
Chapter 874

Chapter 874

"Greetings, greetings to His Royal Highness the Crown Prince." Sun Jin knelt down in front of Yang Xu along with a group of Wu generals.

The Qin army around them stared at them with knives.

The autumn rain was cold and cold, Sun Jin's thin body trembled slightly, holding the seal ribbon in both hands, there was not much sadness on the face of the death of the motherland, only fear.

After all, he is just a child less than ten years old, and Zhong Hui will raise him in the deep palace, like a canary.

"Exemption." Under the protection of his personal guards, Yang Xu took the seal ribbon, handed it to Zhang Gui beside him, and then helped Sun Jin up, with a gentle smile on his face, "Don't worry about the king, the world will be unified from now on, Jiangdong There are no more swords and soldiers, the common people can live and work in peace and contentment, and the ruler can enjoy wealth and honor in peace.”

Behavior and speech all reflect the grace of the Great Qin Prince.

In addition, Yang Xu inherited half of Xia Houxuan's elegance and appearance, making him even more personable.

It made the generals and officials of the state of Wu who were present feel admiration.

They all admired secretly in their hearts, the emperor of Daqin was often known as tyrannical, never thought that the prince would be so benevolent, Daqin's country would be stable...

Du Yu smiled slightly, "General Zhou is young and has a bright future, but he is a big tree, so don't show off too much."

This kind of thing can be big or small. For half a month, the grievances between the two sides have become more and more serious. Although there has been no mutiny, the private fights between the soldiers of the two sides have often occurred, which made Jianye fly like a dog.

The faces of the people around are not looking good.

Du Yu's limelight seems to have surpassed Wei Guan, Zhang Te, Pang Qing and others. He formed a faction in Daqin, and the local tyrants in Yongliang vaguely moved closer to him. After all, the Du family was originally a tycoon in Guanzhong.

The main reason for the controversy this time was that Wang Jun was too sharp and arrogant. Zhou Zhi wanted to stand up for Du Yu, so he naturally understood Du Yu's meaning of "a big tree attracts the wind and should not be too sharp".

Yang Xu couldn't make a judgment at the moment.

In this era, it is not unusual for a city to be held for a year or so.

Both sides are happy.

Wang Jun dared to break through the heavily blocked Yangtze River. This courage and determination is already the most eye-catching existence in this battle.

After a few words, Sun Jin's face was filled with joy, and she couldn't wait to go to Daxing.

This question should not have been brought up at this time.

"Your subordinates know!" Zhou Zhi said respectfully.

"Oh? Why doesn't the lord go to Daxing?" Yang Xu said gently.

Yang Xu said: "Daxing City has three Jianye Colleges. It snows heavily every winter. You can build snowmen and have snowball fights. If it's cold, there's a warm room. They're full of enthusiasm. Has the lord seen people from the Western Regions?"

Yang Xu said warmly: "The Great Qin has all the loyal and brave soldiers, and it is truly a blessing to the world."

If he hadn't broken the deadlock, Qin and Wu might still be in the confrontation.

Zhang Gui was about to make an exit, but was stopped by Du Yu's eyes.

"It's my great fortune to be able to fight for the Great Qin in this life!" Zhou Zhi was full of enthusiasm, he was praised by the crown prince, and in the eyes of the crown prince, he worried that he would not have a chance in the future?
Wang Jun also bowed his hands, "I only hate that I didn't meet Your Majesty and Your Highness sooner and serve the Great Qin."

Zhang Gui cupped his hands, "Mr. Du has far-sightedness, but Gui is not as good as he is."

However, Du Yu has been keeping a low profile these years, so he doesn't attract much attention.

"I am fighting the enemy with all my strength, and I am about to attack Jianye, but General Zhou led the cavalry to grab the merits. I hope Your Highness will return the minister with justice!" Wang Jun is very angry these days, and he also knows that the crown prince and Du Yu have some problems. I don't want to see him, but if I don't fight at this time, the chances in the future will be even smaller.

Lingnan Tao Huang also submitted a request to surrender.

Du Yu said: "Inspector Wang broke the confrontation between Qin and Wu in one fell swoop, and he deserves the first credit!"

Even if Wang Jun and Zhou Zhi do not fight, their subordinates will fight to the death.

Yang Xu said: "What Du Gong said is very true. Wang Shishi should be the first to contribute, and General Zhou's decisive attack to win Jianye can be the second."

Du Yu is not only talking about Zhou Zhi, but also talking about himself.

"Thank you Your Highness, thank you Dudu." The three generals bowed their hands to the two.


Sun Jin was gradually attracted and shook her head repeatedly.

Du Yu nodded slightly, "The relationship between the crown prince and Lord Wu is harmonious, everyone in Jiangdong belongs to Daqin, and Lu Kang in Jingzhou and Tao Huang in Lingnan can surrender."

The scene suddenly quieted down.

As a subjugated king, it is certainly impossible to stay in the homeland.

The first achievement in destroying the country is enough to leave a name in history.

In the pre-Qin period, for the sake of military merits, even the heads of their own people were cut off and used for meritorious service.

"We must appease the soldiers and prevent troubles."

Du Yu interrupted with a wave of his hand, "The Inspector Wang led his army down the river, broke through Xiakou, Wuchang, and Chaisang, and broke through Ruxuzhou. On par with Wang Cishi?"

Wu Guojun and his ministers looked tense.

Secondary work is not small.

The expressions of the Wu generals around him gradually dimmed. Compared with the Great Qin Prince, the little emperor of Wu is really a child.

The little emperor was kept in the deep palace all the year round, and he grew up in the hands of women. Zhong Hui would naturally watch over him strictly, so although Sun Jin was almost ten years old, he was still as innocent as a child.

The only thing that gave Yang Xu a headache was the lawsuit between Wang Jun and Zhou Zhi...

"Men in the Western Regions have chestnut hair and beards, and women can dance Hu dance."

The key point is that Zhou Zhi is young, and there will be opportunities in the future, while Wang Jun's hair is gray...

After retiring, Zhou Zhi could not avoid meeting Du Yu.

All the civil and military officials in Jiangdong, and the surviving gentry came to pay their respects.

Yang Xu put on a brocade fur coat for Sun Jin, and Sun Jin stopped trembling, looked at Yang Xu and said, "Prince, can I stay in Jianye instead of going to Guanzhong?"

In a few days, Lu Kang of Jingzhou surrendered and was on his way back to Jianye with his sons.

The generals of the East Palace beside Yang Xu frowned.

Of course, all the ministers of the state of Wu often called the people of Qin barbarians in front of Sun Jin.

"of course it's true."

"A wood that is beautiful in the forest will be destroyed by the wind. Your majesty's appreciation is your majesty's wisdom, but being a courtier who doesn't know how to advance or retreat is the way to bring disaster."

"The governor and His Majesty are brothers and sisters, why worry about this? In my opinion, even if Wei Lingjun and Pang Shizhong are combined, they are not as important as the governor in His Majesty's mind."

"His Royal Highness, at that time the governor Wang was in a bitter battle, and his entire army was about to be annihilated. The last general had good intentions and rescued him..." Zhou Zhi did not give an inch.

Du Yu was Zhou Zhi's boss, and Yang Xu was the Prince of Qin. When these two talked, Zhou Zhi had nothing to say.

Zhou Zhi, Guan Ding, Wu Chao and others will hurriedly surrender, "Du Gong——"

The two of you talked to each other, and the relationship quickly drew closer.

Wang Jun thought that Du Yu would be partial to Zhou Zhi, but he did not expect him to speak for himself, and was greatly moved, "Xie Du Du Du..."

"It's too cold there, and there are many barbarians..."

After resting in Ruxu for two days and settling the prisoners, Yang Xu and Du Yu led their troops across the river and entered Jianye.

Du Yu has already carried a credit for destroying Shu. This time, the first credit for destroying Wu was attributed to Wang Jun, but Du Yu's great credit is also indispensable.

There is nothing to seal, which is a dangerous thing in the first place.

Being in the current situation will also be pushed forward by the current situation.

"When I return to the court this time, I will ask His Majesty to resign and live a peaceful life in a few years." Du Yu said lightly.

(End of this chapter)

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