
Chapter 887

The national strength of Daqin has not yet flourished, but the culture has flourished first.

The demand for pens, ink, paper and inkstones has greatly increased.

Paper, in particular, has been vigorously promoted by the government, the technology and output have been greatly improved, and the cost has been continuously reduced.

Those who have money use high-grade products, and those who have no money use low-grade products.

Except for some roughness, writing is absolutely fine.

More paper means more books.

Things that were regarded as treasures by the nobles in the past are not so precious now.

For a medium-sized family, you can also sell a few copies and place them at home to add some appearance.

Books are gradually popularized, and reading and literacy is no longer the exclusive property of the gentry.

The government vigorously supervised Xiang Xu, and the children of the common people gradually rose up. The sound of reading aloud can often be heard among the squares and cities in Daxing City.

After the metaphysics and empty talk of the Wei and Jin Dynasties were infused into the vigorous and martial spirit of the Great Qin Dynasty, the old slump was swept away and gradually became positive.

The temperament of scholars has undergone great changes.

When celebrities from the Wei and Jin dynasties meet, they don't talk about state affairs or people's livelihood. Whoever wants to talk about how to govern the country, how to strengthen the army and enrich the people, who has outstanding achievements, etc., will be ridiculed as talking about common matters and ridiculed.Therefore, it does not talk about common things, but only talks about Lao Zhuang and Zhou Yi, which is called "Qing Yan".

In Yang Zheng's view, all things that are not down-to-earth and divorced from the masses are all bullshit, or bullshit over and over again...

The depravity and incompetence of the gentry in the Jin Dynasty had a lot to do with Qing Tan.

But now scholars get together, and the topic of discussion has turned to the common people in the world, governing the country and the people.

When they are happy, they either write poems about wine, or draw swords and dance, and compete with each other, and then make a bold statement, "A man has no other ambitions, but he should follow the example of Fu Jiezi and Zhang Qian in making contributions to foreign lands to win the title!"

The scholars gradually returned to what Yang Zheng wanted to see.

In fact, governing culture is much simpler than governing a country.

Back then, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty only respected Confucianism, and it was just a matter of one sentence.

Although Confucianism is still the mainstream in Daqin, other schools are also growing rapidly.

On the contrary, Confucianism shows signs of gradually merging with other schools of thought.

The world is unified, and the Great Qin is flourishing.

The issue of the Western Regions gradually came to the fore.

After so many years of infiltration, the Western Regions have already become the back garden of Chinese civilization. Architecture, language, clothing, and clothing are getting closer and closer to the Central Plains. All countries recognize Daqin as the suzerain state. Without the canonization of Daqin, the succession of all countries is illegal .

However, they are still unwilling to give up their military power, which seems to be their last stubbornness.

Just as Yang Zheng was thinking about how to apply pressure, Zhao Aqi rushed to report: "Your Majesty, Moxi Qianghu invaded Liangzhou in a big way!"

"Are they so courageous?" Yang Zheng was taken aback for a moment, and then instead of being angry, he became happy, "How many are here? Why did you rebel?"

"The Heda people who moved to the east, the Gaoche and Xianbei tribes who went south, joined forces with the Northern Hu to total more than [-] people!"

It is a long-term process for Zhuhu to integrate into China.

Yang Zheng got rid of Xianbei, Xiongnu, and Qianghu, cut off a crop of leeks, and now they are producing new ones.

However, there are more than 20 people, which sounds a little scary.

There must be a reason for such a large-scale eastward migration.

Zhao Aqi continued: "Since last year, there have been signs of severe drought in Yongliang, and the grasslands have suffered even more severely. The drought is followed by locust plagues, and countless cattle and horses have been killed and injured. They can only move eastward to plunder our Great Qin!"

The Great Qin ruled the world, but it did not change the custom of the grassland tribes going south to hunt grass valleys. It seemed that plunder was engraved in their bones.

Shanggu, Daijun, Yunzhong and other northern frontiers are often harassed by them.

Yang Zheng's heart skipped a beat, and he suddenly thought that the great turmoil in Yongliang in the Western Jin Dynasty occurred in the past few years.

It was also because of the severe drought, coupled with the Western Jin Dynasty's persecution of the Han and Yi people everywhere, that eventually led to a great turmoil in the function of the bald tree, killing four generals of the Sima family, Hu Lie, Qian Hong, Su Yu, and Yang Xin.

In the end, Wen Yang pressed and rubbed on the ground, broke it, and recruited more than [-] Huzhong.

However, Wenyang had a feud with the Sima family, so he found him guilty of meritorious deeds, and found a crime against the Yi tribe. The bald tree's functions grew again, making Sima Yan restless, and the whole court was at a loss. In the end, Ma Long volunteered and recruited three thousand brave men , completely calm the function of the bald tree.

The trajectory of history has changed, but the inertia remains.

"Send envoys to contact them and ask them to put down their weapons, and I can settle them down."

"Bo Keluo and Ruo Luoba, the leaders of the thieves, have great ambitions, and asked Daqin for Beidi County..."

"You don't have to drink a toast!" Yang Zheng clapped his hands and laughed.

As soon as I fell asleep, someone gave me a pillow.

This group of people came to the door by themselves, just in time to catch them all.

The Battle of Hedong has been going on for too long, and the battle of Yecheng is more dependent on the weather and the overwhelming pressure of Mount Tai. The destruction of Wu has no technical content, it is purely Zhonghui's own work.

After so many years of not hacking anyone, the backs of these beggars on the grassland have straightened up again.

"This battle is going to be fought hard, show it to the countries of the Western Regions!" Yang Zheng called Lu Zhi, Du Yu, and Wei Guan to discuss military affairs.

"How much troops does Your Majesty plan to send?" Lu Zhi looked nervous.

Prairie warfare must be dominated by cavalry.

One man and three horses consume no less than the Central Plains War.

Yang Zheng thought about it for a while, and the one hundred thousand Chinese army pushed forward. They had no technical content and could not show the strength and strength of the Qin army, so he stretched out a finger.

Lu Zhi thought it was a [-] army, frowned and coughed twice, "Your Majesty... the treasury..."

"Ten thousand riders!" Yang Zheng laughed.

This time, Du Yu frowned, 1 people versus 20, which is a little too much, "I am willing to lead the army to fight."

Yang Zheng knew that he was afraid that he would personally conquer him.

It's fine for the general to play with his life like this, but for the emperor to do it like this... it's a bit messy.

Wei Guan glanced at Du Yu, "Since all the ministries came together, they can be divided and disintegrated to lure internal changes, and then send troops, which will get twice the result with half the effort."

"No, this battle is not to fight the tribes of the grassland, but to show the countries of the Western Regions, so that they can see the frontier of the Great Qin!"

"Who is your Majesty going to take as general?" Lu Zhi asked.

Yang Zheng wanted to fight in person, but in the end he held back, "Wenyang is the main general, and the bald tree is the assistant."

It's not a pity to have a divine sword in hand.

All three breathed a sigh of relief.

"The force of 1 troops is too thin, and there is no need to take such risks." Du Yu advised.

Yang Zheng is not a self-willed person. After all, there are more than 20 people on the opposite side, and there are many examples of gutter overturning. "That's 2 people!"

[-] riders and [-] horses, the treasury can afford it.

The thieves claim to be 20, but how many can really fight?
After the reduction of redundant personnel in the Chinese army, the combat effectiveness not only did not decline, but also increased.

Well-equipped and high-spirited.

"Last year, there were signs of severe drought in Liangzhou, and it is the same this year. I suggest that you make preparations early and transfer the grain and grass from Shuzhong and Hehuang to the north." Lu Zhi looked further.

Yang Zheng slapped his thigh, only thinking about killing people, forgetting that this is the big deal.

In fact, not only Liangzhou, but Guanzhong will also experience severe drought in the next few years.

The rebellion of the bald tree function is just the beginning, and there will be a series of turmoil behind it.

"Guanzhong has increased grain storage, and grain from Hedong, Nanyang, and Central Plains will also be transported to Guanzhong."

Guanzhong was really full of disasters and disasters. After a few years of stable life, natural disasters and man-made disasters came again.

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