
Chapter 886

In half a year, Qin Law was compiled.

Substantial revisions were made on the basis of the laws of the Han Dynasty and the laws of the Wei Dynasty, simplifying the complexities, reducing crimes such as family punishment and continuous sitting, increasing the punishment of exile, and abolishing torture such as beheading and lingering, all of which were beheaded.

"Twenty pieces of laws, 620 articles, 650 and seven words, 920 and six laws and regulations, 12 words, sixty volumes, and thirty volumes of stories. It is a clean agreement, and everything follows the Zhongdian, and returns to Yishi." Du Yu clasped his hands and said.

The legal text is based on the crime, and the legal order is based on the matter.

This is the first time in history to clearly distinguish the earliest definition of law (criminal law system) and order (rules and regulations).

Compared with the old laws of the Han and Wei dynasties, the boundaries are clearer and the system is more complete. For the first time, regulations such as increased and reduced sentences, aggravated recidivism, and combined punishment for multiple crimes were proposed, which have basically been used to later generations.

"Yuan Kai has worked hard!" After listening to Du Yu's explanation, Yang Zheng praised sincerely.

There are more than 10,000 million characters in the Han law. Du Yu and Zhang Fei simplified it to [-]+ characters without weakening the function of the law.

On the whole, the governance of the people is relatively loose, which reduces the shackles of the people.

However, the treatment of returnees and slaves is relatively strict, and it is not an exaggeration to say that the punishment is severe.

The current general environment is in the weak period of the Han people, and the barbarians have moved in. If the law is not strict with them, it is connivance.

Everything that Yang Zheng could think of was found in the new law.

"The new law has some flaws and omissions, which need to be improved during trial implementation." Du Yu did not take credit for it.

Laws, like people, need to be down-to-earth, otherwise they will not adapt to the environment and will be difficult to implement.

"It can be handed over to the Ministry of Punishment for implementation, and Zhang Fei will be promoted to Minister of the Ministry of Punishment to take charge of this matter."

Du Yu's contribution is great, and Zhang Fei's contribution is not small.

One person is proficient in Confucian Zuozhuan, and the other is proficient in Legalism's study of criminal names. Zhang Fei's appointment as Minister of the Ministry of Justice is the best choice.

With this law code, the two can be established as the originators of Mount Tai of Chinese law.

Of course, Du Yu and Zhang Fei were not the only ones who compiled the new law. It only took half a year to compile it, but it took at least four or five years of preparation in the early stage, and a large number of subordinates and scribes sorted it out day and night. However, Yang Zheng didn't treat them badly, and all of them were recruited into the literature museum and given the title of "Bachelor".

There are seven ranks in total, and each rank has a corresponding salary and treatment.

It can be regarded as giving face to cultural people.

"Although the new law is completed, it still needs to be annotated so that it can be used nationwide."

"After you make a decision on this matter, it will be reviewed by the three provinces, and then implemented." Yang Zheng knew that he was a layman, so he should leave this complicated writing work to professionals.

Most of the processes of Daqin's government affairs are the same.

Another identity of the Bachelor of Literature Museum is the emperor's advisor and think tank.

If there is something Yang Zheng doesn't understand, he can ask directly.

Daqin culture flourished, and scholars came from various schools, such as Confucianism, Legalism, Mohism, doctors, monks, Taoists, etc., and even scholars from the Western Regions.

"Leave the new law to Zhang Fei, and I have another important task to entrust to Yuan Kai!"

"Please tell me, Your Majesty," Du Yu asked curiously.

"I'm going to compile a big book, which will include all the famous books in the world, including astronomy and geography, yin and yang medicine, Buddhism and Taoism, a subset of classics and history, the art of war, Danqing rhythm, technology and agriculture, everything is included, everything is included!"

The law is to restrict the behavior of the people in the world, and the Grand Ceremony is to repair the system of Chinese civilization, to discard the dross, to extract the essence, and to reshape the spirit of scholars. This is where it starts.

"If this book is completed, the Great Qin Dynasty will last forever!" Du Yu was a scholar, so he naturally knew the meaning of this great ceremony.

"For thousands of years, I don't dare to think. If I can catch up with the big man, I will be satisfied." Yang Zheng laughed twice. If this is the case, the Ming Dynasty will not perish. There is no immortal dynasty in ancient and modern China and abroad.

"Your Majesty wears clothes and eats lightly, stays up late and sleeps all night, and works hard. The ancient Mingjun is nothing more than that, and it is just around the corner to surpass the Han Dynasty!"

"With Yuan Kai assisting me, why is the time not working?" Yang Zheng was blown away a little bit.

Great Qin has abundant military virtues, and it needs Wende to make up for it.

Compilation of "Taixing Dadian" is a huge and cumbersome project, but the cost is not much. It does not need to use hundreds of thousands of people's labor, nor does it need to spend hundreds of millions of money and food.

Only the bachelors need to be cool and poor.

The scale of 1000 people in the Literature Museum is too small, so Yang Zheng ordered another expansion.

Astronomy and geography, hundreds of schools of thought, as long as there is one thing that is outstanding, it can be selected.

States and counties all over the world began to search for talents.

In this era, all schools of thought are still lingering with a glimmer of life.

All kinds of talents are available.

Among the Seven Sages of the Bamboo Forest, Ruan Ji, Shan Tao, Xiang Xiu, Liu Ling, and Ruan Xian walked out of the bamboo forest and joined the Literature Museum under Ji Kang's persuasion.

Huang Fumi wrote "A and B Classics of Acupuncture and Moxibustion", and compiled books such as "Century of Emperors", "Biography of Gao Shi", "Biography of Yi Shi", "Biography of Lie Nu", "Mr. Yuan Yan Collection" and other books...

Pei Xiu drew a map of the world, and under Yang Zheng's correction and prompting, he roughly drew the whole picture of the East.

Liu Huixian's "Nine Chapters of Arithmetic Notes" and "Sea Island Mathematical Classics".

Zhang Huan compiled "Nongsang Shiyao" based on the "Book of Si Sheng" in the Western Han Dynasty and the "Monthly Order of the Four People" in the Eastern Han Dynasty.

The best is Ji Kang, who was inspired by Yang Zheng's "Taixing Dadian" and wrote "Ji Kang Collection", which contains hundreds of thousands of words in various works on architecture, painting, rhythm, calligraphy, health preservation, and poetry.

There are a lot of books collected by the people.

Many are bamboo slips.

However, it is precisely because they are bamboo slips that they have been preserved to this day.

Yang Zheng flipped through a little bit, and found that many classics were different from those seen by later generations, and their meanings were also quite different.

It is not difficult to imagine that it has been modified by some people with ulterior motives.

Often a word is wrong, and it is a thousand miles away.

The compilation of "Taixing Dadian" is just an opportunity and a signal.

If there is something good at the top, the bottom must follow.

The trend of folk learning suddenly became popular, and it was not limited to Confucianism, but mathematics, Mohism, and medical skills were all dabbled in.

To Yang Zheng's surprise, those who are proficient in these "heretical ways" are all the sons of powerful gentry...

But it's normal to think about it, the children of the poor family and the common people can't even eat enough, how can they have the heart to study knowledge?

It is not easy to know a few words.

Therefore, most of them study with a natural utilitarianism. The children of the wealthy and powerful gentry have nothing to do when they are full, but they can immerse themselves in these side studies.

In fact, looking at the family backgrounds of people like Huangfu Mi, Ji Kang, and Pei Xiu, you can see that they are rarely the children of poor families.

But this is exactly what Yang Zheng wanted. The sons of powerful gentry should do more learning, don't be single-minded about being an official, and make more contributions to China. Being famous in history is not just about being an official.

Free up the position and open the ascending channel for the poor and common people.

Inspired by Lingyan Pavilion, Yang Zheng set up Lingyun Pavilion.

Hang the portraits of Ji Kang, Huang Fumi, Liu Hui, Pei Xiu, Zhang Huan, Zuo Si and others in it, and vigorously publicize their achievements all over the world.

Under the rolling tide of history, their achievements are actually greater than emperors and generals.

A nation always needs someone to look up to the sky.

So no matter how high they are, they can't be overstated.

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