
Chapter 884

Chapter 884

A little vibration above has little effect on the folks.

The Yingchuan gentry is powerful, but no matter how big it is, it is impossible to directly confront Daqin.

They were somewhat resistant to the migration, but under the persuasion of the sword, they obediently gave in.

Borderlands have both disadvantages and advantages.

You can continue to ride on the heads of foreign races to dominate, and the imperial court's control will not be as strict as in the Central Plains.

The Bashu family who migrated to Nanzhong in the early years are living a good life now. When there is no one left, they go to the mountains and forests to catch them. When they have no land, a few horses look at the mountains and run around. They draw a bet on the local government and pay some taxes every year. , you can "legally" own large tracts of land...

This day is much better than sneaking around in the Central Plains.

In the event of native resistance, you can also ask the imperial court for support.

Smart people are everywhere, and the Yingchuan gentry quickly discovered the benefits.

Many frontier lands are not wild. Several mountains of silver and iron have been discovered in Nanzhong, and several mountains of gold and copper have been discovered on the grasslands. They can legally own these mines by paying [-]% of the tax every year.

In addition to these, many border lands are very fertile, and you can have a good harvest if you just sprinkle some seeds.

The migration process was not as difficult as imagined.

The government only confiscated their land and child servants, but did not confiscate their money and food. If they have money and food, they will have everything. Just raise your arms, and the servants of the same clan who followed them to the south will continue, and there will be an endless stream of horses and ox carts.

Along the way, there were cavalrymen from the Qin army to protect them, and the government post stations also opened their doors to them.

"Ten years later, the imperial court allowed you to wait for the imperial examination. Your majesty said that if you can promote the king to a foreign land, you will be credited to the Great Qin. Fame and fortune are indispensable, and hereditary replacement is no problem!" Xuan Yilang shouted over and over again. with.

The originally disheartened nobles gradually brightened their eyes.

If you can take the imperial examination, you can be an official, and future generations will have hope.

"I will never let down the court's wishes by farming and studying for generations!" Xun Fan cupped his hands.

The young and strong around cheered, but what they held up was not bamboo slips and hoes, but ring-headed knives...

In the Great Qin Dynasty, the martial arts was very prosperous, and the scholars wore swords, and the common people wore knives. As long as they did not hide armor and crossbows, no one would say anything even if they carried a fifty-pound sword to buy vegetables.

The gentry tyrants are very knowledgeable about current affairs.

The arms couldn't twist the thighs, so they actively cooperated.

The heads of several major gentry clans were punished for their brains, but instead, the collateral descendants saw hope.

At the same time, the life of the gentry, the direct descendants and the offshoots can be described as two worlds.

The atmosphere was so warm, Xuan Yilang looked at the gleaming blades around him, licked his lips, and laughed dryly, "As expected of a wealthy family..."

On the land of Guanzhong, young seedlings have broken through the ground and are growing vigorously.

With the Wei River as the boundary, the south is the people's field, and the north is the imperial court's farmland.

It can be clearly seen that the growth of Mintian is much stronger than that of Tuntian.

During the court meeting, several people proposed to abolish the farmland and release the land to the people, but Yang Zheng rejected it.

"The imperial court must reserve a part of the land as a reward for future meritorious soldiers."

Daqin has a total of 20 Chinese troops, and the retirement age was advanced to 45 years old by Yang Zheng. The size of the Chinese army will be reduced to about [-]. If the newly recruited Chinese soldiers in the future are not allocated land, their combat effectiveness and loyalty will be greatly reduced.

People without property have no perseverance.

In this era, the role of land is irreplaceable by money.

When the soldiers have land, they will take the initiative to maintain and guard the land, which is equivalent to owning the shares of Daqin.

In turn, land closely linked soldiers to the state.

Yang Zheng felt that in the late Tang and Five Dynasties, the reason why soldiers frequently caused chaos was because the recruiting system completely replaced the mansion army system. Although the combat effectiveness increased significantly, the loyalty dropped again and again.

"Weinan, Longyou, and Hanzhong still have large tracts of unowned land, and it is feasible to keep the land in Weibei." Lu Zhi cupped his hands.

"The garrison fields in the Central Plains, Jiangdong, and central Sichuan should not be given up. I will set up Huangzhuang to manage them." The equalization of land is the foundation of the prosperity of the Great Qin, and the garrison is the old foundation of the Great Qin.

It is easy to let it go, but it is difficult to get it back in the future.

Along the Wei River to the east, cities rose from the ground, dotted with villages.

Cars and horses come and go on the official road, and sailboats in the Weishui River are busy.

Population growth is evident.

The stability of the Central Plains is also a huge attraction to Mobei, the Plateau, and the Western Regions.

Daqin is considered the most open dynasty among the past dynasties. Qianghu, Xiongnu, and Xianbei, as long as they are willing to wear Hanfu, speak Chinese, and survive for a few years, they can step by step from waiting to govern the people and gain their native place.

What pleased Yang Zheng most was vitality.

Guanzhong has become the middle ground connecting the Central Plains, Mobei, Plateau, and Western Regions. The cultures of various countries and ethnic groups blend and collide here, injecting new impetus into Chinese civilization.

Scholars' horizons became broadened.

In Daxing City, there are often legal debate conferences, where scholars and monks from the Western Regions engage in heated debates with Confucian scholars and scholars from the Central Plains, attracting a large number of people to stop and watch, and the imperial court will also send scribes to record.

Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism, Mohism, Legalism, etc. flourish and influence each other.

The Wei and Jin era was actually an era of cultural explosion. Due to the establishment of the Jin Dynasty, Confucianism fell into a moral crisis, which led to the prosperity of other academics.

Taoism first saw its glory at the end of the Han Dynasty, and Buddhism has been advancing to the Central Plains since the Han Dynasty.

Medical skills, machinery, and alchemy have also made great progress.

However, Taoism in this era is relatively vigorous. From Zhang Jiao’s Taiping Dao to Sun En’s and Lu Dun’s Dao of Heavenly Masters more than 100 years later, they are not masters of self-cultivation, and they always want to turn the table to rebel.

Yang Zheng ruled by doing nothing to the people, but not to them.

Both monks and Taoists adopted the degree system, loosening outside and strict inside, encouraging them to preach to the plateau, Mobei, Liaodong and other places.

After patrolling with Lu Zhi and other confidant ministers, Yang Zheng was quite satisfied with the governance of Guanzhong. He didn't see any beggars and refugees along the way.

In governing the country, it is better to seek truth from facts and take one step at a time. It cannot be taken for granted, nor can it be overjoyed.

After nearly a hundred years of war, it is already very good that Guanzhong can be restored to this state.

Other regions have not recovered to this level.

There are people who can't eat, and people who can't wear coats are everywhere.

"Within two years, the people will be able to eat enough, within three years, the people will be able to wear warm clothes, and within five years, the people of Daqin will be able to eat meat!" Yang Zheng didn't have such big ideals, and only focused on basic necessities of life.

After eating and dressing warmly, you will have the energy to have a baby, right?

People only have strength when they eat meat.

Lu Zhi smiled and said, "Your Majesty's great wish is not easy to come true."

"Since the predecessors can achieve it, so can I."

Anyway, the goal has been raised, how to achieve it is a matter for the six departments of the three provinces, Yang Zheng is responsible for drawing the big cake, and the six departments of the three provinces are responsible for the implementation.

People will become lazy if they are idle, and the government institutions will become corrupt if they are too idle.

Ordinary people can lie flat, but the country must not lie flat, sailing against the current, if you do not advance, you will retreat!

(End of this chapter)

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