
Chapter 879

Chapter 879
"How's the injury?" Yang Zheng asked extremely nervously.

A random injury these days can kill a person.

Raising an heir is not easy.

Historically, something happened to Zhu Yuanzhang's prince, which led to a major crisis in the second generation of Ming Dynasty.

Yang Xu has a gentle and benevolent personality, and has won Yang Zheng's heart in all aspects. His prestige in Daqin is getting stronger and stronger. If something happens, it will be a huge crisis.

"Eleven assassins, the prince usually practiced swordsmanship, and was rescued by Zhang Gui at a critical moment. The prince... was fine, but three personal guards were killed or injured." Zhao Aqi said cautiously.

"Eleven assassins?" Yang Zheng asked in surprise. It must be an unusual force to mobilize eleven assassins to approach the prince.

"Exactly." Zhao Ahqi pursed her lips nervously, "The assassination failed, all 11 committed suicide..."

"That is to say, the Zhen Fusi didn't get any clues?"

"The subordinate is incompetent!" Zhao Aqi knelt down on one knee.

Yang Zheng stared at him, knowing that he was lacking in ability.

But then again, Daxing is thousands of miles away from the east of the Yangtze River, and the enemy came prepared, so a momentary negligence is unavoidable.

In the past few years, Daqin Dashun has been successful.

No main force was dispatched to destroy Wu, so some people slacked off.

"Get up, I don't want to hear this, find him!" Yang Zheng hadn't been so angry for many years.


Being assassinated at this time, Yang Zheng will inevitably have some associations.

The most suspicious of course is the Jiangdong clan. This group of people dared to assassinate Sun Ce, so naturally they also dared to assassinate Yang Xu. There is no need to doubt their bottom line. In order to protect their interests, there is nothing they cannot do, and Ding Feng's death is also in this way.

Yang Xu met the assassin when he was inspecting Dutian, and Dutian himself was violating the interests of Jiangdong's wealthy family.

Some people seem to have surrendered with the general trend, but it may not be true.

Since ancient times, Dutian has been touching other people's lifeblood. It is no surprise that Jiangdong's rich family did such a thing.

When Zhang Fushu was in the middle of the field, being assassinated was commonplace.

The same is true of Wang Jun in Shandong, but he is a ruthless person, others assassinate him, and he destroys other people's three clans...

Maybe I can use this to shave Jiang Dong's head?
While weighing the pros and cons, Xia Houzhi received the news somehow, and came to complain, crying, "This matter must not be tolerated!"

When the woman cried, Yang Zheng was even more upset.

But there was a sudden movement in her heart, it had only been half an hour since she received the news, how did she get the news?
This shows that Xia Houzhi's hand is very long...

The queens of this era have a lot of power, so there will naturally be a force around them, plus the old Cao family in the Central Plains, Xiahou's relatives, and Xiahouzhi are also rising.

That's all for other places. If there are her people in Zhenfu Division or Xuanyi Division, it will be terribly frightening to think about.

Family affection belongs to family affection, politics belongs to politics, and the boundaries cannot be crossed.

The Liu family and the Cao family lost their country. Aren't there two women who turned their elbows out behind them?

One Empress Dowager He and one Empress Dowager Guo have been used by others.

"I see, Queen, please come back." Yang Zheng stared at Xia Houzhi and said.

Feeling helpless in my heart, being an emperor is not so easy, and the closest people are also full of various hidden dangers.

The emperor's family affairs are sometimes the biggest state affairs, so Xia Houzhi and Yang Zheng are naturally trustworthy, but many things are not a question of whether to believe it or not.

Maybe he praised Cao Wei a little too high?
How many years has it been since the Cao family really perished?There are many left behind.

Osmosis is ubiquitous and pervasive.

Xia Houzhi sensed Yang Zheng's displeasure, so she didn't mess around, and bowed, "The concubine will leave."

Yang Zheng recruited Zhang Fei, "In the constitution of the Great Qin State, add another clause, the harem is not allowed to interfere in politics."

"Take orders." Zhang Fei cupped his hands.

There is nothing wrong with Xia Houzhi caring about her son, but there are some things that cannot be crossed.

Two or three days later, the news of the prince's assassination spread in a small scale among the high-ranking officials of Daqin, and all the spearheads were directed at the Jiangdong nobles.

It is impossible to hide this kind of thing, Jiangdong has long been full of wind and waves.

There are many critics in the court and in writing, and they wish to turn Jiangdong upside down.

Lu Kang hastily begged to see him, "Your Majesty, Jiangdong has committed such an outrageous act. I really have no face to show your kindness to Your Majesty. Please forgive me!"

As the Lu family is the largest surname in Jiangdong, and Lu Kang is a minister, it is natural to speak out.

Lu Kang was pleading guilty, but he was also pleading for the Jiangdong wealthy family.

"It's someone else who is rebellious, not Lu Qing. How can I blame you?"

The assassination of the prince affected many people.

"Thank you for your kindness, Your Majesty, I have a word, I wonder if Your Majesty would like to hear it?" Lu Kang clasped his hands.

The former is all nonsense, and the latter is what he wants to say.

"Lu Qing, but it doesn't matter." Yang Zheng actually admired Lu Kang quite a bit. He is personable, dignified, capable of both civil and military skills. No wonder Zhong Hui never forgets him, and all kinds of rumors are flying everywhere...

"The assassination was not done by the Jiangdong gentry." Lu Kang looked at Yang Zheng with a righteous face.

"Why is Lu Qing so sure?" Yang Zheng looked at him curiously.

Right now it is on the cusp of the crisis, and one has to be responsible for saying these words.

"Your Majesty suppressed the powerful and the nobles in the Central Plains. It is well known in the world. Since the Jiangdong nobles are willing to surrender, they have accepted all the conditions of the Great Qin. The prince has benevolence and accepted the Jiangdong scholars for his own use. The Jiangdong scholars have long since returned to their hearts."

Lu Kang's meaning is very clear, Yang Xu is the last hope of Jiangdong gentry.

The political interests of the Jiangdong gentry depended on Yang Xu, and no one would be so stupid as to destroy their own future.

Seeing that Yang Zheng was lost in thought, Lu Kang said in a low voice: "Furthermore, if something happens to the crown prince, Jiang Dong will not stop his work in the field. His majesty is decisive in killing, and everyone knows that if something happens to the crown prince, Jiang Dong's blood will flow like a river. The Jiangdong gentry would not be so stupid..."

Yang Zheng had to admit that what he said made sense.

Challenging Daqin's prestige at this time is tantamount to hitting a stone with an egg. Killing the prince can stop Dutian?It will only arouse Daqin's anger.

In addition, if it was really the work of the Jiangdong gentry, Jin Yiwei would not have no news at all.

Zhao Aqi's ability is a bit weak, but Jin Yiwei's ability is not bad.

The Jiangdong nobles must be under their strict surveillance.

Then, things get confusing.

Who assassinated Yang Xu?

Whoever benefits is suspected.

Now I can't even find a beneficiary...

"What Lu Qing said is true!" Yang Zheng's anger subsided a lot, "Then according to what Lu Qing said, who is behind it?"

A few drops of cold sweat dripped from Lu Kang's forehead, and he quickly cupped his hands, "I'm new here, I really don't know."

"Lu Qing is too modest."

The Jiangdong Hao family was saved by him.

However, the truth should soon come to light. The Zhen Fusi is not just for nothing.

But Yang Zheng had a bad premonition that this matter might cause a storm.

Yang Xu's assassination was also a wake-up call. The crown prince is not at ease, and someone has already missed him. If it wasn't done by Jiangdong's rich family, then it is likely to be done by his own people!

The influence of the Sima family is bad, but to be honest, the influence of the Cao family is also very bad.

As widely spread as "Seven Step Poems", the influence of the struggle between the Cao brothers will be as great.

Cao Chong, Cao Zhang, and Cao Zhi all died inexplicably.

(End of this chapter)

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