
Chapter 885

Chapter 885
Not to mention, the three provinces and six ministries are quite efficient.

As soon as Yang Zheng's big cake was drawn, various departments formulated a series of plans.

The Ministry of Industry is naturally building bridges and roads. If you want to get rich, you must first build roads.

The Ministry of Household Affairs advocated the restoration of the tithe tax burden, so that the people could keep more money and food in their hands.

The Ministry of War and the Ministry of Officials advocated the reduction of redundant personnel.

Repairing bridges and roads is already underway, but all large-scale civil engineering projects are prohibited. These things are even more costly and costly. Yang Zheng didn't even dig the Guangtong Canal from Daxing to Tongguan, because he was afraid of wasting people's resources.

And the tax cut is not suitable for the moment.

Yang Zheng has already reduced taxes in the Central Plains and Jiangdong for a few years. This trick has been used too much, and the people may not be grateful to the imperial court. Besides, the Western Regions, Liaodong, and Mobei will send troops in the future, and the imperial court also needs to accumulate some strength.

The Ministry of War and the Ministry of Officials are trying to eliminate redundant personnel.

Jin and Wu had a large number of nepotistic officials, and they changed dynasties, but they did not change their local power.

Many cities have changed the Dawang Banner at the top of the city, and they continue to eat delicious and spicy food.

The father is the county magistrate, and the son is the county magistrate.

The father is the county magistrate, the son is the pavilion chief...

This set worked well in the old dynasties, but not in Daqin.

Don't underestimate these small local officials. Many good policies of the court often become bad policies in their hands.

The people are miserable.

Since it was proposed by the Ministry of Officials, Yang Zheng delegated power to the Ministry of Officials to deal with it, and also mobilized the Xuanyi Division and the Zhenfu Division to assist them.

You can let go of the affairs of the Ministry of Officials, but Yang Zheng never dares to ignore the affairs of the Ministry of War.

Daxing maintains 20 elite Chinese troops. Although large-scale wars are gone, large-scale training is still there. Sometimes training is more difficult than war. Where the climate is harsh and the road is difficult and dangerous, it is either Mobei or the plateau, or the mountains of Bashu.

Many soldiers are exhausted.

After the age of 40, not only physical strength, but also mental strength will decline.

Injuries suffered in the early years will also become more and more uncomfortable as the age increases.

What's more, many 40-year-old soldiers have already had wives and children on the bed, and their stay in the army will only weaken the combat effectiveness and will of the Chinese army.

In view of this, Yang Zheng issued a retirement order. All lieutenant officers and soldiers can decide whether to stay or not. Those who retire are exempted from the tax in the first year, halved in the second year, and returned to normal in the third year.

As expected, as soon as the edict came out, there was an endless stream of retired people.

Soldiers in the Han and Wei dynasties were all employed for life. They joined the army at fifteen, and fought bloody battles with knives at sixty.

Yang Zheng's retirement order is definitely a great good governance in this era.

There are 20 Chinese soldiers and nearly [-] retired.

Du Yujin remonstrated: "Retired officers and soldiers care about the Great Qin, like your Majesty's sons and nephews, they are the essence of the Great Qin. It is better to move to Hebei, Central Plains, and Jiangdong. Although they are the people, they can also protect one side of the Great Qin!"

"Yuan Kai's words are true! If retired soldiers wish to go to the Kanto, each of them will receive a hundred acres of fertile land and a pack horse, and they will all be promoted to Xuanyi!"

Xuan Yiyi is not Xuan Yilang, but is equivalent to a member of the Communist Youth League of later generations.

In the future, there will be priority in the selection of village chiefs, village chiefs, and pavilion chiefs.

"The eight battalions of the Chinese army, I suggest reducing to six armies." Du Yu is a fan of Zuo Zhuan, and there is a record in Zuo Zhuan: Six armies of the Son of Heaven.

This is an ancient law.

Now that the Chinese army has been abolished, naturally it will not need so many establishments.

Yang Zheng nodded in agreement.

Du Yu, the Minister of Quan, was more competent than Wei Guan. After all, he was a man who had led soldiers and fought vicious battles. He took out a memorial from his pocket and presented it to Yang Zheng.

It was roughly improved according to the military system of the Han Dynasty. It was divided into six armies: Yulin, Huben, Longxiang, Xiaoqi, Yueqi, and Tunqi. Each army was divided into two battalions, each with 1 to [-] people.

The three armies of Yulin, Longxiang, and Xiaoqi were stationed in the northeast of Taiji Hall, so it was called Beiya.

The three armies of Huben, Yueqi, and Tunqi were stationed in the southwest, so they were called Nanya.

Each battalion has a school lieutenant and a Xuanyi decree, who do not belong to each other, and take turns guarding Daxing City and the Imperial City, as well as the Heavenly Palace.

In normal times, only the military order of the emperor's tiger talisman and the seal of the country can be mobilized. In wartime, the emperor appoints a general to lead the tiger talisman.

There are various other regulations in the memorial, which restrain each other and supervise each other. Only one lieutenant cannot mobilize the troops under his command, and it is impossible for the various armies to connect together.

Du Yu's memorials are detailed to the residences of the school captains and Xuanyi orders.

In this regard, Du Yu was a professional, and with Yang Zheng's level, he couldn't find any problems. The more than [-] elite Chinese troops, plus the local government soldiers, were enough to deal with enemies in all directions.

Yang Zheng has also been taking the route of elite soldiers. After Jin and Wu were destroyed, there was no large-scale national war. Looking around, there are very few people who can rival Daqin.

"Very good, this policy will be implemented immediately after being discussed by the Ministry of War."

Du Yu's ministerial order is more competent. Wei Guan has been the ministerial order for so many years, so it's time for him to move his position.

It is not a good thing for a person to be fixed in one position.

In the past, Weiguan's family was dominant in Chaozhong, and there were too many old students. Of course it would be wrong for this situation to continue. Now that Du Yu has come, the problem will be solved easily.

Three provinces and six ministries, in addition to Shangshu province, Zhongshu province and Weiguan Zhongshuling.

Half a month later, Du Yu was almost done with the matter.

There are [-] retired soldiers, and nearly [-] are willing to go to the Kanto.

Xuan Yi's identity is too tempting. They have served the Great Qin army all their lives. Even after retiring, they still hope to continue to shine for the Great Qin.

Yang Zheng held a grand banquet outside Daxing City.

As always, they ate meat and drank heavily, and the atmosphere was extremely lively.

Yang Zheng led Yang Xu to shuttle among the soldiers, looking at familiar faces, Qiang people, Jian people, Hu people, Han people...

Many people have old injuries on their bodies, and their faces are tired. Thinking that they can finally rest and live a good life, they are very happy in their hearts. "Although you are retired, you are still our soldiers!"

In one sentence, tears filled the eyes of the old soldiers around.

"If you can follow His Majesty in this life, you will die without regret!"

"You only need to say a word from your majesty, and your subordinates will go to battle with swords and kill thieves for your majesty!"

"Life is a Daqin man, death is a Daqin ghost!"


Those who are heartless are mostly scholars, and those who are righteous often slaughter more dogs.

Being with them doesn't require so much thought, and they are also the most satisfying people, a piece of land, a bowl of rice, and a word, they will rush forward with all their hearts!
"Haha, be ambitious, don't disgrace me, Daqin, or I when you get to Kanto!" Yang Zheng picked up the wine bowl.

In an instant, countless hands were raised, and countless eyes came together, "It's done!"

The feelings condensed in a battle can stand the test.

It's just that there is always a banquet in the world.

The crying became louder and louder, and many old soldiers were sobbing. Yang Zheng took Yang Xu to comfort them one by one.

On the second day, he personally saw them off.

But wherever Yang Zheng went, he fell to his knees.

Du Yu was right, they were loyal to Daqin and dispersed to the Kanto, allowing Daqin's soul to take root everywhere.

(End of this chapter)

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