
Chapter 889 Rolling

Chapter 889 Rolling
"This Qin general looks like a reckless man at first glance, and he has fallen into our trap!" Bo Keluo was extremely excited.

He laid a net under Hujie Mountain, like a pocket, and Qin Jun got in without even trying.

If Luo Ba could compliment him, "Heaven bestows on Khan with Liangzhou!"

The other wealthy chieftains also complimented him one after another.

Don't be too excited about the imminent reappearance of the Great Huns, about turning Guanzhong into a grassland, about breaking Daxing, looting money and food, and so on.

There was only one white-headed veteran with a solemn expression, staring at the Qin army lined up in the encirclement. Under the blue sky and on the withered yellow grassland, the Qin army was like a black cloud-leisurely and calmly, with a murderous aura rushing straight ahead. sky.

After running on the prairie all his life, his instinct felt wrong, "Khan, this Qin army is extraordinary, so don't be careless."

"People in the Central Plains are all sheep, and we prairie people are wolves. When will the sheep that eat grass defeat the wolves that eat meat? The Han people have been weakened for more than 200 years. Does it mean that they can recover after recovery? I think you are obviously cowardly!" Koro sneered.

If Luo Ba Neng also followed suit, "Our 40 people have already dispersed, can we still get back? Even if this Qin army is extraordinary, 40 people can drown them all!"

They came all the way from the west, and basically did not encounter any decent resistance wherever they passed, and they were somewhat swollen.

When there are many people, courage is enough.

"Okay, don't talk too much, all the ministries hurry up and prepare, the fast-talking ones will eat the meat, and the slow-mouthed ones can only drink the wind!" Bo Keluo drew out his waist knife and looked down on the world with a condescending look.

Moments later, the horns whimpered.

The entire grassland slowly shook.

In all directions, Hu Qi came surging like a tide.

The Heda people have lived in the Western Regions for hundreds of years, but they still have something.

The cavalry galloped forward, advancing layer by layer like waves. The roar of people mixed with the sound of horseshoes, and the momentum was astonishing.

The Heda people are relying on this momentum to move across the Western Regions.

Bo Keluo spurted blood, raised his sword to the sky, "Defeat the people of Qin!"

Countless Hu Qi waved the guys in their hands and rushed towards the Qin army in the center of the encirclement.

Like a pack of wolves hunting sheep.

However, it is still unknown who is the wolf and who is the sheep on the battlefield!
I saw that Qin Junzhong also blew the horn, and went straight into the sky one by one.

Then there was a burst of wild laughter, and the war horse ran slowly, accelerated, and galloped.

Like a long whip, Hu Qi swept away to the north.

The rain of arrows on both sides covered the sky, dozens of Qin soldiers were shot off their horses, and dozens of cavalry were tripped.

But Hu Qi on the opposite side fell down in pieces like wheat.

When the Hu people shot one arrow, the Qin army's crossbow had already fired three arrows in a row.

When Hu Qi was still stunned, Qin Qi had already bumped into him head-on.

All of a sudden, the war horses wailed, flesh and blood flew, and Hu Qi fell down in pieces.

The sharp long spears easily penetrated their bodies.

Qin Jun can flexibly twist his body on the horse, avoid the stabbing weapon, and completely free his hands.

The barbarian needs to clamp the horse's belly with his legs, hold the horse's neck with one hand or pull the horse's mane.

In the wild running and bumping, people are uncomfortable, and horses are even more uncomfortable.

The Hu people soon discovered that the riding skills they were proud of could not be put on the table in front of this cavalry. There was no saddle and stirrup. .

With a charge, the Qin army easily pierced through the cavalry in the north, leaving behind a field of human and horse corpses, forming a shocking scarlet blood river on the withered grass.

Some seriously injured people and horses stretched out towards the sky in the river of blood, as if they wanted to grab something.

With the north wind blowing, the wailing sound blew towards the barbarian army in the south.

The battlefield fell into a momentary stupor.

The Hu people did not expect Qin Jun to be so strong.

And Qin Jun didn't expect the Hu people to be so weak...

"Too weak!" Wen Yang shook his head, the five hundred armored horses beside him hadn't been used yet.

The long whips gathered again in the north, and after being stained with blood, Qin Qi became even more violent and bloodthirsty!

Since the Battle of Hedong, Wenyuan has not galloped on the battlefield for a long time. He is more commanding the army to besiege and attack the city. Compared with the long and fierce battle in the Central Plains, he prefers to draw his sword and seal his throat now, and his eyes slowly rise. Blood red, "Native chicken and dog, dare to stroke the beard of this general, and kill yourself!"

The cavalry lined up in two rows, with their sharp spears facing forward.

It was like a giant beast baring its fangs.

Wenyang is leaping in front, with a sword in his left hand and a lance in his right hand. Hehuang's red dragon steed under his crotch is riding in front. Five hundred horsemen are half a horse behind. Thousands of horses and horses are behind, sweeping towards Hu Qi come.

Under the north wind, one after another "Qin" flags burned like bright flames.

The aura of the elite of hundreds of battles is fully opened.

The earth shakes and the mountains shake, and the wind and clouds change color.

Has the Heda people ever seen such momentum?
Xianbei people and Gaoche people were also frightened.

Even their war horses screamed in alarm, stepped back uneasily, swung their hooves, knocked the barbarians off their horses, then hissed and galloped away...

With such a dazed effort, Qin Jun has already swept over.

The thousands of riders in the front were submerged in the black wave in the blink of an eye, leaving only heart-piercing screams.

The Qin army's killing was extremely efficient. Changshu rose and fell with the ups and downs of the horse, tearing the body of the barbarian without any hindrance, and then followed the inertia of the horse's bumping, throwing the body out, and occasionally one or two long spears were stuck Stopped, Qin Jun did not hesitate, immediately discarded the long spear, pulled out the ring head knife, and harvested the heads as usual...

Everyone is well-trained, everyone is brave and brave...

Especially the Qin general at the front, under the guard of hundreds of elite cavalry, as if entering a land without people, his long spear turned into a little silver light, and blood rained down wherever he passed.

Bo Keluo sent the most valiant Heda warriors to besiege and kill this person.

However, some people are destined to be gods on the battlefield.

No matter how many people there are, they can't hurt him, and they can't even limit him.

Among the intertwined swords and long spears, there is no one who can match!
A so-called warrior was pierced through the chest by a long lance, and then flew into the air, screaming in despair before dying.

The horses and barbarians were all terrified, but just touching his eyes, they trembled all over and their legs went limp.

At this moment, their fear of the Han people was fully aroused.

And this fear was carved into their bones 300 years ago.

The once mighty Xiongnu Empire has been crushed, let alone them?

No one dared to stand in front of that general Qin anymore.

No one dared to point their weapons at him.

"Kill—" The fiery red warhorse stood up, and the Qin general and the hundreds of cavalry around him roared at the same time, shaking the entire battlefield and reaching everyone's ears.

Hu people can't understand it, but it doesn't prevent them from understanding the cold and terrifying breath of death.

"Tuoduo! Toduo!" The Xianbei rolled off his horse in great horror, knelt on the ground, and kowtowed in the direction of Wenyang.

Toduo is the name of neither human nor god in Xianbei language.

The Gaoche tribe also bowed down one after another.

They originally wanted to surrender to Daqin, but they were stopped halfway and forced to go south.

Only Heda was completely bewildered and at a loss.

(End of this chapter)

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