
Chapter 878 The Law

Chapter 878 The Law
Du Yu's reward edict was sent out, and his memorial came back with him.

"I am a subject of sin, and I am in constant fear. Fortunately, I met Your Majesty, and today I have left a name in history, and I have no regrets. Your Majesty is such a subject, and I feel deeply. It is just years of war, anxiety, infirmity, and sickness. Heavy duty..."

Not surprisingly, Du Yu declined all the rewards, and only wanted to go back to his hometown to recuperate, read and write, and take care of himself for the rest of his life.

Yang Hu also resigned with him, and the reason was similar.

During Sima Yi's time, Yang Hu rejected the imperial court's conquest many times, but in the end he couldn't escape, so he had to go out of the mountain.

Yang Zheng knew what they were thinking.

Du Yu was worried that the tree would attract the wind, but Yang Hu didn't value official positions very much.

However, now that the Great Qin is waiting to be rejuvenated, it is not the time for the heroes to retire.

The laws since the Han and Wei dynasties have long been corrupted by the gentry tyrants, and have long since become a dead letter.

However, the laws of Daqin may not be suitable for the Central Plains and Jiangdong.

The law is the foundation of governing a country.

Without laws, state affairs will gradually degenerate into the rule of man.

Yang Zheng felt that the serious illness of China for thousands of years lies in the word rule of man, and man is also the most easily shaken...

"Do you think I am Goujian? Although the world is united, there are many disadvantages in the country, and there are many disadvantages accumulated in the previous dynasty. It is necessary for you to work together with me..."

After writing three letters in succession, Du Yu changed his mind.

In fact, this is also one of the legacy of the Sima family. The window paper between the monarch and his ministers was pierced. Even if Yang Zheng was open-minded, Du Yu felt sorry for him.

Du Yu is only 47-[-] this year, and he is in the prime of life, and it is time to contribute to the common people of the world.

How could Yang Zheng let him become an official?

Otherwise, how would civil and military officials see themselves?
Trust is built step by step. Fortunately, Du Yu is not a pedantic person.

After so many years of getting along, the relationship with Yang Zheng is extraordinary, and the monarch and his ministers know each other well.

As for Yang Hu, it was a bit of a test.

The Yang family has a great business, and when they moved to Daxing, they needed a backer. When Yang Hu retired, the Yang family also fell.

To be honest, Yang Zheng didn't like the other members of the Yang family at all.

Yang Jin and Yang Ji are of average ability. Yang Xiu, like Wang Kai and Shi Chong who are fighting for wealth, was impeached by Lieutenant Liu Yi in the early years.

The relationship between the Yang family and the Sima family is too close.

If it wasn't for Mingzhe's active cooperation with Daqin to move into Guanzhong, he would have become the target of the key attack and been beaten.

What Yang Zheng valued was Yanghu, not Taishan Yangshi.

In terms of virtue, Yang Hu is simply the benchmark of this era.

If it wasn't for him flirting with Lu Kang, building a good relationship and breaking Jiangdong's hearts, Wang Jun's army would never have been so easy.

What is most lacking in this era is also a moral model.

Yang Zheng wanted to confess Yang Hu no matter what.

The candidates for the formulation of the new law were also preliminarily confirmed. Du Yu, Wei Guan, Suo Jing, Pei Xiu, Zhang Fei, Zhang Fu, Li Mi and other 27 people, plus civil servants and subordinates, nearly 1000 people.

The compilation in the early stage was naturally to sort out Qin Law, Han Law, and Wei Xin Law.

"Legislation is the foundation of establishing the Great Qin Dynasty, and one should not be partial to the opinion of one family!" Yang Zheng inspected the new law, and the opening chapter is to accept rituals into the law and pay equal attention to etiquette and law.

This practice is certainly characteristic of the era.

Who is the most respectful of etiquette?
Of course it is Confucianism.

The law that Yang Zheng wanted to establish was not Confucianism and Law. When candidates were selected, he changed it again and selected a group of Mohist and Legalist students from the Taixue.

In addition, Yang Zheng set three rules at the beginning.

[-]. It is not the Yang family but the kings all over the world attack it together.

[-]. All the people of the Great Qin Dynasty, from the princes, public officials, civil and military officials, down to the traffickers and pawns, are all taxed.

[-]. Daqin will never add Fu.

These three articles are actually equivalent to the constitution and law of the Great Qin Dynasty.

Yang Zheng read it several times. Except for the first one that can be fully implemented, the latter two are quite difficult.

But no matter how difficult it is, we must persist.

How far Daqin can go depends on how well the latter two are implemented.

Of course, things are dead, people are alive, no matter how perfect things are, they cannot withstand the penetration of people's hearts. The reason why we do this is to set a benchmark for future generations and generations to come.

It can also be regarded as Daqin's original intention.

It has to be said that the prestige of the founding emperor was so great that no one dared to refute it, and there was basically no resistance.

The whole Daqin is like a blank sheet of paper, and Yang Zheng is still free to splash ink.

The temperament of a country depends on the previous two generations.

Emperor Guangwu took over the world with his arrogance, so the arrogance continued to grow in the Eastern Han Dynasty, and gradually formed a family of gentry, and the Eastern Han Dynasty was destroyed by the tyrants of the gentry.

Sima Yi and Sima Shi played conspiracies and tricks, and the Eastern and Western Jin Dynasties were full of all kinds of conspiracies and tricks, from the top to the bottom, from the inside to the outside.

Daqin will encounter various problems in the future, but Yang Zheng feels that at least he won't be as useless as Sima's Jin Dynasty...

Yang Zheng rose from the bottom and injected vigorous vitality into Daqin.

Two months later, Du Yu returned to Daxing with Sun Jin, Lu Kang and other Jiangdong monarchs and ministers.

Yang Zheng received him warmly.

Sun Jin has been controlled by Zhong Hui for many years. Although he is ten years old, he is still a child who knows nothing about the world, and he doesn't suffer much from subjugation.

Although the other Jiangdong civil and military men looked sad, Yang Zheng could tell that most of them were pretending, and they might be more concerned about how to distribute the benefits.

After Sun Quan passed away, the emperor didn't have much authority in Jiangdong, and the Jiangdong gentry couldn't say how loyal they were to the Sun family. They were more like a community of interests.

Only Lu Kang's face was gloomy, with a hint of sadness in his eyes.

After the banquet, he was depressed all day long and eventually fell ill.

However, Daxing medicine is prosperous, Yang Zheng ordered the imperial physician to treat him carefully, and after a period of recuperation, his body gradually recovered.

"The crown prince is the crown prince of the country. Although His Majesty wishes to take care of him, he should not stay away for long." Lu Zhi reminded.

Only he dared to speak about this kind of thing.

"Uncle's words are true. I will issue an edict to order the crown prince to return to Beijing." Yang Zheng also felt that it was almost done. Yang Xu had been with Nanzheng for more than half a year.

The stability of the relationship between the emperor and the prince is the cornerstone of the stability of Daqin.

If you stay outside for a long time, you will become unfamiliar.

In the past six months, several little guys have competed to perform in front of Yang Zheng. Yang Zheng's favorite is the tenth son Yang Jiong, and his grandfather is Liu Chan, the empress of Shu Han.

Naturally, there is a group of former ministers of the Shu Han under his command.

At a young age, he is extremely intelligent and has the ability of photographic memory.

There is also the thirteenth son, Yang Yu, who is quite heroic and powerful, and is outstanding in the youth camp.

After so many years of hard work by Yang Zheng, the old Yang family has flourished.

There are seven grandchildren.

Every time at a court banquet, looking at the big family, Yang Zheng felt much more at ease.

Isn't it because the Sima family has a thriving population that they finally got things done?
The descendants of the Cao family were already weak, and they were raised in captivity by Cao Pi, which eventually made Cao Wei wither.

There is a comment in Chen Shou's letters: the princes of the Wei family have only the name of the country, but no reality of the country, and they are forbidden to prevent obstruction, which is the same as a prison; Di's righteousness is abolished.For the evil of the law, as far as this is concerned!

The edict to call the prince back to Beijing has just been issued, but there is earth-shattering news from Jiangdong. The prince inspects Jiangdong's field work and is attacked by assassins!
(End of this chapter)

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