
Chapter 876 Father and Son

Chapter 876 Father and Son
Daxing has already fallen into a sea of ​​joy.

There are lanterns and festoons everywhere, the common people are running and laughing in the streets, and the barbarians are dancing cheerfully with their Hujia and Hudi.

"Come here, today's Hubing is free, three per person!" A fat shopkeeper with a greasy body brought out a drawer of Hubing, which was baked brown and crispy, with a layer of flax sprinkled on it, and it was fragrant.

Emperor Ling of the Han Dynasty was especially fond of this thing, and all the nobles and relatives of the capital competed to eat it.

Great Qin was light on corvees and poor on taxes. After a few years, the common people had some spare money in their hands, and all businesses prospered.

All kinds of extinct things reappeared on the streets of Daxing.

"Today's drink fee is free, you can eat and drink as you like!" The owner of the restaurant also shouted loudly.

The unification of the world means that there will be no more civil strife, and the people are more excited than the government.

Daughters-in-law and young girls also took to the streets one after another, and children ran around in the streets.

There are crowds everywhere.

Standing on the Tianyuan Pavilion closest to the market, Yang Zheng could clearly see the boiling people.

It has been nearly 100 years since the great chaos at the end of the Han Dynasty. The armor was born with lice, all surnames died, the bones were exposed in the wild, and there were no chickens crowing for thousands of miles...

Those days are finally over.

I would rather be a dog of peace than a person in a troubled world.

It is difficult to appreciate the cruelty and hardship of this era without being born in the war-torn era.

Many times, people are no longer people, but the numbers on a letter, the dead bones on the battlefield, the serfs in the fields, the grass in the storm...

Especially cruel to ordinary people.

If he could choose, Yang Zheng would never wish to be born in such an era.

"Congratulations, Your Majesty!" Wei Guan blushed.

"Congratulations, Your Majesty!" All the surrounding guards knelt on one knee.

"Excuse me, although the world is united, there are still disturbances from all directions, you must not slack off." In Yang Zheng's mind, the world is not just the Central Plains.

Liaodong is left alone, the countries in the Western Regions seem to be in harmony with each other, and a Xianbei tribe has re-emerged in the Beihai area.

The Kingdom of Xia has stood in the Western Regions for many years, and has attracted the attention of the Sasanian Dynasty, secretly supporting Kangju, Dayuezhi and other countries to fight against the Great Qin.

In the huge grassland, emerging forces are constantly rising.

Moxi Xianbei was slaughtered several times by the Great Qin, and the Heda people moved westward again to fill the emptiness of the grassland.

Of course, none of these external threats can shake Daqin.

Yang Zheng felt that the people were still living in too much hardship. The people near Daxing were rich and could eat meat, but that didn't mean the whole country was like this.

There are still many people who can't eat, a family of five, men, women and children only have one piece of clothing...

I lived in a low thatched hut. It rained heavily outside and light rain inside, and the wind was strong outside and light wind inside.

The sanitation situation among the people is also very worrying, and various epidemic diseases spread everywhere, and their scourges are no less than wars.

Domination of the world is just the beginning.

There are too many things waiting for Yang Zheng to complete.

It's like a house, but the foundation has just been laid, and there is still a long way to go.

Everyone in Daqin can relax, except Yang Zheng, who needs to stay awake all the time.

A few days ago, Jiangdong's Jin Yiwei even gave a secret performance, saying that the crown prince was too close to Du Yu and Zhou Zhi, and also absorbed a lot of Jiangdong talents, including Lu Kang, Tao Huang and other old generals of the Eastern Wu.

The prince directly and indirectly controlled 20 troops.

A new era brings new crises.

The larger the territory of Great Qin, the more difficult it is to rule.

Throughout the history of the entire world, for thousands of years, how many dynasties have truly been in a unified state?
Most of them are unified in name, but they have already been separated internally.

Games and cold wars are everywhere.

Jin Yiwei was only loyal to the emperor, and his position was naturally towards Yang Zheng.

Objectively speaking, Yang Xu's wings are full, and he has formed a force. Looking inside and outside the Qin Dynasty, the biggest threat to the imperial power is precisely the prince's power...

Yang Zheng finally understood the worries of many emperors in history.

As he gets old, more and more forces will gather under the prince's command.

But this is also the law and law of the world.

I will eventually grow old, and my children will eventually grow up and replace me.

For a narrow-minded monarch, various problems will eventually arise amid years of suspicion.

But Yang Zheng wasn't worried. First, Yang Xu was a smart kid who had learned from the Cao family and the Sima family.

Second, the crown prince is full-fledged, but it is far from being able to shake Yang Zheng's position. Yang Zheng can take away everything the crown prince owns with a single word, and the greatest military power is still firmly in the hands of the emperor. Daxing has 15 Army elite.

Third, patriarchy has absolute authority in this era. Since the Han and Wei dynasties, ruling the country with filial piety is not just talk.

The father of Lao Li's family in the Tang Dynasty was kind and his son was filial, which is still unreliable in this era.

Besides, the father of the old Li family is kind and his son is filial, and he is also the leader of Li Erdai...

All in all, if Daqin wants to be stable, the first thing to be stable is the relationship between the emperor and the prince.

A gust of new wind blows, and dozens of "Qin" flags on the pavilion are buzzing.

Yang Zheng suddenly had a sudden impulse, drew his sword and danced, and couldn't help reciting, "The autumn wind blows, and you travel thousands of miles. The long sword rests on the mountains and rivers, and the iron cavalry breaks the sky and clouds. He used to be a general of hundreds of people, but now he is here to climb the Mingtang. All under his command are strong men , there are many sages in the seat. If you want the strategy of the world, you are determined to rejuvenate the Great Qin!"

The long sword flicks back and forth, matching the footwork, sometimes fast and sometimes slow, as fast as a meteor chasing the moon, as slow as a clear spring.

I have read a lot of books in the past two years, and I was trained by a talented woman in Xiahou, so I will say something arty.

The farmer's children of Emperor Gaozu of the Han Dynasty ruled the world and wrote "Great Wind Song", which has been passed down through the ages.

Although my own song is not as good as it is, and there are a lot of references, it can be regarded as a straightforward expression of my heart, borrowing Jing Yongzhi.

"Good poem!" Wei Guan clapped his hands.

There was also a lot of flattery around, "It's really the swan song of the ages!"

Yang Zheng still knew what he was doing, "It's hard to get into the elegant hall on a whim."

"This poem is heroic, far better than Henkel's big wind song!"

They didn't blush, but Yang Zheng himself blushed. He would be blown away if he dragged on like this, so he simply changed the subject abruptly, "Wu Guo is peaceful, and the states and counties should be re-divided."

At the end of the Han Dynasty, there were thirteen states in the world, including Sili, Yang, Jing, Jiao, Yi, Xu, Yu, Yong, Liang, Ji, Qing, You, Bing, and Yan.

The Three Kingdoms stand together, and the border areas are re-divided.

Now that it is unified, the first thing to do is to redefine the states and counties before appointing officials.

The division of states and counties is itself a blow to the local wealthy families.

Hebei, the Central Plains, and Jiangdong must be based on the local population, and the large should be reduced to the small, and the storage should be eliminated.

There are also rewards for meritorious officers and soldiers, etc., which are inextricably linked.

"The Ministry of War and the Ministry of Household Affairs are already discussing this matter, and there will be an idea in a few days." Wei Guan, as the minister, should be in charge of government affairs the most.

"Okay!" Yang Zheng nodded.

"The world is unified, Your Majesty can change the year name to suit the time."

Baiguan was quite displeased with Huangtu's reign name. It was neither literary nor auspicious. In short, it had no technical content.

Civil servants like to think about this.

Yang Zheng felt that it didn't matter what they were called, so he let them go.

"You Shangshutai propose a year name."

(End of this chapter)

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