
Chapter 890

Chapter 890
Bo Keluo stared blankly at the battlefield.

A burst of cold air rushed from the soles of the feet to the top of the sky, and the whole body was icy cold.

At this moment, he suddenly remembered the advice of the elders in the clan: only go west, not east.

To the west, they are fearsome tigers, but to the east, they are lambs ready to be slaughtered!
Of the 40 people in the past, at least more than [-] people crawled under the horseshoes of the Qin army and shivered.

Tens of thousands of people fled around like headless chickens.

Suddenly, Bo Keluo felt his whole body tremble. Looking at the battlefield, he saw that General Qin standing in the sea of ​​corpses and blood, looking at him coldly.

Among the thousands of troops, his figure was a little blurred.

But the murderous aura strikes as if it has substance.

The distance magnifies the fear in my heart.

Bo Keluo couldn't help trembling all over his body. The horse under his crotch seemed to feel the panic of his master. He lowered his head uneasily, pawed the horse's hooves, and made a nasal sound of "咴, 咴".

The Qin general in the distance has already raised his long spear, facing him under the fangs.

In an instant, it seemed as if a thousand sharp arrows were being shot, and Bo Keluo couldn't help but let out an "Ah Yah" and bowed his body down.

This was purely instinctive, but it was a clear omen in the eyes of those around him.

The fear in their hearts could no longer be hidden, and their positions kept moving back.

Woo, woo, woo...

The horn sounded again.

The Qin army gathered again and charged towards Bo Keluo's Yazhu.

A gust of wind blew up on the battlefield, and the Qin army rushed southward on the north wind, and the black tide condensed into a giant dragon.

Fear was completely ignited at this moment.

The Heda people also learned from the Xianbei people and the Gaoche people. Some knelt on the ground, some scattered like birds and beasts, and some were slaughtered wantonly by the Qin army's iron cavalry!

It can only be massacre.

Their self-righteous bravery is not worth mentioning in front of Qin Jun.

The army nourished by Chinese civilization is more brave, invincible and invincible!

The Heda people are just barbarians, while the Qin army relies on the bravery of a civilization.

In this era, although there are some problems with the spirit of the Han people, they are not yet sluggish.

The rise of Great Qin has injected a vigorous martial arts style into China.

Thousands of thoughts passed through Bo Keluo's mind. At this moment, he regretted very much, regretted not listening to the elders of the clan, and regretting challenging Daqin...

I heard that the part of the same family heading west has defeated the mighty Elan Shahr (Sasanian Dynasty).

"Khan, let's go!"

The shouts of the guards woke up Bo Keluo.

"Where can Luo Ba be?" Bo Keluo roared angrily. It was this Xianbei who encouraged him to move eastward again and again. He also said that the Central Plains was in a melee, and the Great Qin was vulnerable. …

The personal guards looked at each other in blank dismay. If Luo Ba could have gone, he would have gone to nowhere.

"Khan!" The guards urged again and again.

If he didn't leave, the people around couldn't bear it any longer and fled in all directions.

Even the dental plaque painted with a blood-red bull's head crashed down...

Bo Keluo plucked up his courage several times, gripped the reins tightly, and was about to rush down to fight the Qin people to the death, but he saw that member Fei Teng closed his eyes, and gave the most humiliating order in his life, "Back!"

The last reason for the Heda people to resist is gone.

Since it is a rout, there must be no order. Their military discipline has not yet reached this point.

Horses, livestock, and cavalry collide with each other.

The more I want to escape, the more I can't escape.

But the Qin army was already close at hand. In the critical moment, Bo Keluo couldn't pretend any longer. Instead of slashing at the enemy, he slashed at his own clan, "Whoever stands in my way dies!"

After hacking down more than a dozen riders in succession, he fought a bloody road with his personal guards and fled westward in a panic...

"Where to escape!"

Wen Yang's horse has already caught up, and his eyes shot out with anger, as if he was about to swallow Bo Keluo alive.

Hearing his shout, the Heda people became even more flustered and ran around.

Some people were involuntarily pushed to Wenyang's side, and then their lives were taken away by Jian and lance.

The chaotic army trampled on each other, and the cattle and sheep also ran away to join in the fun, but blocked Wenyang from chasing and killing.

Wen Yang immediately took out the crossbow hanging from the back of the horse and aimed at Bo Keluo who was more than 100 steps ahead.

If you don't kill this beast, this battle will not be considered a complete victory!

With a bang, the crossbow shot out and flew towards Bo Keluo's neck.

Bo Keluo was always on guard against Wenyang, looked back from time to time, and took out Wenyang's crossbow. He was so frightened that he was so scared that he hurriedly leaned on the horse's back, and the crossbow arrow flew past his scalp, breaking out in a cold sweat .

Riding and shooting was not Wen Yang's forte, so he smashed the crossbow on the ground angrily.

Bo Keluo escaped with his life, turned his head and yelled at Wenyang. Although he couldn't understand, his expression and tone were understandable.

Wen Yang stared at Bo Keluo, without saying a word, and continued to charge forward. Unfortunately, the rout was too chaotic, and the Heda people were fighting, and the cattle and sheep were brought behind, which made the chaos even worse.

Wenyang just watched Bo Keluo escape, and let out a series of laughter...

A vigorous victory is coming.

Nearly [-] people surrendered on the battlefield, and cattle, horses and alpacas were everywhere.

The number of people who actually died on the battlefield was only about [-].

Liu Neng caught up with the bloody Wen Yang, panting, "General, our army has won a complete victory!"

Wen Yang looked at the scattered Heda people in the distance and shook his head, "Your Majesty's order is to beat them hard, and show them to the people of the Western Regions!"

Liu Neng was stunned for a while, "There are some thieves, just go and hunt them down!"

"No, you stay and collect the prisoners, so someone goes to hunt them down!" The murderous look in Wen Yang's eyes hadn't subsided yet, and Bo Keluo's sneer sounded, and hatred came from his heart.

The Heda people were defeated too quickly, they either fled or knelt down and begged for mercy. The Qin army generally didn't enjoy themselves.

Wen Yang raised his blood-stained lance, and immediately thousands of riders gathered under his command, "It's not rude to come and go, let them escape, and they will make trouble again in the future. All soldiers obey orders and kill them all!"

"Wei!" Thousands of Qin soldiers cheered in unison.

The rumbling horseshoes sounded again, and they chased the setting sun westward.

The figures were dragged by the afterglow of the setting sun for a long time, as if shadows shrouded Liu Neng's heart.

He suddenly felt lucky for himself, Wen Yang's bravery on the battlefield just now was shocking.

If you are an enemy of such a person, you can imagine the end.

Many brave generals and fierce generals have emerged in the Qin army over the years.

China's revival is inevitable.

"Collect captives, cattle and sheep, and report victory to His Majesty!" Liu Neng ordered.

At this moment, he has given up all his fantasies, and it is not bad to be a Qin person. In fact, the wildness of his body has faded after so many years, and he has already adapted to the daily life and eating habits of Daqin. In Daxing, he has two mansions, five wives and concubines. If you have two children, go to the grassland to drink the northwest wind and live a life like a savage, it may not be bearable.

Even if he can bear it, his children can't bear it...

Liu Neng is naturally a smart person, and smart people don't ask for trouble.

"Long live Daqin!" Cheers came and went from all around.

Looking at the Xianbei people kneeling like lambs on the ground, and looking at the fierce Qin army, Liu Neng had no other thoughts. He raised his fist and let out the loudest roar: "Long live the Great Qin!"

After shouting this voice, Liu Neng felt much more relaxed.

(End of this chapter)

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