
Chapter 892

"This strategy is very good!" Lu Zhi nodded.

The disaster victims brought them from Hexi and Longyou to Weinan. On the one hand, they are placed under their noses, so that it is not easy to cause chaos and easy to manage; on the other hand, it reduces the loss of food transportation.

The decision made by Yang Zheng was quickly passed by the three provinces, and the Ministry of Household Affairs, the Ministry of War, the Ministry of Industry, and the local government quickly began to operate.

The victims in Longyou can directly ferry down the Wei River.

The victims in Liangzhou can take the Jingshui River, and there are many post stations along the way that have set up porridge sheds. The closer you go to Daxing, the higher the concentration of porridge, and there are also pickles.

More and more people gathered under Daxing City.

The officials of the six ministries were extremely efficient, diverting the population quickly, excavating from the east and west sides at the same time, and speeding up the progress of the project.

In addition, Yang Zheng also prepared [-] Chinese cavalry to patrol day and night.

Xuanyi envoys and Jin Yiwei were also sent out to spread among the victims.

Defenses can not do without.

The population of Yongliang is complex, and it is hard to say that the unambitious people will be ready to move around.

"Your Majesty regards Han and Yi as one, and Yi people regard His Majesty as their parents, how can they rebel?" Liu Neng said, patting his chest.

Bald tree function - Liu Neng...

Yang Zheng always felt an inexplicable sense of humor, but since changing his name, Liu Neng has become much more active.

It is no longer shady in the back as before, giving people a feeling that they will rebel sooner or later.

In fact, Yang Zheng asked him to accompany Wenyang on the expedition to the west, just to give him a chance to see how much trouble he can create. Several of his confidants have long since become members of Jinyiwei.

However, since reading "The Art of War", Liu Neng's hair has become bald, but he has become smarter.

Those who know the current affairs are handsome.

Where in the world is there room for him to play?

"Haha, with General Liu's words, I feel relieved."

"A sycophant!" Liu Heng next to him snorted.

But both Yang Zheng and Liu Neng pretended not to hear.

After two years of self-cultivation, this guy no longer hurts his waist, his legs are no longer sore, and he has returned to his former virtues.

However, the hoarfrost on his temples made him look older and weaker.

The five stones are scattered, coupled with the uncovered meeting, if this guy can stand up, it means that the ancestral grave of the old Liu family is smoking.

After the victims moved to Weidong, the food pressure was greatly reduced.

After eating enough, the victims have plenty of strength.

People in this era are extremely industrious, working hard when they are given a bite of food, and the big brothers on the grasslands are the same. They are generally thinner and thinner than the Han people, but after eating a few meat soups, their eyes shine and they also shake off. Digging the shoulders, in order to drink an extra bowl of meat soup at night.

The living environment of the grasslands is worse than that of the Central Plains these days.

Every time Yang Zheng inspects, there are always countless Xianbei, Gao Che, and Zhuzhu looking at the hood and bowing down, saying: "Mo He, Mo He!"

The demeanor is extremely devout and respectful.

Yang Zheng was confused, "Liu Neng, what does Mo He mean?"

After getting along for a long time, Yang Zheng feels that Liu Neng has an inexplicable sense of joy. This guy has a bright head and has a good relationship with everyone around him, except of course, Liu Heng.

"Return to Your Majesty, Mo He is the will of the father!"


Isn't this dad?

I like to be the father of Xianbei people?It feels a little weird.

But having said that, Xianbei, Xiongnu, and Qianghu were under their own rule. Although they could not talk about having enough food and clothing, they could at least eat a bite of food, live in a house, put on clothes, and didn't have to ride a horse with bare buttocks to drink northwest wind.

Isn't this the rule of virtue?
If you are selected into the Chinese army, you will immediately become a master, go to the battlefield a few times, come back with a few heads chopped off, mix with Yun Qilang, Fei Qilang and other officials and come back, you will have the land, your identity, and your status , I don’t know how many times better than running bare buttocks all over the mountains on the grassland...

If you are very talented and lucky, you can become a lieutenant or general, and smoke will rise from your ancestral grave in an instant.

Daqin's military merit system is more attractive to the big brothers on the grassland.

The poorer you are, the more desperate you are, and the poorer you are, the more motivated you are to change your class. This is the case both in ancient and modern times.

And this motivation will push Daqin forward.

Of course, if a non-Han general climbs up to a miscellaneous general, it will basically be the end.

Yang Zheng talked about the Han-Yi family, but his actions were another matter. What should be guarded against was still to be guarded against.

Only after the second and third generations have undergone the transformation of the youth battalion will they have the opportunity to continue to climb up.

Standing on the chariot, Yang Zheng waved to the crowd. He didn't know what to say for a moment, and the ghostly pancake blurted out, "Work hard, it will become sweeter and sweeter in the future!"

"Long live Your Majesty, Long live Daqin!"

There was another burst of cheers.

Yang Zheng didn't know what to say for a while, but to be honest, he started his career by stepping on their heads...

Now they just gave them a sliver of hope, but it caused such a big reaction.

It can’t be said that the days will get sweeter and sweeter in the future, but it shouldn’t be a big problem to eat enough and wear warm clothes.

After two or three generations, everyone is also from Qin.

The atmosphere at the scene was too warm, so Yang Zheng went back home for safety's sake.

"Your Majesty, Yang Jing, the lord of Khotan, has an urgent request." Zhao Aqi waited in front of the palace gate for a long time.

The original surname of Yuchi, the ruler of Khotan, has always been a big country in the Western Regions. In the Western Han Dynasty, the population once reached more than [-], and there were [-] victorious soldiers. Annexed Ronglu, Jimi, Qule, Pishan and other countries, the strength became stronger and stronger.

However, he has always been respectful to the Central Plains.

It is the loyal support of Daqin in the Western Regions, and Khotan is also the strategic fulcrum of Daqin in the Western Regions.

Yang Zheng looked at the performance table and had to admire Yang Jing's intelligence.

Khotan has been able to stand from the Qin and Han Dynasties to the Tang and Song Dynasties, and he still has a certain vision.

According to the memorial table, a force of Yeda people rushed into Tianzhu from Congling, and Khotan was willing to send troops to Tianzhu in order to respond to the Great Qin Dynasty.

The memorial table is very short and the meaning is very clear, Khotan is going to march into Tianzhu.

Tianzhu, like later generations, is just a geographical term, not a country.

After the decline of the Guishuang Empire, Tianzhu split into dozens of forces, fighting fiercely.

Khotan has always been a transit point between Tianzhu and the Central Plains, so it naturally attracted their attention.

Daqin is bound to win the Western Regions, which somewhat makes Khotan feel a sense of crisis and wants to go out to start a business.

Yang Zheng thought for a while, Tianzhu was too far away for Daqin. With the current national power, it is impossible to rule such a far away area, and it is already the limit to be able to hold the Seven Rivers Basin in his hands.

Since I can't eat it myself, I might as well let my younger brother eat it.

When you are a big brother, you must have the demeanor of a big brother.

This model is worth promoting. The Western Regions have become the radiant land of Chinese civilization. The countries have been integrated, and now there is another soft persimmon in front of us.

If successful, it would be an opportunity to promote the westward advancement of Chinese civilization.

Common interests are the permanent way of alliance.

The land no longer attracts much interest from Yang Zheng, and most of the land that cannot be operated and actually controlled is imaginary.

Now Yang Zheng is more interested in expanding the circle of Chinese civilization.

And he already has three Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism cards in his hand.

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