
Chapter 882

Chapter 882
In fact, after finding out this step, the mastermind behind it is already ready to be revealed.

No matter how you cover up and confuse it, as long as you find the motive, you can basically determine which force it is.

Yang Xu returned to Beijing safely, and the father and son discussed separately.

"I think this is the end, the Central Plains has just stabilized, and it is better not to move. These people are against Daqin, and they will jump out again sooner or later." Yang Xu cupped his hands.

After going out for more than half a year, I have grown a lot.

He is also becoming more and more tolerant of the prince of the Qin Dynasty.

"Oh? Don't you bear any grudge against those who want to take your life?"

"Of course I hate them, it's just that it's not worth shaking the Central Plains for these people." Every word Yang Xu said was for the overall situation.

"You are wrong. It's not a question of whether it's worth it or not, but a question of Daqin's dignity. You are the crown prince. If they attack you, they are challenging Daqin's dignity. This is no longer your problem!" Yang Zheng His face was full of murderous intent.

Just after the reunification, the moths of this group of people began to fly all over the sky.

Is it because I am old, or can't lift a knife anymore?
Yang Xu was stunned, "Father, father..."

He obviously didn't expect Yang Zheng to raise the matter to such a height.

Yang Zheng patted him on the shoulder, "It's good for you to be kind, but sometimes you can't be too kind, and kindness also depends on who you are treating!"

In state affairs, taking a step back is not about broadening the horizon, but about the other party's progress!
"The third commander of Xuanzhen Fusi came to see me!" Yang Zheng shouted outside the hall.


Not long after, the three commanders entered the hall, "Greetings, Your Majesty, Your Highness!"

Zhenfu Division has five commanders, one in Jiangdong and one in Shandong.

This also led to a flaw in the Central Plains.

Yang Zheng has never given up monitoring the localities, and the Great Qin ruled the world, but Yang Zheng is even more cautious, afraid that something will not be done well, mistakes will be made, and hidden dangers will be left behind.

"You all know about the assassination of the prince?"

"The subordinates know!" The three of them cupped their hands, each with a murderous look on their faces.

For so many years, the world only knew about the existence of Zhenfusi, but not their true strength. Yang Zheng also deliberately concealed this power, so as not to cause panic among civil and military officials.

Although the Zhenfu Division did not penetrate into every aspect of Daqin like the Xuanyi Division, it has grown a lot in recent years.

It was Yang Zheng's eyes and ears.

"Within a month, conclusive evidence was collected." Yang Zheng held out a finger.

"Within half a month, this subordinate will make this matter come to light!" The three said in unison.

"Haha, you're not bragging, hurry up and do it, I'm waiting for your news in Daxing!"

"Wei!" The three retreated skillfully.

"I will never allow anyone to focus on my son!" Yang Zheng patted Yang Xu on the shoulder.

It is not easy to find a suitable heir, and it is even more difficult to cultivate a prince.

The enemy is shaking the foundation of Daqin.

Yang Xu looked moved, "Thank you, Father."

Most of the son's confidence comes from his father. Yang Zheng gives him dignity and makes him grow faster.

"Between father and son, why talk too much? Go and see your mother, she has been worrying a lot these days." Yang Zheng laughed.

Yang Xu bowed his hands very respectfully.

Intrigue and intrigue can never stand against the scorching sun.

Daqin is the scorching sun hanging high in the sky.

Nothing in the world can withstand investigation, no matter how covert they are, they will always show their feet.

More than 300 Jinyiwei veterans from Daxing rushed to the Central Plains. Starting from Huaiwang's mansion, they followed the clues. As Yang Zheng expected, they soon found the Yingchuan gentry, and the evidence was uncovered one by one.

Many people, smelling an opportunity, hit the ground and fabricated evidence.

The Zhenfu Division has to screen them one by one.

The tree fell and scattered.

The Yingchuan gentry has been prosperous for so many years, their family has a big business, and their subordinates are mixed.

In just ten days, the facts of the case came to light.

Precisely because of the glory for so many years, the Yingchuan gentry were unwilling to sink like this, and tried their best to regain their former glory.

It's a pity that today's Yingchuan gentry is no longer what it used to be, and today's Great Qin is not Wei Jin either.

At that time, the Yingchuan gentry had outstanding talents such as Xun Yu, Xun You, Chen Qun, Xi Zhicai, Guo Jia, Zhong Yao, and Xu Shu.

Both character and talent are role models for the world.

What now?
For the sake of power, he constantly compromised with the Sima family and continued to corrupt.

When Sima Zhao killed the king, everyone was silent, only Chen Tai didn't want to compromise, but he couldn't stand the repeated pleas of his nephews.

As for the Xun family, they fell into the arms of the Sima family early on. Four parts of the Western Jin Dynasty belonged to the Sima family, three parts belonged to the Wang family, two parts belonged to the Xun family, and the remaining one part was shared equally by other gentry families...

Xun Wei and Xun Xu came up with many bad ideas for the Sima family.

Without the consent of the Yingchuan gentry, would the Sima family have usurped the power of Cao Wei step by step?
Especially the Xun family and the Wang family are the two groups closest to the Sima family among the noble families in the world.

"People's hearts are not enough!" Yang Zheng shook his head and sighed.
They have been secretly competing with Daqin. They would rather vote for the bell than surrender to Daqin. In the end, due to the situation, they had to surrender, but they were not convinced.

Yang Zheng had actually let them go, but he didn't expect that they would not let him go, and insisted on hitting the knife.

"The Yingchuan gentry cannot occupy the imperial court like the Wei and Jin dynasties, and they are unwilling to be weakened by the land equalization system. Naturally, they have to find other ways." Wei Guan also sighed.

Back then, Xun Yu, Chen Qun, Guo Jia, Zhong Yao and others created an era.

But their descendants are not as good as one generation after another, unable to see the situation clearly, and have come to the opposite side of Daqin.

"Prince, how do you think to deal with them?"

The Yingchuan gentry have occupied the Central Plains for many years, and their roots are deep.

"I feel that the extermination of the three tribes by the barbarians is too much, and the Yingchuan tribes are intertwined, so they will be involved in a wide range of people. The chief villain should be punished, and the rest will be exiled to the Western Regions, Hehuang, and Nanzhong counties to show the kindness of the Great Qin!"

Many people in this era would rather beheaded than exile.

Yang Xu's method almost uprooted the Yingchuan gentry.

"What does Bo Yu think?" Yang Zheng originally thought of the barbarians in order to frighten the world's powerful.

However, the current Daqin does not need to use the head of the Yingchuan gentry to stand up.

"The gentry in Yingchuan have been popular for decades. If the barbarians belong to the three tribes, the people of the world will pity them. I think the prince's method is quite suitable." Wei Guan agrees with the prince's method.

Yang Zheng nodded, the world is unified, so let's kill as little as possible.

It can also be regarded as accumulating some evil virtues for the Yang family.

Enough people have died since the end of the Han Dynasty.

"Then this case will be handed over to Bo Yu to handle it impartially." Yang Zheng laughed.

Wei Guan and Yang Xu were taken aback at the same time.

"The minister takes orders." Wei Guan bowed his hands and retreated.

Yang Xu was puzzled, "Why did the father ask Wei Lingjun to handle this matter?"

Yang Zheng looked at him, "Boyu was an official in Luoyang back then, and had a close relationship with the gentry in the Central Plains. The Great Qin ruled the world. Do you know whose power expanded the fastest?"

Yang Xu suddenly realized.

"Governance cannot be based on loyalty alone. Any power that expands too quickly is dangerous. Let me remind you now to avoid getting out of control in the future. It will be difficult for everyone."

More and more people gathered under Wei Guan's flag, this is by no means a good thing.

Wei Guan himself is also a nobleman...

(End of this chapter)

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