
Chapter 881

Chapter 881
Wang Jun heaved a sigh of relief when the crown prince returned to Beijing.

To be honest, the crown prince stayed in Jiangdong, and Wang Jun was restrained, so he dared not do anything.

But when the crown prince left, Xuanyi Division and Zhenfu Division came to stare at him again.

Pang Qing even asked to see him if he had anything to do.

"The crown prince was assassinated in Jianye. Before the real culprit is found out, of course the king's governor cannot get rid of the responsibility. The governor knows that there are no less than a hundred impeachment memorials sent to the court recently."

In the battle of defeating Wu, Wang Jun gained a lot of limelight and was positioned as the first hero. He had no foundation in the court, so naturally there were many people who targeted him.

"If the old man was afraid of impeachment, he would not have come to this day! Since he wants to do something for the common people in the world, he must suffer some grievances."

"All the mouths make money, and the accumulation destroys the bones. The king's governor is high-spirited and upright, with the style of an ancient gentleman, but it is easy to hide a spear and it is difficult to defend..." Pang Qing took out a piece of silk from his pocket and walked to Wang Jun's case. A few days ago, I knocked on the desk a few more times.

Wang Jun looked at Fenbo, but his expression remained calm. Of course, Pang Qing's entanglement with him was not just for the assassination of the prince.

But there are some things, even if you know it well, you can't say it.

"Don't bother me. If Dudu Wang has any ideas, I'm waiting for you at any time." Pang Qing smiled with confidence.

It was not until after he left that Wang Jun opened the silk, and the first line read: On the [-]th day of the first month of the first month of Taixing, three carts of gold and silk from the Zhu family were privately received...

On the 21st day of the first month, thirteen treasures from the Jianye treasury were secretly taken...

January 22nd...

There are as many as [-] articles before and after, and the time and place of each article are clear.

Wang Jun used to be the prefect of the Sima family, so he was naturally influenced by the Wei and Jin ethos.

It's normal for officials to give and receive privately. Zang Ai, Zang Ba's son, even sent out his own little mother in order to curry favor with Deng Yang.

Great Qin practiced frugality, and Wang Jun's actions ran counter to it. If these things were brought to the court, it would be extremely detrimental to him.

Fan Tongtong said: "The governor's self-defilement plan is afraid that it will be used by others, and His Majesty will have to punish the governor at that time."

"Your Majesty, are these ordinary people predictable? They will only shoot themselves in the foot." Wang Jun said to himself.

In fact, accepting bribes is not all self-defeating.

Wang Jun has a bold temperament, pays attention to ostentation, spends a lot of money, and spends too much. After being designated as the first to destroy Wu, he is inevitably a little elated.

"Pang Shizhong is a close minister of His Majesty..."

"Why do you think he is entangled with XX?" Wang Jun's eyes flickered.

Fan Tong didn't think too deeply, "Isn't it because of the prince's assassination?"

"Of course it won't be that simple. In Daqin today, their youth battalion is the weakest, so they desperately want to find some foreign aid. Everyone in the world knows that a certain is a lone minister and needs to be reused by His Majesty. That's why they came to win over a certain!"

"The governor is looking for a backer, and he will take care of him in the future." Fan Tong suggested.

After the Great Qin swept the world, the water in the court became deeper and deeper.

Various factions and forces are secretly competing.

Although they haven't reached the point of fighting openly and secretly, they are all planning for a rainy day and actively strengthening their strength.

Qingying naturally became anxious.

"You are wrong. Your Majesty's biggest backer is His Majesty. If you invest in the Youth Camp, you will lose His Majesty's expectations, and the gain will not be worth the loss! Moreover, once you get involved in the struggle between them, it will be difficult to get out in the future. A certain man who has established himself through meritorious deeds will naturally stand up." When you are invincible, why sink into the quagmire?"

Wang Jun has a clear view of the situation in the court.

"The governor's opinion!" Fan Tong exclaimed.

Wang Jun stretched his waist, "Now that the crown prince is returning to Beijing, Jiangdong is the time for you and me to flex our muscles. If they want to fight, let them fight. If we work hard, His Majesty will give us justice!"

The clues found by the Xuanyi Division and the Zhenfu Division showed that the person who assassinated the prince came from the Central Plains.

By following the vine, she actually got involved with the third child, Yang Hong...

Yang Zheng had a headache.

He was always laughing at the old Cao family and the Sima family, but he didn't expect this to happen to the old Yang family.

Yang Hong has always regarded himself as a celebrity, and he likes to make friends with scholars. He was not bad when he was young, and he liked astronomy and mathematics, but somehow he became more crooked as he grew up, and he started to eat five stones, and the diners gathered in the mansion were also diverse.

However, if it was said that Yang Hong dared to assassinate the prince, Yang Zheng would not believe it.

Firstly, he didn't have the guts, and secondly, he also didn't have the ability.

After the seal, Jin Yiwei will report the words and deeds of the kings every year.

Yang Hong's biggest evil deed was to gather scholars from the Central Plains to take Wushi powder collectively.

Even if something happened to Yang Xu, he would not be able to take the position of prince.

Moreover, Yang Hong is more interested in eating, drinking and having fun than being a prince.

Yang Zheng read the dossier carefully several times, and suddenly felt that his stupid son seemed to be being used by someone...

All the clues were vaguely pointing to him, which just showed that someone deliberately led this matter to him.

This is just the first fog.

In the second layer of fog, Wang Jun was actually involved.

Jiangdong impeached Wang Jun one after another, either impeaching him for his style of work, or suspecting that he had the intention to separate Jiangdong, and it was also related to the assassination of the prince.

Many memorials and Zhenfu Secretary's Report corroborate each other, which is quite convincing.

For example, Wang Jun privately made friends with generals of the Wu army, won the hearts of the Wu army, and so on.

Moreover, Wang Jun's hands and feet in Jiangdong were not clean, he lived a luxurious life, and embezzled money from the treasury...

"Is this Wang Shizhi actually learning from Wang Jian and using self-defilement to protect himself?" Yang Zheng shook his head.

The rewards given to him by the imperial court are enough for him to spend his whole life. As a feudal official, how could he really be so greedy for money?
It's just for yourself to see.

"Wang Dudu has [-] soldiers under his command and a million people under his command, so we must be more cautious." Wei Guan understood Wang Jun's thoughts.

Regardless of loyalty, even if Wang Jun has so many troops in his hands, it is impossible for him to separate Jiangdong.

One is because the people in Jiangdong are unwilling to fight anymore.

Second, as an outsider, Wang Jun could not order Jiangdong.

Third, the Yangtze River defense line has disappeared, and dangerous places such as Ruxu, Jingzhou, and Guangling are all divided outside Jiangdong.

As long as Wang Jun had brains, he wouldn't be so stupid.

It is right to employ people without doubt, but necessary precautions should also be taken.

"Don't talk about him, who does Boyu think is behind the scenes?"

Wei Guan's eyes flickered, and he cupped his hands and said, "Your Majesty really wants to find out. I will go to investigate in person. In three months, the truth will come out. But it's easy to find the murderer, but to find the mastermind behind it... we have to wait."

"Oh?" Yang Zheng carefully tasted the implication in his words.

Wei Guan went to investigate in person, this matter may cause a huge wave...

The people and forces involved may exceed expectations.

"Your Majesty, Pang Shizhong hastened eight hundred miles, and the mastermind behind the scenes has been found!" Zhao Aqi rushed to report.

"Pang Qing?" Yang Zheng took the watch.

But after watching it, I was quite disappointed.

Pang Qing only found out about Yang Hong...

Going around, it's still spinning around my family...

There are not many real and accurate things in the memorial table, but it was found that two of Yang Hong's subordinates had disappeared and disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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