
Chapter 891 Prestige

Not surprisingly, the good news came back to Daxing, and Wenyang won a complete victory.

Captured 21 people from various tribes in the grassland, more than 370 cattle, horses and alpacas, and captured [-] five people from the tribes.

Daqin's outstanding martial arts prospered in the grasslands.

Wen Yang continued to chase death and chase north, seven thousand cavalry crossed Jinshan and entered the Western Regions, and released a bold statement: Anyone who dares to take in one person will destroy the country!

The east and west of Jinshan Mountain and the north and south of Tianshan Mountain were greatly shaken.

No one dared to take Bo Keluo in, so Wen Yang drove straight in, chased and killed him for three thousand li, and beheaded all the remaining people in Yanqi, and then spread it to the countries of the Western Regions.

The last stubbornness of the countries could not persist.

As long as Wen Yang is willing, he can unite with Gaochang and Xia's Qin army to wipe out the entire Western Region in one fell swoop.

Having the strength to destroy the country without destroying the country is called benevolence.

Knives speak louder than words.

Saying [-] words earnestly is not as powerful as doing a fight with a knife.

The 40 Qin army smashed through the [-] coalition army, and the shock brought by it was undeniable. Only at this time, did the rulers of the Western Regions know how kind the Great Qin Emperor was to them.

Hundreds of years ago when the Xiongnu and the great Han rose, they were not so gentle.

When Fu Jiezi was on an envoy to the Western Regions, he cut off the king of Loulan at the banquet without a word, and then put the king's son on the throne. Pointing to his son's face, he said: "The Han army is coming, don't dare to move, move, destroy the country." carry on!

When it's over, and send his head back to Chang'an, the whole Loulan country dare not let a fart go...

As for Ban Chao and Zhang Qian, they are also the most ruthless people. Dozens of people ride on their heads to kill and set fire on their territory...

From the perspective of people from the Western Regions, the Han people are brutal.

It was also the Han general Geng Gong who was the first to eat the meat of the Hulu with aspirations and drink the blood of the Xiongnu with a smile.

Compared with them, Daqin is relatively gentle.

Always open the door to talk to them, as if a benevolent father is trying to persuade his disobedient sons, without hitting the table and drawing a knife.

Wen Yang's battle undoubtedly revealed a truth, your father is still your father...

The countries in the Western Regions have been infiltrated by the Xuanyi Division for so many years. The dignitaries and nobles have long been Huaxia, and the common people also yearn for the Great Qin. The public opinion, state system, and system all follow the Great Qin.

The most radical is Khotan. Its lord called himself Xiaohuaxia, and took the lead in changing Chinese surnames and adopting Chinese names.

Khotan was the most excited when Wenyang was passed on to other countries. He was the first to jump out and shout out. Who would dare to disobey the orders of Daqin? Khotan will attack them together!
Xia Guo controls the northwest of Tianshan Mountain, Gaochang controls the eastern foot of Tianshan Mountain, and Khotan is located in the south of Tianshan Mountain. The three places form a big triangle, which frames the entire Western Region.

Any country that does not listen to orders will be caught in a three-pronged situation.

In such a harmonious and friendly environment, the countries of the Western Regions happily united closely with the Great Qin Empire and obediently donated their military power.

Let this ancient land return to the embrace of China.

The Great Qin court also took the opportunity to send consolation envoys to stay in the countries of the Western Regions to "assist" them in governing the country.

Shule and Yanqi voluntarily captured three cities for the Great Qin to garrison.

All checkpoints on the commercial roads of the Western Regions are guarded by the Qin army.

Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism prevailed in the Western Regions.

Although Buddhism is not native to the Great Qin Dynasty, after blending with the Chinese civilization, it has become a new carrier of Chinese civilization, glowing with new vitality, and is very popular in the plateau and grassland.

The prosperity of Buddhism also gradually turned Huaxia's attention to Tianzhu.

Monks from Tianzhu can travel thousands of miles to the Central Plains, and the Central Plains can also travel thousands of miles to Tianzhu.

The first to act is of course the business travellers. The spices from Tianzhu are worth more than gold in Daqin, and if there are benefits, some people will take the risk...

In Daxing city.

Yang Zheng was very pleased, like a kind old father watching his rebellious sons obediently bow their heads in front of him.

The victories one after another have already numb the believers in Daxing City.

Every time there is a big victory, Daxing's popularity increases a little bit, and wealthy businessmen from the Western Regions drag their families to buy mansions in Daxing.

It once raised the price of mansions in the Guanzhong area.

But this also shows the prosperity of Daqin's economy.

Copper coins, silver coins, and money issued by Daqin became the main currencies on the commercial roads. Daxing, Guzang, Dunhuang, Gaochang, Suiye, and Shule all had Daqin banks.

Merchants no longer need to transport gold and silver from Daxing to the Western Regions, or from the Western Regions to Daxing. They only need to rely on a bank note to exchange gold and silver of equivalent value at any bank.

Each bank note is made of bamboo paper in the middle of Sichuan with complicated craftsmanship and exquisite shape, and is stamped with five big seals, namely Yang Zheng's Emperor's Seal, Shangshu Sheng, Shizhong Temple, Zhongshu Sheng's government decree seal, and the issuing bank's seal. Ticket seal.

It is extremely difficult to forge.

Once caught, it is a felony to exterminate the family.

Before winter, prisoners of war and livestock were escorted to Daxing one after another.

The people went to wait and see one after another, and there were huge crowds of people.

With the supplement of this batch of cattle and sheep, the reliance on food in the affected areas of Liangzhou can be reduced.

In fact, the drought also has a process. It broke out in Beidi County this year, Wuwei County next year, and moved to Anding County the year after.

What is more terrible than natural disasters is always man-made disasters.

In history, it was only a few years since the founding of the Western Jin Dynasty. It is said that this level of drought should be easy to control.

However, the decay of the Sima family and the gentry made the conflicts in the northwest region unprecedentedly acute.

This situation cannot happen in Daqin.

Liangzhou is the land of dragon prosperity in the Great Qin Dynasty. Yang Zheng attaches great importance to this area far more than other areas.

The appointed officials are all talented, and Yang Xiao, the governor of Liangzhou, is even more famous for his ability to manage the people.

Under his comfort, Liangzhou was calm.

In the second year of Taixing, the drought-stricken area spread from the north to Longyou, and the number of refugees gradually increased. However, the imperial court had already made preparations, and the grain in Shuzhong was sent from Chencang to Longyou via the Weishui River.

This drought is more like a test for the nascent empire.

With food in one hand and a knife in the other, Yang Zheng stood in Daxing with [-] cavalry on guard, in case some tribes took advantage of natural disasters to cause chaos.

But this is obviously redundant.

Wen Yang's big victory has a great deterrent effect on the outside, and also strengthens the cohesion inside.

And no one dared to challenge the prestige of a founding emperor.

If the huge Central Plains Empire can't even deal with a partial drought, it can be seen how garbage it has become.

Although the drought was still expanding, accompanied by locust plagues, it did not shake the ruling foundation of Daqin.

"There were 13 victims in Longyou and Hexi, [-] victims in Hetao, and the grasslands were also severely affected. In a few months, [-] tents went south..."

The pressure was getting bigger and bigger, and there were a few more wrinkles on Lu Zhi's face.

"Is there enough food in Daxing?"

"Hedong, Nanyang, Hanzhong, and Luoyang have had good harvests for two consecutive years, and there is more than enough food. However, the drought shows signs of spreading to Guanzhong."

"As long as there is enough food, uncle doesn't need to worry too much. I am going to use work for relief, open canals, dig a canal from Daxing to Tongguan, and divert the Yellow River into Guanzhong." Yang Zheng plans to do it in a few years later.

But now that the drought has not stopped, and hundreds of thousands of people have nothing to do, maybe something will happen.

The benefits of Guangtong Canal are self-evident, further strengthening the connection between Daxing and Kanto.

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