong Yi lost all hope and bowed his hands towards Ruxu City to the west, "Father, my son will go first."

Then he raised his sword and entered the battle formation, and was beheaded by Wang Jun's armored soldiers.

As soon as Zhong Yi died, Wu Jun's teeth fell down.

The Wu army on the battlefield no longer had the will to fight.

"Those who surrender will not be killed!" Qin Jun's voices persuaded him to surrender all over the mountains and plains. Wu Jun put down his sword and knelt obediently on the ground, no longer as brave as before.

Zhang Ti stood blankly on the battlefield, drawing his sword to charge towards Qin's army.

Zhuge Liang shouted after him: "There is a large number of life and death in the world. How can you know it alone, so how can you kill yourself? And the Lord Qin is benevolent, so he will not do harm."

Zhang Ti burst into tears, "Zhongsi, today is the day of my death. And when I was a child, I was pulled out by Prime Minister Lu. I was often afraid that I would not die, and I was honored as a virtuous and protective person. Now I use myself as a favor for the community. Escaping evil? Don't drag it like this."

Zhuge Liang had no choice but to let go, and Zhang Ti rushed into the Qin army with his sword, and was chopped down to the ground.

Zhou Chu in the south also wanted to fight to the death, but was dissuaded by his subordinates, "Today's battle, the Zhou family will die!"

Director Zhou sighed and put down his weapon.

Recalling the beheading of a Qin general a few days ago, I felt uneasy.

Wang Jun led the two thousand soldiers around him to Jianye City.

There is still sporadic resistance in the city.

Wang Jun ignored it and went straight to the Wu Palace.

I met Zhou Zhi on the road, and the city was in chaos, so the horses couldn't speed up.

The two looked at each other, Wang Jun snorted coldly, but Zhou Zhi smiled and bowed his hands, "Wang Inspector, why is it so late!"

"General Zhou took advantage of people's dangers to take advantage of others, that's not what a real man did."

"This statement is wrong. If someone hadn't led an army to help, Wang Shishi would still be fighting hard."

"Hmph, Zhong Yi is playing tricks on me, defeat is a matter of time."

"A certain clearly saw that the governor was in trouble."

"Small Zhong Yi, what can I do to get a certain?"


The merits of destroying the country are too great, and his name will surely go down in history.

There will also be a place in the Wu Temple!
The two were talking on their lips, but their feet didn't stop for a moment, rushing to the Jianye Imperial City scrambling for the first.

The men and horses on both sides are also tense, but they all have a sense of proportion.

If you make a move, even if you get the credit, you can't be good.

Daqin military law is no child's play.

Wang Jun has a lot of fame and reputation, and Zhou's purpose is not to give up.

Encountering resistance from the Wu army along the way, the two troops fought like wolves and tigers, killing and repelling the enemy.

Invading the imperial city, the number of rebellious soldiers gradually decreased, and Zhou ordered the horse to be fast, one step ahead of him.

Wang Jun was short of breath, knowing that he would not be able to catch up, he changed his mind and panted, "Go to Zhonghui Mansion!"

Jianye is so big, and there are many targets in the city.

Zhou Zhi captured the royal family of Wu State, and Wang Jun captured the officials of Wu State and took control of the whole city. The two were evenly matched.

Jianye City was captured just like that.

However, the dispute between the two was not over. They each wrote the above form and handed it to Du Yu, Yang Xu, and the emperor Yang Zheng who was far away in Daxing.

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