
Chapter 875 Talented

Chapter 875 Talented
Soochow, which had been established for 40 years, was officially destroyed, and the land of Jiangdong was included in Daqin.

With the arrival of the Qin army, Jianye has never experienced peace.

All the blood and gloom of the past have been swept away.

The news that Yang Xu treated Sun Jin well spread like wildfire and spread throughout Jiangdong.

Jiangdong Shimin is also full of expectations for the Great Qin Prince.

Du Yu retreated behind the scenes, and the officials of the East Palace took care of all affairs, big and small.

Yang Xu lived up to the expectations of the people in Jiangdong. He wiped out rebellions everywhere, restrained the soldiers, and did not harm the people. Fu for three years.

All kinds of measures quickly won the hearts of Jiangdong.

A large number of people took the initiative to report their household registration and population to the government in order to get more land.

The land equalization system has long been famous all over the world, and the people in Jiangdong have been waiting for this day.

Unexpectedly, the prince's order to seek talents will arrive.

The governor of Bazhou, the son of Luo Xian, the governor of Yong'an, was raised by Luo Xian since he was a child. He originally wanted to be famous and gilded in Jiangdong, but he cut him in two...

However, during Du Tian, ​​several East Palace aides cheated for personal gain and assisted the powerful to conceal the land, and were beheaded by Yang Xu to show the public.

This son is only fourteen years old, he is both civil and military, and Lu Kang values ​​him the most.

Yang Xu said: "However, Juntian needs manpower, and the officials in the East Palace are short of manpower."

The children of these big surnames are often both civil and military, and indeed have a lot of talents that can be used.

"Thank you, Mr. Du, for the reminder." Yang Xu cupped his hands and saluted.

Daxing's edict also arrived, and the prince and Du Yu took full charge of Jiangdong's military affairs.

It is possible that the prosperity of the Lu family in the future will depend on this son.

Seen by Bo Fankui, the master at the side, "Among the thorns of the trifoliate thorns, it is not a place for the phoenix to live. A scholar is the phoenix among men, how can he stay in the thorns of the trifoliate for a long time?"

At the same time, in the Poyang County Yamen, a young man with patches on his clothes and a disheveled face was writing for transcription.

Zhou Chu, who was unemployed at home, saw the announcement, and stood up from the slump with a "teng".

To inherit the great position, the prince also needs to have his own team and strength.

The riot in Jiangdong was a bit weird, and many stubborn wealthy families were cleaned up.

If Lu Ji can join the prince, it will be a very good opportunity.

More and more talents gathered around the prince.

Lu Kang and his party who had just entered Chaisang received the news, and the fourth son Lu Ji said: "The prince's move is to appease Jiangdong, and my son is willing to join the prince."

"My parents are not far away, and my mother is very old..."

If other people's land interests are affected, certain compensation must be given in other aspects.

After all, half of his body was Yang Zheng's blood.

Among them, five stood out, namely Zhou Chu, Lu Ji, Tao Kan, Gu Rong, and Min Hong.

Tao Kan remained silent, and Fan Kui thoughtfully said: "If you need money, I can give it to you."

Zhou Chu felt uneasy and felt like sitting on pins and needles all day long.

"Grace before power, people will complain, power before grace, people will respect and fear it. Your highness's benevolence exceeds it, and you need to stand with power, so that you can win the hearts of Jiangdong." Killing a chicken for monkeys is just It was Tao Kan's first strategy to Yang Xu.

Many of the officials in the Eastern Palace were born in rich families, and they tended their own fields. Of course, they were tricky.

Du Yu said: "Since Your Majesty has given His Highness full responsibility for Jiangdong's affairs, there is no need to tie your hands and feet."

In the past dynasties, in the process of power transfer, there were few smooth seas.

During this period of time, he finally figured out who the young general he hacked to death was.

The Hao family experienced a riot, and their strength was not as good as before. Even if they wanted to resist, they immediately retreated when they thought of the murderous Qin army.

Visiting his home, Tao's family was poor, and Tao's mother, Zhan's, cut hair and exchanged money for a banquet to entertain Fan Kui.

An order to seek talents was spread in Jiangdong counties.

But more people will only die tragically.

Fan Kui encouraged: "A man should have his ambitions in the world, how can he waste his time? If the opportunity is not lost, why don't you go to Jianye with Lingtang?"

Yang Xu never refuses anyone who comes.

If you don't hug the Prince's thigh tightly at this time, do you have to wait for the Luo family to settle the score?
Zhou Chu hurriedly took a shower and changed clothes...

Dutian and Juntian started vigorously.

Fan Kui has a little understanding and appreciates his talent. It is often said that he must be an extraordinary tool.

Power is by no means a sentence or an edict, and it can be inherited if it is said to be inherited.

Although he didn't say it clearly, Du Yu had already guessed that it was the Xuanyi Division or the Zhenfu Division who were behind it, "There is no need to worry about the relocation. At that time, the powerful made troubles, and no one responded."

Gu, Zhang, Zhu, He, Teng, Chen, Zhou and other surnames moved around stupidly, and if they could climb the high branch of Yang Xu, their wealth would be guaranteed in the future.

Tao Dan fought in his early years, suffered injuries, and died young, leaving Tao Kan, mother and son, to live a difficult life.

Only then did the Jiangdong scholars know that Prince Daqin is not only benevolent, but also has a side of iron and blood.

"The Great Qin army is mighty, Jiangdong's powerful are unprecedentedly weak, and they are desperate to order to move to Guanzhong. I don't know what Duke Du thinks?" Yang Xu asked for advice.

The prince could have opened a mansion, built teeth, and recruited officials from the East Palace.

I happened to see Prince Daqin's request for meritorious service, and was stunned.

Especially Tao Kan, who is young and has extraordinary knowledge. Zhang Gui, Wen Ji and others around Yang Xu are not as good as them, and they are gradually being valued.

It is not impossible for a poor family to climb up in Jiangdong, or go to the battlefield with a knife to fight their lives, and barely become a general, just like his father Tao Dan.

The population of the six Jiangdong counties alone was as high as 310 million, not counting the remote Lingnan and Jingzhou areas.

Yang Zheng asked Yang Xu to go to war, not only for him to be gilded, but also for him to establish influence in the army and in the local area.

Yang Xu commissioned the prince to wash horses, sheren, Zhanshi, and officials.

Lu Ji kowtowed a few times, and with two guards, rode his horse and galloped towards Jianye...

The state of Wu is destroyed, but the Lu family will continue. Lu Kang's identity is a bit embarrassing. The general of the state of Wu has resisted the Qin army many times. , to meet the prince to eliminate the estrangement between the two sides.

Of course Lu Kang knew the deep meaning, reluctantly said: "Go."

With the head sacrificial flag and the all-pervasive Jinyiwei, no one dared to practice favoritism for personal gain, and Dutian gradually got on the right track.

"His Royal Highness can directly recruit Jiangdong Xianjun as his staff, firstly to appease Jiangdong scholars, and secondly to show the great Qin's grace."

"Thank you!" Tao Kan finally made up his mind...

Of course, problems will always arise one after another.

When the prince seeks a virtuous person, the wealthy clan of Jiangdong come up after smelling it.

Yang Xu faced more and more problems, but with Du Yu behind him, he checked and filled in the gaps, and the problems were solved one by one.

More and more people were released by the Hao clan, and more than 50 people were added to the household registration, half of them were Han people, and half were Shanyue and other barbarians.

These barbarians have been enslaved for decades and became military slaves and serfs of Soochow. They have long been no different from Han people.
Yang Xu disrupted the clans and divided them into three groups, one for Jianghuai, one for Lingnan, and one for Jingzhou.

The barbarians were very grateful, and they looked forward to Jianye and worshiped, "The parents who gave birth to me, and the prince who lived me!"

(End of this chapter)

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