
Chapter 893 Slaves

Under the threat of hunger brought about by the drought, all ethnic groups merged rapidly.

Survival is the first priority of all races, and ordinary individuals don't care much about their own group.

Jin Yiwei and Xuanyi Envoy worked together and arrested more than a hundred instigators. After interrogation, it was found that these people were former nobles in the grasslands.

It was not a real rebellion, but a momentum that became a bargaining chip in negotiations with the imperial court.

The folk customs in the northwest are aggressive, there was no shortage of such people before, and there is no shortage of such people now.

Yang Zheng showed no mercy, beheading everyone.

There are more victims, and the slave market is gradually booming.

The slave trade has existed since ancient times. In the past, the government did not deliberately control it.

A Qiuci dancer can be sold for 80 taels of gold in Daxing, and 300 taels of gold when sent to Central Plains and Jiangdong...

And it can't be stopped at all, merchants will use various means to get people into Daqin.

If you like me, the government can't control it.

Many women and children who cannot survive have no ability to survive. After being sold into the rich family, at least they can survive.

After many disabled soldiers retired, a family of four or five, either women and children or the elderly and weak, had [-] acres of land under their name, and the family lacked labor, so they would buy two young and strong slaves to work together in farming.

Where there is demand, there is business.

Times move forward step by step.

In this era, humanitarianism cannot be exchanged for food or life, and the slave trade has almost run through the entire feudal era.

There are a lot of people who can't survive and take the initiative to be slaves. The court can't stop others from living, right?
Since it cannot be prohibited, it can only be included in the management.

"The minister suggested that the Ministry of Households should set up slave registration, formulate laws, and increase the slave tax." Wei Guan came up with a strategy to achieve the best of both worlds.

Families capable of keeping slaves, at least above the middle class, collecting their slave tax is tantamount to cutting the leeks of the rich, and it is also a restriction on the local wealthy families.

Although the powerful clans of the old era were weakened by Yang Zheng's various means, new powerful clans emerged again. Retired generals, gentry clans who belonged to the Great Qin early on, etc., the wildfires are endless, and the spring breeze blows again.

For an average middle-class family, two or three slaves at most would be enough.

But there are hundreds of wealthy families at every turn.

The slave tax can be regarded as a precise sickle for the upper class, which can effectively limit the shadow of the wealthy family on the population.

It is written in the Great Qin State Constitution that no tax will be added, which means that land tax will never be added, and it is not said that tax increases are not allowed...

Anyway, the final interpretation rests with Yang Zheng.

"Will it cause civil turmoil?" Suo Jing was born in a noble family and knew the severity of the tax.

"Turbulence? I want to see who dares to move, who dares to swing!"

As the founding emperor, he didn't even dare to collect his mother's slave tax, so what kind of emperor should he be?
If Yang Zheng didn't dare to attack the interest class, it would be even more difficult for the next generation.

The rich people can make money and live the days of the gods, not because they are so good, but because Daqin provides a stable social environment, which is the dividend of the times accumulated by thousands of ordinary people.

To enjoy dividends, you must assume obligations.

In this era, Yang Zheng is not afraid of them running abroad.

"Then try to collect this tax from Jingzhao County first." Wei Guan stroked his long beard.

Yang Zheng thought for a while, "To be on the safe side, let's discuss it during the Great Dynasty and let the wind out first."

The court will naturally pass smoothly.

Under the influence of Yang Zheng, the higher-ups of the empire were somewhat pursuing, and their minds were not on enjoying themselves. Lu Zhi did not accumulate personal wealth. Although Du Yu, Yang Hu, Wei Guan, Lu Qin, Suo Jing, etc. were born in noble families, they were low-key. Knowing that Yang Zheng advocates frugality, he has been cooperating.

They didn't object, and the people below didn't even have the guts to object.

Besides, the imperial court didn't want to kill them all, but just charged more taxes. Each servant was charged two-tenths of the value of the tax, which the rich could fully afford.

Guanzhong Shimin almost blindly supported Daqin.

Coupled with Yang Zheng's prestige, there is no reason to object.

If you don’t keep slaves, you don’t pay taxes. If you keep less slaves, you pay less taxes. This has little impact on ordinary people and middle-class families.

As for the wealthy family, they have made a lot of money through trade routes these years, and they don't care about these three melons and two dates.

Relevant laws were also released soon, and the bachelors of the Literature Museum were extremely efficient.

In fact, the Han Dynasty also faced the issue of slavery, setting up slaves and maidservants, clearly marked prices, and fair transactions.

During the period of Emperor Ai of the Han Dynasty, it was also stipulated that princes and kings could keep 30 slaves and maidservants, and then 12 ordinary officials, and the total number of officials in the Western Han Dynasty was about [-].

In addition, there are official slaves in the government. In the era of Emperor Han Yuan, a courtier wrote a letter saying that the [-] official slaves under the name of the court had nothing to do, otherwise they would be restored to their citizenship.

When Wang Mang talked about slaves and maidservants, he said: "The market for slaves and maidservants is set up again, and they are in the same stalls as cattle and horses."

Servants live with oxen and horses...

In the Eastern Han Dynasty, entering the era of powerful gentry, it was even more so.

It is mentioned in the book "Chang Yan" written in the late Han Dynasty: "The house of a powerful man has hundreds of buildings, anointed fields full of fields, thousands of slaves and maidservants, and thousands of vassals."

The court can't control it at all...

The scholars found the population data of Emperor Huan of the Han Dynasty. The registered population of the whole country was 200 million, and there were at least 340 million households that kept slaves. The wealthy households had one to seven slaves, and the wealthy and powerful nobles had ten to hundreds. [-] slaves!
This is still well documented.

According to the habit of the gentry to hide their population, the number of slaves will increase.

It is no exaggeration to say that the entire Han Dynasty was built on the slave economy.

In the Wei and Jin Dynasties, even Shi Le, who was born in a wealthy chieftain, was a powerful slave of the Han people!

In the Tang Dynasty, it was the golden age of slaves and maidservants. The government set up "lower status" and "good status" to manage them, and the good and the poor were not allowed to marry.

In fact, this is also in line with the law of the development of the times. How did the West rise in later generations?
The Han Dynasty also specially managed the law "Children's Covenant" for slaves and maids, which prohibited slaves from drinking alcohol and making friends in private.

The Literature Museum formulated new laws with reference to the "Children's Covenant".

The most important one is to guarantee the right to life of slaves, and those who kill or mutilate slaves will be punished with exile or confiscation of property.

It is a heinous crime for a slave to kill his master, and he must be executed.

If a slave sues the master, the government can accept it.

The imperial court set up slave registration to manage all private slaves and official slaves.

In addition, Yang Zheng also added a special one, strictly prohibiting Han people from being private slaves.

If you want slaves, you can enslave foreigners. Rabbits don't eat grass beside their nests.

The slave tax and the slave law were implemented in Jingzhao County, and there was basically no resistance, and the people cooperated abnormally.

A large number of Gaoche, Xianbei, and Heda became slaves.

But looking at their appearance, it doesn't seem to matter. In the past, life in the tribe was not much better than that of slaves. After becoming a slave, the family can get a large amount of money and food, live a life full of food and clothing, and have a way of life .

People in this era did not have much resistance to slaves.

The imperial court strictly managed the slaves, with a period of three years. After the third period, the private slaves, like the official slaves, turned into ruling the people.

You can continue to serve the master's family, but the relationship will turn into an employment nature and become a slave.

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