
Chapter 877

Chapter 877
Happy New Year will soon be decided, Taixing, which means peace and prosperity.

The state of Qin is waiting to be rejuvenated, which is quite suitable.

Yang Zheng is not picky, as long as his name is not Yongjia or Daye.

New states and counties are also planned soon.

Each state has three to four counties under its jurisdiction, and Youzhou is divided into three, You, Ping, and Liao. Liaozhou still stays on paper, and the land is divided by the three tribes of Xianbei and Goguryeo.

Jizhou is Dongsili and maintains its original status.

As a heavily populated area, Yuzhou is also divided into three parts. Chenjun, Lujun, and Liangguohua in the north are Chenzhou; Yingchuan, Runan, and Yang'an in the middle are Ruzhou; Qiaozhou.

Luoyang, Hanoi, and Hongnong were transformed into Luozhou.

Jingzhou is also divided into three, Xincheng, Nanyang, Xiangyang, and Yiyang are designated as Xiangzhou; Nanjun, Jiangxia, and Changsha are designated as Jingzhou; Wuling, Lingling, and Guiyang counties in the southwest are designated as Chuzhou; Dongwu established Xiling County and abolished it. Merged into Chuzhou.

Both Yanzhou and Qingzhou were divided into two, and Taizhou and Laizhou were separated.

Yangzhou was divided into three parts, Huaizhou in Huainan, Wuzhou in Jiangdong, Lujiang, Yuzhang, Luling, and Chaisang in the east were divided into Luzhou.

Guangzhou and Jiaozhou remain unchanged.

In addition to Guanzhong, Shuzhong, Liangzhou and other places, Daqin has a total of 31 states.

No state can monopolize a geographic plate.

Each state follows the ruling wisdom of the ancestors, and the gates are all under the control of neighboring states and counties.

Yang Zheng looked at the sand table. In fact, there are still many areas that are very vague, such as the junction of Nanzhong and Lingnan, which will be Guizhou in later generations.

But this era is a barren land, inhabited by a large number of barbarians, Liao and other tribes.

Yang Zheng remembered that it was not really brought under the rule until the Tang Dynasty in history, but it has always been turbulent, with rebellions and surrenders from time to time.

There is also the southern Fujian region, which was not developed by the Three Kings until the end of the Tang Dynasty.

Domination also requires cost, and development requires a lot of energy.

The key benefit is too small to chew too much.

In fact, once the population increases, it will naturally radiate to these areas.

With this skill, it is better to work hard in the Western Regions, grasslands, and Liaodong...

Today's Central Plains needs investment everywhere. Huainan, Jingzhou, etc. still have a large number of man-made no-man's lands.

After feeling that there were no major mistakes, Yang Zheng stamped the seal, and left the rest to the six ministries of the three provinces.

After the division of states and counties was almost done, they began to award meritorious soldiers.

Yang Zheng already knew about the dispute between Zhou Zhi and Wang Jun. Du Yu and Yang Xu were in Jiangdong.

Although Wang Jun is not young, in Daqin he is a stunned young man, the kind who fights and rushes. He has a lot of fame and has offended many people.

In the Battle of Jiangdong, Luo Xian's nephew Luo Shang was defeated and died somehow in his hands. Although Luo Xian didn't say anything, many people in Bashu impeached Wang Jun.

Zhou Zhi is Du Yu's general, and it is normal for Du Yu to favor him.

However, Du Yu is Du Yu after all, and his virtue and character are nothing to say. Please list Wang Jun as the first meritorious service.

Objectively speaking, it is true that Wang Jun contributed the most to this battle against Wu. He took huge risks and went down the river from Xiling.

The list said it was simple, but the difficulty of this trip was not small. As long as Soochow's Yangtze River defense line was defended carefully, Wang Jun's entire army would be wiped out.

There are not many people who dare to risk their lives to do things like this.

Yang Zheng worshiped him as the general of Zhendong, Fenghu County Marquis, plus guards, Chijie, and governor of Wu and Luzhou affairs. Jiangdong still needs him to continue to shine.

Luo Xiansheng was the general of the South, Chijie, and the governor of Jing and Chu.

Yang Hu was promoted to Shangshu Zuo Pushe, and Pingshang Shushi.

In order to appease Jiangdong's hearts, Sun Jin was demoted to the Marquis of Guixin and allowed Qi to worship Wu Guozong Temple.
Lu Kang shot for the right servant of the Shangshu, flattened the Shangshu affairs, and changed the title of Marquis of Shu County.

Tao Huang was promoted to Governor of Guangzhou, General Annan, and granted the title of Marquis of Moling County.

Yang Ji was the governor of Jiaozhou, the general of Pingnan, and the county marquis of Longbian.

The rest of the Southern Expedition meritorious generals will all be rewarded one by one.

However, a problem was also posed in front of Yang Zheng, Du Yu's reward was a bit difficult to handle.

Wang Jun made the first contribution, but he strategized, led the eastern front to defeat Wu's army, broke through Ruxu, destroyed Zhonghui, and captured Sun Jin. This contribution is not inferior to Wang Jun's.

After Yang Zheng thought about it for a while, he named him Sikong, recorded his meritorious deeds before and after, granted him the Duke of Shuofang County, Jiazhu Kingdom, and was only one step away from Shangzhu Kingdom, the pinnacle of meritorious service system.

There is no way, Du Yu's credit is placed here. Since the Liangzhou era, he has been the pillar of the Great Qin Dynasty.

No amount of reward can be too high.

The unification of the world was basically completed, and Yang Zheng set up Lingyan Pavilion.

Hua Luzhi, Du Yu, Zhang Te, Wei Guan, Ma Long, Meng Yu, Wen Yang, Ma Xun, Suo Jing, Pang Qing, Meng Guan, Liu Heng, Huo Yi, Luo Xian, Yang Hu, Wang Jun, Zhou Among them are the portraits of Zhi and Yin Chun's eighteen heroes.

Everyone's merits are copied on the side.

It can also be regarded as a small reward for them to fight for so many years.

In addition, the Temple of Marquis Wu was built in Chengdu, and the Temple of Guan Gong was built in Jiangling.

Both of them are representatives of loyalty in this era, so naturally they should be commended vigorously.

Yang Zheng personally thinks that in this era, no matter how high Zhuge Wuhou is, it is not an exaggeration. Liu Bei's Baidi City fell behind, and it was Zhuge Liang who pulled back a Shu Han who was on the verge of subjugation.

As long as he thinks about it, the Shu Han will no longer have the surname Liu.

How many powerful officials have been able to do this since ancient times?
Luoyang built Weidi Temple and Xiahou Temple to commemorate Cao Mao and Xiahouxuan.

Cao Mao's bloodiness is also one of China's spiritual wealth.

Although Xia Houxuan was a little pedantic, he died generously and loyally.

The legacy of the Sima family will take a long time to repair.

On the southern outskirts of Daxing City, Yang Zheng ordered craftsmen to build a huge monument of loyal souls. The names of all soldiers who died for the country were engraved on it for the people to worship at all times.

However, the names of many people have been submerged in the long river of history, without leaving a trace, and there are many people who sacrificed in obscurity, which can only be replaced by the word "loyal soul".

On the first day the Loyalty Monument was erected, countless people came to pay respects.

There are their families, their robes, kneeling under their names, tears like rain.

Yang Zheng also led civil and military officials to hold a grand sacrifice.

Those who shed blood and sweat for Daqin are destined not to be forgotten.

"May your loyal souls bless my Chinese nation with prosperity and prosperity!" Yang Zheng prayed to the sky, and then took the wine cup and poured it down on the monument.

The enemy will never perish, and the crisis will always exist. Yang Zheng does not want the Great Qin to last forever, nor eternal peace, but only that the people on this land never lose their fighting spirit. No matter how dark the long river of history is, he can muster up the courage to carry on.

"Your Majesty's martial arts are far superior to those of the previous monarchs, and can emulate the Qin Emperor and Han Wu, and mount Taishan to enshrine Zen." Wei Guan clasped his hands.

"Let's discuss this matter later." Yang Zheng didn't have that thought.

A Fengchan wastes the people and wastes money. One thing more is worse than one thing less.

The real monument is in the hearts of people, above the history books.

 The baby broke the computer and messed with it for two hours...

(End of this chapter)

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