
Chapter 873 Blood Rain

Chapter 873 Blood Rain

There were several heavy rains in the Jianghuai River, and the river surged, so it was delayed for a few days.

Standing in the heavy rain, Zhong Hui looked at the continuous Qin army camp outside the city, feeling extremely depressed, "My intelligence and strategy are the best in the world, why have I fallen to this point?"

Jiang Bin also stood in the heavy rain, "Jiangdong can only be peaceful, it's nature. When Sun Ce was crowned the first king, Sun Quan was so ambitious, but he couldn't succeed in the Northern Expedition, let alone Duke Yue? Yue Gong's act of imitating the Sima family is unpopular. Thirdly, Yue Gong pretends to be talented, but he is resourceful and indecisive. He is hesitant at key points. If he could give up Xuchang and take Huaisi, although Jiangdong can't match The people of Qin resisted, but it lasted at least 20 years."

Zhong Hui looked up to the sky and laughed loudly, "Haha, that's how it is."

If you choose Jiangdong, you will not be able to succeed.

Jiangdong's problems are not limited to these?
A Lu family is a hurdle that Zhong Hui can't get over.

This has little to do with intelligence.

"For today's plan... the defeat is set. The Qin army besieged the city on three sides, and Jianye fell behind. If you stay in Ruxu, you will definitely die. It is better to cross the sea by boat..."

Zhong Hui is unrighteous to Jiang Bin, but Jiang Bin still has some affection for Zhong Hui.

"Crossing the sea?"

"Both Ryukyu and Fusang can gain a foothold. The Central Plains have been returned to the Great Qin, and Duke Yue has no chance."

"I will always be a hero, and I want to cross the sea to be with the barbarians?"

With a sound of "clang", Zhong Hui pulled out the long sword at his waist, and murderous aura surged in his eyes, "As long as there is a certain breath left, Yang Zheng will never win!"

Jiang Bin quickly took two steps back.

But Zhong Hui didn't hurt him, but slashed wildly in the rain, sometimes crazy, sometimes laughing, and sometimes singing: "Strengthening the mountain and overwhelming the world, and the time is not good. The time is not dying. The dying is so helpless! Yu Yu Xi Yu Xi Nai Ruo He!"

Even at the last moment of life and death, Zhong Hui is still a celebrity.

Boom, boom, boom...

Qin Jun's war drum sounded again.

Thousands of old and weak women and children walked under the city wall in coir raincoats, "Son, Jiangdong is gone. Daqin has allocated fields to our family. It is beside Chaohu Lake, a high-quality paddy field..."

"Husband, Daqin built a new house for us, so we don't have to starve or suffer from cold anymore, let's go home soon..."

There was a sound like complaints and weeping.

This situation also made the defenders on the city cry.

But they couldn't move, because behind them was the ring-shou knife shining coldly.

Both the city and the city were weeping, mixed in the heavy rain, making it even more miserable and desolate.

"Father..." A soldier finally couldn't help throwing down his spear, squatted on the ground and cried loudly, but was pierced in the chest by the supervising team who rushed over, and kicked down the city wall, leaving a long series of miserable wounds. Call……

Jiang Bin looked at everything indifferently, but something was touched in his heart.

But he knew that he could not persuade Zhong Hui to surrender. Once he spoke, his life would be lost.

In the past few days, there were 17 people who persuaded Zhonghui to surrender. Their heads are now hanging on the city wall, shaking in the wind and rain.

The bell danced for a while, sang for a while, and finally got a little tired.

The indifference returned on his face, "Huh, today it is raining continuously and the river is soaring. There must be floods between the Jianghuai and Huaihe Rivers. This is God helping me. It only takes a few days for the river to flood and flood the camp of the Qin army, and Du Yu will die." Day, and it is not too late to counterattack Jianye by then!"

Jiang Bin was stunned, suspecting that Zhong Hui had become delirious due to a series of setbacks and had hallucinations.

Du Yu is a wise general who is famous all over the world, and the camp of the Qin army has long been established on the high ground.

Ruxu City is located between the Ruxu River and the river. If there is a flood, Ruxu City will be flooded first...

Perhaps when Zhuge Dan was besieged by heavy soldiers, he also had such hallucinations.

But after seeing Zhong Hui's cold eyes, Jiang Bin became very sensible and fell silent.

There are always some people who are not reconciled to failure, and there are always some people who cannot afford to lose.

Zhong Hui led his own soldiers to "encourage" the soldiers on the city wall, "Soldiers, there is no need to be afraid. I have a plan to defeat the enemy, and it will be within ten days!"

The crying stopped abruptly.

Not because I believed Zhong Hui's nonsense, but because I didn't dare to cry anymore.

The sword in Zhong Hui's hand was stained with too much human blood, and the whole city was shrouded in terror.

The rain still stopped.

Although the river roared, it did not flood after all.

Flooding is the dark Qin army pushing forward with all kinds of siege equipment.

Even if the city is muddy, it can't stop their progress.

"Listen in the city, kill those who will end the meeting, reward millions of dollars, be promoted to prefect, and seal three thousand households! The same goes for those who opened the city!"

Qin Jun roared again and again.

Jiang Bin muttered to himself in a low voice: "Is it finally over?"

There was silence in the city, and everyone's eyes drifted towards Zhong Hui intentionally or unintentionally.

This irritated him even more. People are more sensitive when they are at the end of the road.

"Those who dare to look at me will have ulterior motives, behead!"

An inexplicable order was issued, which increased the terrifying atmosphere in the city.

This time even Zhong Hui's personal guards were not spared.

Hundreds of human heads rolled on the city wall.

Zhong Hui stood in the blood and scanned the crowd.

Sure enough, no one dared to look at him anymore.

But Zhong Hui's eyes drifted towards Jiang Bin intentionally or unintentionally, and Jiang Bin quickly lowered his head.

"Second brother, when you and I were sworn brothers, did you remember the oath?"

"I don't want to be born in the same year, the same month, and the same day, but I want to die in the same year, the same month, and the same day." Jiang Bin quickly replied.

Zhong Hui was very satisfied, "So don't be surprised, second brother, you and I are brothers, and we will definitely be able to repel the Qin army!"

"What brother said is true!"

The Qin army under the city has begun to attack the city.

Zhong Hui's energy turned to the city.

At this moment, the two guards beside him suddenly jumped up, "Kill the thief!"

The blade quickly pierced Zhong Hui's back.

Everyone around him was stunned, these two are children of Yingchuan, Zhong Hui treats them like nephews!
No one expected that they would betray Zhong Hui!
Zhong Hui reacted very quickly, pulling the nearest bodyguard as fast as he could.

With a puff, the guard died tragically immediately.

Zhong Hui's back was also scratched, but he also avoided the fatal blow. He turned around, drew his sword, white light burst out, blood spattered, and bright arms flew up.

All movements are done in one go, extremely flexible.

The two Yingchuan disciples screamed again and again.

Zhong Hui was like a leopard completely enraged, "Why! Why! Why!"

The whole person fell into madness again.

A mouthful of bloody saliva flew onto Zhong Hui's face, "The general situation... is over, why bother to drag the whole city with you? All soldiers, kill this thief and go home—"

The cry of "go home" was unusually loud.

He also exhausted all his strength.

With a "poof", his throat was cut by Zhong Hui's sharp blade.

"Thief! Thief!" Zhong Hui roared, his former celebrity demeanor was gone, and his whole face was distorted.

A conceited and proud person cannot accept the betrayal of the closest person no matter what.

The two guards fell.

However, the anger of those around him seemed to be ignited.

All of them looked at Zhong Hui without fear.

Zhong Hui pulled out the second sword from his waist, and this sword was Jiang Bin's Shu Zhujian.

The two swords were in Zhong Hui's hands, as if they had come to life, and there was a green glow on each of the swords.

At this moment, Zhong Hui can no longer trust anyone.

And everyone couldn't believe Zhong Hui.


"Yue Gong is crazy!"

The ground on the city wall shook, as if something had collapsed.

There was the sound of weapons being thrown on the ground everywhere.

Even Zhonghui's supervisor team put down their weapons.

The rain started to fall again, pattering, sprinkled on everyone's heads, and it was icy cold.

The gate of the city had been opened, and the Qin army entered the city with neat steps. Amid the clanging of armor, there was an unrivaled sense of oppression.

"Brother!" Jiang Bin changed back to the previous address.

He suddenly remembered that in the days in Hanzhong, Zhonghui had the blessings of the entire Central Plains behind him, so dazzling, but now, he is as embarrassed as a drowning dog, with disciplined gray hair sticking to his face, and blood and dirt on his white clothes.


As soon as the sword light rose, clouds of blood mist burst out from the rain curtain, and the guards around Zhong Hui fell down screaming one after another.

He went completely insane, slashing at everyone around him wantonly.

Jiang Bin picked up a spear on the ground, "Zhong Hui, you are defeated!"

Attracted by his voice, Zhong Hui stared at Jiang Bin with blood-red eyes, and rushed over with two long swords in hand, "You are also a traitor!"

The spear pierced him, but Zhonghui would not stop, cut off the spear with one sword, and continued to stab Jiang Bin with the other long sword, "Death!"


The sharp sword pierced through Jiang Bin's waist and abdomen without hindrance.

Zhong Hui laughed ferociously.

Jiang Bin looked at Zhong Hui with great pity, and suddenly smiled painfully, "I don't want to be born in the same year, the same month, and the same day, but I want to be born in the same year, the same month, and the same day—die!"

Then, with all his strength, he pierced the broken spear handle into Zhong Hui's neck...

The two supported each other like this, and died on the city wall.

But soon the body was torn to pieces by Wu Jun who came to grab credit...

(End of this chapter)

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