
Chapter 883

Chapter 883
Wei Guan is a smart person, of course he knows what Yang Zheng is thinking.

After the unification of the Central Plains, Wei Guan's rise was even higher, and more and more people joined him.

In terms of credit, Wei Guan is not as good as Lu Zhi and Du Yu, and Zhang Te is on the same level as Zhang Te, but Wei Guan has gained the most power.

Lu Zhi didn't care about future generations, he had two sons and five grandsons, and the highest official positions up to now were only the county magistrate and Xuan Yilang, and they repeatedly declined the court's rewards.

Du Yu and Yang Hu had the heart to retreat bravely, and wrote letters many times to return to their hometowns.

In order to protect himself, Wang Jun did not hesitate to tarnish his reputation.

Compared with them, Wei Guan was a bit conspicuous.

Of course, Wei Guan's talent is absolutely worthy of the post of Shang Shuling.

However, the big tree attracts the wind, and it is not that there are no competitors in the court. In recent years, the battle between them and the youth camp has become more and more fierce.

He can control himself, but with so many people under him, can all of them pass the limit?

Wei Guan wiped the cold sweat off his forehead, looked back at the Tai Chi Hall, and suddenly felt that the Tai Chi Hall was a little unfathomable.

An emperor is an emperor after all...

Inside the Tai Chi Hall, the conversation between father and son continued.

"The way to be a king is to balance the various forces in the country. The court is often destroyed because one side is too powerful. In the late Eastern Han Dynasty, the forces of eunuchs fought with the forces of foreign relatives. The gentry wanted to lure Dong Zhuo into Beijing, and the Eastern Han Dynasty fell!"

"Could it be that there can be no court without fighting?" Yang Xu looked innocently in his eyes, and before Yang Zheng could answer, he shook his head and said, "There has never been a court without fighting."

"You're right. The Great Qin ruled the country. How can all forces and factions not fight? Not fighting is the biggest problem. It shows that the court has been completely controlled by a certain force! As a monarch, you must always stay awake and let the fights come to an end. Keep it under your own control, for example, this time, if Wei Boyu can't control the forces under him, then it's up to the father to take action!" Yang Zheng said calmly.

Wei Guan became the leader of the Daqin Gentlemen Alliance indistinctly.

Pang Qing and Meng Guan aimed at him everywhere, of course they also had their own problems.

But it was also caused by the over-expansion of the descendants.

So asking Wei Guan to deal with the Yingchuan gentry this time is actually giving him the opportunity to actively separate himself from the Central Plains gentry.

This is for his own good, as well as Da Qin's.

The people who gathered under Wei Guan's flag were not all honest and gentlemen, but there were also ghosts and monsters with ulterior motives.

The cunning rabbit is cooked by the dog, and the bird is hidden by the bow.

Yang Zheng didn't want to play this game, so he had to give some advice to the founding heroes.

"I know!" Yang Xu cupped his hands.

Yang Zheng sighed, "The emperor is like this. You can't have emotions and desires. If you get too close to anyone or rely on anyone, you will have problems. It's like this when you are alone."

"For the sake of the people of the world, and for the great Qin State, I am willing to go on." Yang Xu's eyes were very determined.

Sixteen or seventeen years old, isn't it the age at which one makes aspirations?
Yang Zheng was quite relieved, "Okay, there is someone who will succeed the Great Qin!"

Not only the Yingchuan gentry were implicated in the prince's assassination case, but also many small and medium-sized wealthy families in the Central Plains. Wei Guan handled things clearly.

Everyone involved has more or less been in cahoots with the Yingchuan gentry.

All were exiled to the frontier.

On Suzaku Street, a group of criminals were unkempt.

Xun Xu, who was the first offender, was also among them. He stared at Wei Guan passing by, "Wei Guan, Wei Guan, it's inevitable that you use a villain to take advantage of a gentleman?"

Wei Guan stopped in his tracks, "Gong Zeng, the era of nobles is gone forever!"

"Without a gentry, how can the Yang family govern the country?" Xun Xu was good at welcoming people, and secretly disturbed the situation. As a minister who overthrows the country and disrupts the current situation.

In fact, he is really loyal to his family.

It is precisely because he formed a habit in the court of Sima's family, and it is still the same in Daqin, so he has come to this day.

Wei Guan squinted at him, "At this time and at that time, there are no nobles, but there are scholars."

Xun Xu was stunned.

He would not know that Daqin is advocating the spirit of scholars, poor families can be scholars, common people can also be scholars, powerful noble families can also become scholars...

"Your Majesty's great talent and strategy are far beyond what you and I can see. The Duke has gone well. At least your Xun family has not been wiped out, and the bloodline can continue..." Wei Guan walked away step by step.

Xun Xu could only stare blankly at his back until the executioner's knife fell...

"Your Majesty is guilty, please punish me." Wei Guan bowed in front of Yang Zheng and Yang Xu.

"Bo Yu is serious." Yang Zheng helped Wei Guan up.

He handled the case of the prince cleanly. Not only the Yingchuan gentry was uprooted, but many people who were attached to him were also cleverly involved. None of the exiled and relegated was wronged. Less things.

The gentry in the Central Plains were weakened, and the population and land were released.

The Sima family's land occupation system, they are the ones who eat the most fat.

Xu and Yingzhi were originally Cao Wei's big villages, and they have been corrupted by them long ago.

Xuanyi envoy and Jin Yiwei secretly reported that Ding Xingsheng, a native of the Central Plains, praised the benevolence of the Great Qin after the common people shared their fields.

"I've been weak and sick recently, and I'm really overwhelmed. I hope your majesty will contact this old bone of yours, so that I can return to my hometown to take care of myself." Wei Guan cupped his hands.

Speaking of this, everyone knows it well.

Yang Zheng didn't really want to get Wei Guan down, but just suppressed him.

Du Yu has Du Yu's talent, and Yang Hu has Yang Hu's strengths. Similarly, Wei Guan's talent is irreplaceable.

"The Great Qin Dynasty has not yet arrived, how can Boyu abandon me? Don't mention this matter again. If you are not feeling well, you can rest for a few days. I will ask Yuan Kai and Yang Hu to share your worries about the Minister's order."

Wei Guan's eyes moved, "Your Majesty is so sympathetic to my ministers, how can I not bow down and die?"

Yang Zheng looked moved, "If all the officials in the world are like Boyu, the prosperity of the Great Qin Dynasty can be expected!"

After Wei Guan withdrew, Yang Xu sighed: "Father's methods are brilliant, and I admire them."

"You understand everything?"

"Father emperor let Wei Lingjun take the lead, saved his son's reputation of benevolence, cleaned up the Yingchuan gentry, benefited the people of one side, suppressed the descendant faction, and let Du Gong take the position reasonably. From now on, the descendant faction will no longer be able to dominate , It can be said to kill four birds with one stone.”

Yang Zheng nodded, "If you want to do things for the people of the world, you must pay attention to strategy and not act recklessly, otherwise all forces will get mixed up and nothing will be achieved in the end, just like you did in Jiangdong."

In my previous life, I saw a TV series where the court changed rice to mulberry. It was originally a good thing to benefit the country and the people, but in the end it turned out to be a bad thing that harmed the country and the people.

"My son, please remember!" Yang Xu looked forward to it.

"I heard that you have recruited Tao Kan, Zhou Chu and others? These are Jiangdong sages, you should listen to their opinions more, I will give them some official positions, and then let your subordinates in the East Palace be sent out to the prefectures and counties." Practice and practice."

Tao Kan's name is so famous, without him going around to fight the fire, the Sima family would have finished ahead of time.

"Thank you, Father!"

(End of this chapter)

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