
Chapter 872 The Shadow

Chapter 872 The Shadow
"The Sun family's country can't just disappear like this!" Wujun Qu'a, General Zhenwei Sun Xie shouted.

Wujun is the ancestral home of the Sun family, and there are quite a few plays. Qu'a is not far from Jianye.

The six or seven thousand young men stared blankly at Sun Xie, without much enthusiasm.

However, some people in the crowd still raised their hoes and iron forks, "Take back Jianye and restore Jiangdong!"

The young and strong followed Daliu, weakly shouting.

In addition to the young and strong, there are also many powerful people. Sun Xie tried his best to persuade, spitting, "There are still [-] people in Ruxu, Jingzhou is also in the hands of the general, and Tao Huang has tens of thousands of people in Lingnan." , and work together, why not drive away the Qin people?"

After all, it was the Sun family, who spoke with impassioned enthusiasm.

The tyrants also responded enthusiastically, "That's right, Jianye only has a mere ten thousand Qin troops. Together, we can gather an army of one hundred thousand!"

"There are still our people in Jianye City, and we should cooperate with the outside to destroy this group of northern thieves!"

"Qin people are not made of iron."

"At that time, General Zhenwei can take advantage of the situation..."

The atmosphere gradually warmed up.

Sun Xie's heart gradually became hot.

With the slogan of regaining Jianye and restoring Jiangdong, Jiangdong's hearts can be won, and by then, he might be able to ascend to the big position.

Jiangdong is the Jiangdong of the Sun family...

"Juntian?" A sudden voice from the crowd sounded like a bucket of cold water was poured down.

Countless pairs of hungry eyes stared at Sun Xie.

Sun Xie suddenly discovered that these clay legs were a little abnormal today...

The tyrants can't sit still, even the fields, where does the fields come from?It's not theirs yet.

What Daqin did in Shuzhong and Shandong made them feel like a light on their backs.

What happens in the world is none of their business.

It doesn't matter whether Jiang Dong's surname is Sun or Yang, but whoever dares to move their fields will kill them!

"The people of Qin waited for me to equalize the land, why should we beat the people of Qin?" The audience continued to ask.

"The national crisis is ahead, how can you only care about your own selfishness? Come and take down those who deceive the public!" Sun Xie of course wants to protect the powerful.

More than a dozen trilogy came out with knives to grab people.

However, there was a sudden roar from the crowd: "Daqin is here to share the land and exempt you from taxation. What are you waiting for? Do you want to continue working for them, exhausting yourself?"

"They won't let us live, we won't let them live!"

A roar sounded, and the young and strong raised their iron forks and hoes...

Zhong Hui still draws a cake anyway, these people don't even bother to draw a cake...

"Are you going to rebel?" Sun Xie was trembling with anger, and the faces of the "meat eaters" on the stage became gloomy. They never thought that they were like sheep in the past, but today they have the courage to resist.

But when he said this sentence, Sun Xie was also stunned. Today is different from the past...

Some of the crowd looked at him coldly, with extremely contemptuous eyes.

"Anything is wrong, kill them, and use their heads to exchange fields with Daqin!"

The crowd was thoroughly agitated.


The ants-like people in the past turned into flames, blazed up, and rushed towards the wooden platform. Sun Xie and the tyrants were shocked and angry, but they let out screams in the blink of an eye.

Pang Qing stared coldly at the rioting crowd, and secretly cursed idiots.

This time he personally led more than 300 Xuan Yilangs to the south, in order to eliminate the moths in this land...

Jiangdong is full of wealthy families, it is not difficult to destroy Wu, but it is not easy to destroy Jiangdong.

Someone must do something that is not seen in the light. Wang Jun's massacre in Shandong gave Pang Qing an inspiration.

For this reason, he specially wrote to the court, leading Xuan Yilang to set off a riot in response to the Wu army.

On the wooden platform, Sun Xie and the others were bloody and bloody, their heads had been cut off, and the young and strong were still unsatisfied.

A Xuan Yilang yelled in Wu dialect, "If you don't do anything, don't stop, break the city and welcome Daqin!"

"Kill!" The young and strong went completely crazy, rushing towards Qu'a City in a dark manner.

Looking at the inhuman corpse, Pang Qing didn't feel much psychological burden.

These powerful families are still the enemies of Daqin. They don’t need to be kind to the enemies. If they are alive, Jiangdong’s rebellion will continue one after another, and more people will die.

After 80 years of nourishment by Wu Guoqi, the Jiangdong tyrants are more arrogant than the Central Plains tyrants.

Since the founding of the country by Sun Quan, military power has been in hand.

Pang Qing even enjoyed this feeling a little bit.

Hiding behind the scenes to make waves, playing with others in the palm of your hand.

Where there is light, there must be darkness.

Speaking of black shadows, Pang Qing immediately thought of Wei Guan...

The riots became bigger and bigger, and Wu County spread to Kuaiji and Danyang.

Of course, not all tyrants are so ignorant, some are quite prescient.

He had already sent people to ask the prince and Du Yu in the Ruxu camp to surrender, and after receiving the prince's decree, he helped the people in Wuzhong very cleverly, avoiding a catastrophe.

The tyrant who was cornered by the rioters surrendered unconditionally.

Pang Qing also wanted the achievement of destroying the country.

The status of the Qingying disciples is a bit lower than that of Du Yu, Zhang Te, Wei Guan, and Ma Long. Liu Heng has been obsessed with women for the past few years, and his health is getting worse and worse.

Meng Guan was too impatient and disagreed with Wei Guan, so he was released as the governor.

If you don't take advantage of Wu Wu's rise, the children of the Qingying will fall into the population again. This is the last thing Pang Qing wants to see. "Send someone to contact Tao Huang."

Zhong Hui was in Du Yu's mouth, Lu Kang was stared at by Luo Xian and Yang Hu, leaving only Tao Huang in the south.

Six days ago, the Tao brothers fought hard and severely injured Huo Biao, who was eager to make achievements and advanced aggressively. If Yang Ji, Mao Jiong and other old troops did not come to the rescue in time, Huo Biao might not be able to get out of the battlefield.

The Qin army has changed from offensive to defensive, and the situation in Lingnan is favorable to Wu army.

Tao Ji, the father of Tao Huang, was willing to be the governor of Jiaozhou, and the Tao family was quite influential in Lingnan.

In addition, Tao Huang loved the people like a son, so he was deeply loved by the people in Lingnan.

The Jiangdong tyrants were already the fish on the chopping board, and Pang Qing rode his horse southward.

As soon as he arrived in Luling, the envoy had already returned, "Report to the waiter, Tao Huang will not see me!"

"Not seen?" Pang Qing sneered, "If you don't see it, it's up for sale, so someone went to lobby in person!"

Although the Tao family is also powerful in Jiangdong, Pang Qing still knows who can move and who cannot.

More than a dozen riders wearing stars and wearing moons rushed to Hepu to show their banners.

Daqin servants, the emperor's close ministers, Tao Huang has to give face no matter what, but no matter how Pang Qing persuades, Tao Huang never surrenders, "Although Jiangdong is dead, Eastern Wu is not dead, your majesty and Duke Yue are still in Ruxu, and the general is still here In Jingzhou, you have received great kindness from the Duke of Yue, so you don’t need to say more.”

Pang Qing was not in a hurry, "Ruxu is an empty city, and sooner or later it will be defeated. Within ten days, there will be news."

"Then wait for news to discuss!"

Neither of them talked about surrender.

Tao Huang has a forthright personality, similar to Pang Qingnianji, and after spending a few days together, their relationship has improved by leaps and bounds.

However, there was no news from Ruxu and Jingzhou in the north.

"Did something happen again?" Pang Qing felt slightly uneasy.

(End of this chapter)

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