
Chapter 880

Chapter 880
Jianye City is full of patrolling soldiers.

All suspicious people were questioned one by one, and the people hid in their homes and dared not go out.

However, no matter how many investigations, no clues were found, and these assassins seemed to appear out of thin air.

Wang Jun's search was intensified again and again, but nothing was found.

"It's impossible that there are no clues!" Pang Qing glanced at Wang Jun sideways, "Unless it was done by one of my own people!"

Wang Jun frowned. He was also involved in the assassination of the prince. There have been rumors in Jianye recently that the assassin was sent by him, Wang Jun, with the intention of driving the prince away, and then separatist Jiangdong to stand on his own!
Wang Jun was so frightened that his ghosts froze.

He had already offended many people in Shandong, and the crown prince was not very close to him. At this time, rumors appeared, and it was almost killing him.

Even Wang Jun felt that the assassination was aimed at him.

To assassinate the prince is false, but to kill him is true!

"Pang Shizhong be careful!" Wang Jun didn't like Pang Qing very much.

There is a dark aura about this person, who knows what Xuanyi Division and Zhenfu Division do?
Today's words are clearly aimed at himself.

"Haha, you don't need to make a fuss about the capital governor. It's not unusual for Daqin to swallow up the Central Plains and Jiangdong in the past few years, and some people with ulterior motives mixed in!" Pang Qing's eyes turned around Wang Jun.

Wang Jun snorted coldly and said no more.

Although Pang Qing is a close minister of the emperor, he is not bad at all. The emperor still trusts him, otherwise he would not entrust the entire Jiangdong to himself.

Pang Qing felt that he was bored, so he resigned.

The entire Jiangdong seemed to be in a state of panic.

The north and the south have been divided for decades, and the war finally subsided. After a benevolent prince came, another assassination happened.

Those who visited the prince almost stepped through the threshold of the Jianye government office.

As the Prince of Great Qin, he is of course qualified to live in the Wu Palace, but Yang Xu directly moved into the government office to avoid suspicion and to facilitate Jiangdong's government affairs.

These few days are at the cusp of the storm, Yang Xu and his subordinates stay behind closed doors.

The third floor of the armored mansion of the Qin Army guarded the mansion on the third floor, and all personnel entering and leaving were strictly checked.

The prince's daily drinking water, food, and clothes are all in charge of.

"Jiangdong's nobles have been pulled out by the Xuanyi Division long ago, and they are under the strict surveillance of the Zhenfu Division, so it should not be their fault!" Zhang Zuogui.

Under Pang Qing's various shady means, Jiangdong's powerful clan has long been obedient and gathered around Yang Xu, and those who disobeyed have been eradicated secretly.

"Maybe the other party's intention is not to really assassinate!" Tao Kan said quietly.

"Not an assassination?" Zhang Gui was stunned.

Wen Ji, Bei Gongchun, Zhou Chu, Lu Ji and others turned their eyes to Tao Kan.

However, Yang Xu lowered his gaze. There are some things that others cannot see. He knows it well. The emperor brothers are not fuel-efficient lamps. The boss, Yang Yi, is extremely brave. The Central Plains has never been forgotten. When the emperor Sun Yangjing entered Beijing, the grand occasion was unprecedented.

The second child, Yang Wu, married the Hongnong Yang family. Although these things were done in a low-key manner, the power in their hands was not small. After being sealed in Shandong, Shandong scholars also came to the door one after another.

There is also the youngest Yang Hong, who follows the route of celebrities and has an increasingly close relationship with the Central Plains gentry.

The next few younger brothers are not ordinary people.

The Yang family's children have all been tempered in the youth camp, so they are not dead bodies.

The world is unified, but the battle is far from over, and it will never stop, it's just a different way.

Yang Xu couldn't be without pressure.

Yang Zheng sent him to march south, of course he knew the intention.

Sooner or later the eagle will soar.

Zhang Guigui: "It's not an assassination, what is that for? Could it be that you want to give His Highness a blow?"

Tao Kan said: "Divorce!"

"Divorce?" Yang Xu poured himself a cup of tea, and just about to drink it, the guard took it and took a sip first.

"Exactly, if something happens to His Highness, how can His Majesty be willing to let it go? The other party wants to use the assassination to drive a wedge between His Highness and Jiangdong scholars!" Tao Kan cupped his hands.

Having said that, the context of the matter gradually became clear.

There is no doubt that whoever the prince gets close to will rise in the future.

The nobles in Jiangdong need to cling to the prince, the Shandong gentry, and the Central Plains gentry don’t need to take advantage of the prince as a shareholder?
The Emperor of Great Qin hated the gentry tyrants, and the gentry tyrants also respected the emperor, so their goal turned to the second generation of the Great Qin!

For hundreds of years, the gentry has always been like this, infiltrating from generation to generation, and moving forward from generation to generation.

The game between the gentry and the imperial power has already begun in the Eastern Han Dynasty, and it will continue forever.

"I know you alone!" Yang Xu sighed, the complexity of this assassination far exceeded expectations.

"So what should we do now? Is it so indifferent?" Wenji said angrily.

"If it involves the dispute between the northern and southern gentry, it will be beyond His Highness's control. The tree is beautiful in the forest, and the wind will destroy it. Your Highness must be careful." Zhang Gui is the oldest and knows the danger.

The prince is not sure.

Moreover, the emperor is in the prime of life, full of too many variables.

This time going south, Yang Xu lost a bit of childishness and became more mature and steady, "I just want to do some practical things for the world, let Jiangdong integrate into Daqin as soon as possible, and let the people enjoy peace earlier, I didn't expect so much to be involved. "

"Because of this, His Highness needs to take care of himself! For the great Qin, and for the common people in the world!" Zhang Gui cupped his hands.

Tao Kan said: "Your Highness is benevolent, it is not a bad idea to take a step back at this time. The affairs of Jiangdong are presided over by the King's Governor. Your Highness should not be away from His Majesty for a long time, so as not to be taken advantage of by others!"

The word "others" is quite subtle.

Everyone present can understand.

Yang Xu nodded, "Father's imperial edict has arrived yesterday, everyone prepares to go back to Beijing."

At the time of departure, Jianye was empty.

The people helped the old and brought the young to see each other, "Why don't you stay for a few more days, Your Highness?"

"Your Highness will abandon Jiangdong?"

Many people cried and cried.

Jiangdong has been devastated for a long time, and the people are miserable. Since the prosperity of Zhuge Ke in Puyang, the heavy corvee, and the northern expedition of 10,000+ people at every turn, are the people's fat and the people's anointment, and there are tyrants riding on their heads. What kind of life can ordinary people live? And know.

After Yang Xu entered Jiangdong, he sympathized with the people, relieved the famine, cleaned up unjust prisons, and exempted all kinds of bad governance since Zhonghui. All kinds of measures were quite effective and quickly won the hearts of Jiangdong.

But there is always a banquet in the world, and it is impossible for Yang Xu to stay in Jiangdong forever.

He has a wider world.

Yang Xu, who was in the carriage, heard the shouts outside, and felt a burst of emotion in his heart.

In fact, he didn't do much. Many things were just a beginning, but he was so supported by the people, which strengthened his determination to make the people of Daqin prosperous and healthy.

But for safety's sake, Yang Xu never showed up to bid farewell to the people.

If something happened to him, the people of Jiangdong would suffer accordingly.

After ten miles out of Jianye City, the people went back one after another.

Only then did Yang Xu get out of the carriage, and paid respects to Jianye as a return gift.

(End of this chapter)

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