
Chapter 888

Chapter 888
Fortunately, the drought is only partial, and it is impossible for Yongliang to suffer from a complete drought.

It is mainly concentrated in some areas north of Liangzhou.

The rivers have decreased, the grasslands have dried up, and the grassland tribes can only fight each other in order to survive.

Seeing the opportunity, the Heda people who moved east took the opportunity to annex many tribes and grow stronger.

The Heda people are a branch of the Huns, also known as the "White Huns" in later generations. They originally lived in the north of the Great Wall, and then migrated to the Jinshan Mountains, where they merged with the Central Asian nomadic tribes and the Dayuezhi people.

Originally, they kept migrating westward, but the rise of the Great Qin defeated the Xianbei in Moxi, and they were unable to control the huge grassland in a short period of time. The Heda people sensed an opportunity to fill the emptiness of the grassland.

"20 people" is the number from four months ago. After absorbing the Xianbei and Gaoche tribes, this force has expanded to 35.

In the past few years, the temperature has continued to drop, and the grassland tribes have moved south one after another. Coupled with the drought, it is even more difficult to survive.

Gaoche and Xianbei originally wanted to attach to Daqin, but they were intercepted by the Heda people.

If you can't beat it, you can only join.

The growth of the population has also inflated the ambitions of the Heda people.

Of course, anyone with tens of thousands of people in their hands will not choose to surrender easily.

There has been no war in Liangzhou for the past ten years. There are business travelers coming and going everywhere, and there is gold everywhere. It looks too much like a fat sheep.

Greed made them choose to ignore Daqin's strength.

"Taking Liangzhou and controlling the Hexi Corridor will cut things off. By then, the Western Regions will not be in our pocket?" Bo Keluo was in high spirits on a gallant horse.

The rise of grassland forces is very fast.

No territory, grab it!

No food, grab it!

No population, still grab!

With a lot of courage and a little bit of luck, you will be able to thrive on the grassland.

"Daqin has just unified the Central Plains, and it is at a time when we are weak. Let's fight harder and kill more Han people. Maybe their emperor will send a princess to marry us! Haha, when the time comes, we will be one by one, and taste the fine skin of the Central Plains girls. Tender meat!" Ruo Luoba Nengha's blood flowed out three feet long.

He is from Xianbei and knows a little bit about Daqin.

A wave of laughter immediately erupted in response.

The countermeasures have been thought of long ago, if you win the fight, you will fight, if you can't win, just run away.

The grassland is so big, can the people of Qin chase it to the ends of the earth?

"Report—" A scout approached from far to near, "Report to Khan and Ye Hu that [-] Qin troops passed through Juyan Mountain and came straight to us."

"How much?" Bo Keluo couldn't believe it.

When the big Han fought against the Xiongnu, 10,000+ people went north at every turn.

I am a little bit worse than the Huns, but 2 people rushed over so directly, it seems that some don't take myself seriously.

"Around [-] cavalry!" The scout confirmed again.

Bo Keluo glanced back at the people behind him, they were so vast and vast, covering the mountains and plains, as if the entire Hujie Mountain could not hold it.

Although they were a little poor, many people sat on horses with bare buttocks, and their weapons were not good enough, but after all, each person had a big bone stick, coupled with a charging horse, and the power of a stick should not be underestimated.

"I thought the Great Qin was so strong, but it seems like that. The [-] cavalry sent us meat? Brothers on the prairie, you must kill all the Qin soldiers, so that no one escapes back to the Central Plains!" Bo Keluo He opened his mouth wide and howled, revealing a mouthful of black and yellow teeth, and the last trace of uneasiness in his heart disappeared.

Only 40 riders, and [-] of them, each of them drowned with a spit.

"Kill all the Qin people!"

At the foot of Hujie Mountain, ghosts were crying and wolves were howling, and spears, iron forks and bone sticks were held high together.

"General, there are 30 to [-] enemies, let me kill them like this?" Bald Tree swallowed instinctively.

Wen Yang squinted at him, "Why not?"

According to the tradition, when the two armies are at war, they first confront each other, then set up camp, see each other, and then try again to find the opponent's flaws, or wait for the opponent to make mistakes, and the final blow is fatal.

"Heda, Gaoche, and Xianbei are skilled in bow and horse, and they have a large number of people, and they are quite capable of fighting."

Until now, Bald Tree still instinctively looks at problems from the standpoint of grassland people.

He didn't realize that the Qin army was no longer the traditional Central Plains army.

Most of the Yue cavalry troops who went to the expedition were composed of Qianghu and Xianbei people from the land of Yongliang. They also grew up on horseback since they were young. Completely become Qin people.

Brave and resolute, brave and fearless.

The 5000 forwards were dressed in cold forged armor, holding a long lance in one hand and a longbow in the other, two Mobei horses and one Hehuang big horse.

More than 5000 people behind them were wearing leather armor, holding crossbows and spears.

Wherever it passes, the earth shakes and the mountains shake, and the wind and clouds change color.

"Hahaha!" Wenyang raised his head and laughed loudly, "If a certain army had such a strong army back then, how could Sima Jia'an survive for more than ten years?"

The temperament of a country depends on the monarch, and the temperament of an army depends on the commander.

There is no doubt that Wen Yang is the number one fierce general in the Great Qin Dynasty.

The military and civilians have long been ranked.

The first Wenyang, the second Mengyu, the third Ma Xun, the fourth special...

Liu Heng was originally ranked third, but since he fell down on a woman's belly, he became a big laughing stock among the people, and his ranking slipped to ninth...

"It's just a chicken and a dog, how can it fight against my Great Qin?" Wen Yang raised his long spear.

The [-] armored cavalry around him raised their heads to the sky and screamed, "Kill!"

"Kill, kill, kill!"

Cries came and went.

A murderous aura rose from the ground, and in the strong wind, the banner was like a cloud at the foot of Yanran Mountain.

A long dragon soared westward like a rainbow.

The overwhelming momentum made the bald tree function in it stunned. Today's Great Qin is not Cao Wei and Sima Jin, not Shu Han, nor Soochow, but an unstoppable trend.

The rise of the Han people, no, the rise of the Qin people, and the integration of the grasslands is a foregone conclusion.

A unified Central Plains empire, the rabble on the grasslands, can only prostrate at its feet.

Either blend in, or... perish!
Under this tide, the ambition of Bald Tree Function is too insignificant.

"Those who follow the general trend of the world will prosper, and those who go against will perish. Brother, don't make mistakes!" his cousin Tufa Wuwan whispered beside him.

The Xianbei tribe who once gathered around them had already left one by one and integrated into Daqin.

It is as if the river disappears into the sea without a trace.

Bald tree machine can look at the blue sky.

Under the sky, Hujie Mountain in the distance is like a silent giant. The grassland is still the grassland, but it is no longer a place for Xianbei people to gallop.

"From now on, the bald-haired family will change their surname to Liu, and my name will be Liu Neng."

Liu Neng, Liu Neng, the more you read the bald tree function, the more you feel that this name is reliable, and there is a faint sense of dignity, extraordinary...

"Then my younger brother is Liu Wan." Tufa Wuwan thought the name was good.

Baldness and Tuoba originated from the same line, but the two have enmity, and the baldness tree can't bother to use Tuoba as the surname anymore.

It has long been a trend for grassland tribes to change their surname to Liu.

(End of this chapter)

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