
Chapter 894 Benefits

Three months later, the slave tax was extended from Jingzhao to the entire Guanzhong.

The rumors had been released long ago, and the people gradually accepted it.

Existence is reasonable. Since slavery exists, it shows that it adapts to this era, and the imperial court regulates it to avoid its barbaric growth.

Many slaves were attached to wealthy Han households with their whole families. In fact, they were almost the same as tenant farmers, except that they lost some personal freedom. In addition to farming, they also had to serve their masters.

Of course, the vast majority of the common people could not afford slaves.

I can't even feed myself, let alone keep slaves.

Even if the wealthy people are dissatisfied, they have no soil for rebellion.

It doesn't matter to the larger wealthy families, if the slaves are legal, they will enjoy them in a fair manner.

There was basically no resistance to the promotion in Guanzhong.

At the end of the second year of Taixing, Yang Zheng issued an imperial edict to be enforced throughout the world.

Kanto is not as easy to talk to as Guanzhong, especially Hebei Haoqiang, who has a certain strength. Most of the family members are Karasuma, Jie, Xiongnu, etc., and they keep writing to the court to cry miserably and sell poor.

Said that he was too poor to get rid of the pot, how could he have spare money to pay taxes to the court?The wealthy people in the Kanto region enjoyed the benefits of business and were the biggest beneficiaries of the slave trade. Of course they would not object, but the people from the Kanto region were different.

There are policies at the top and countermeasures at the bottom, and the game between the central and local governments has been the same since ancient times.

There is no direct violent confrontation, but soft confrontation has intensified.

Many wealthy households simply led their families, dressed in tattered clothes, and crowded in front of the government office...

The slaves took the initiative to oppose the slave tax, saying that the master treated them well, so the court didn't have to worry about it.

People from Hebei came forward, people from Central Plains shouted for support, and wealthy families from Jiangdong waited and watched.

Enslavement of foreigners is everywhere, Hebei enslaves Wuhuan and Xianbei Huns, Jiangdong enslaves Shanyue, central Shu enslaves the southern barbarians, Central Plains enslaves their own people...

This era is not as harmonious as advertised in the history books.

As long as there is no large-scale violent resistance, Yang Zheng will assume that they have agreed.

However, Yang Zheng's usual practice is that if he takes something from someone else, he should give him some compensation.

"Attacking Liaodong can be put on the agenda." In Yang Zheng's Tianyuan Pavilion, Daqin's Pingshang Shushi gathered together.

"The drought in Guanzhong is not over, and there will be another big war, I'm afraid..." This time it was not Lu Zhi who objected, but Suo Jing.

Du Yu was also not very supportive, "Daxing is five thousand miles away from Liaodong, so it is difficult to transport grain and grass."

Wei Guan has always followed Yang Zheng's wishes, "Goguryeo has made a comeback, and the three tribes in Liaodong have invaded Daifang, Xuantu and other counties. There are 30 million Han barbarians under their command. The land in Liaodong is fertile and can be cultivated and grazing. In time, its strength will increase greatly. If you don't levy at this time, you will bring disaster to your descendants."

Originally, the three tribes in Liaodong hated each other and attacked each other. Dogs bite dogs in Liaodong, but after the rise of the Great Qin Dynasty, they felt a strong threat. These three tribes actually formed an offensive and defensive alliance with Goguryeo.

Expand their armies and prepare for war.

The ancestors of the Xianbei were born for more than a dozen generations, and their poor eyes were red. After taking advantage of the Central Plains War, they invaded the land and population. How could they spit out what they ate?

"General Guanqiu can sweep Liaodong with more than [-] steps. Isn't my son inferior to his predecessors?" Yang Zheng poured out a pot of chicken blood.

Lu Zhi said: "General Guanqiu was able to sweep Liaodong because of the assistance of the Xianbei people. Today is different from the past. The Xianbei people have the right time, place and people. Our army is far away, and the soldiers are working hard."

"Uncle An Zhizhen has no allies?" Yang Zheng laughed.

"His Majesty……"

"Hebei's nobles are powerful and can be driven. Ma Xiaoxing has stationed troops in Hebei for many years. Isn't the Muqi under his command the Xianbei people?" Yang Zheng had already made up his mind.

Before suppressing the powerful clan in the Kanto region, the only reason for the suppression of the powerful families in Youzhou was today.

Tyranny is also a resource, with soldiers and food in hand.

It would be reckless not to pull out and hack outsiders.

During the Han and Wei dynasties, the Yingchuan gentry was famous all over the world. In fact, the tyrants in Hebei did not give up. The "April Mining Order" used as a guide for farming and sacrifices is actually the family history of the Cui family of Qinghe.

Hebei's powerful Niucha can be seen.

If this group of people continued to stay in Youzhou and Jizhou, Yang Zheng would feel somewhat uneasy.

Lu Zhi smiled wryly, "Since Your Majesty has already made up his mind, I will not waste my words."

There is no need to spend food and grass in Guanzhong, and there is no need to send troops from Guanzhong. Naturally, no one objects to such a good thing.

Du Yu and Suo Jing also nodded in agreement.

In Yang Zheng's view, governing the country is actually balancing the interests of all parties. When the court takes away the interests of others, it must give certain compensations, form a virtuous circle, build mutual trust, and then work together to achieve great things.

Besides, foreign wars are not all loss-making deals.

Wenyang swept Moxi with [-] riders, not to mention political interests, but the population, cattle and sheep alone brought back hundreds of thousands.

Yang Zheng's rise was essentially a plunder.

They robbed the Qiang people and robbed the Hu people, robbed the Hu people and robbed the Sima family, and gradually became bigger and stronger.

Looking around, all that could be robbed were robbed, leaving only the three tribes of Xianbei and Goguryeo in Liaodong.

In the later Tang Dynasty, Emperor Li Er kept fighting, and he didn't see the country weakening, as long as he controlled it well, don't be like Emperor Sui Yang, who can't move a million troops. If the enemy didn't kill him, he killed himself first.

Daqin is originally a dual system of agriculture and animal husbandry, and it is nature to be aggressive.

Yang Zheng said loudly: "Decree: Liaodong is the homeland of China, and now it is stolen by others. My people are slaves of others. It is unbearable to be familiar with. All the warriors of our Great Qin can recruit their own bravery to regain the lost land. Success, I will not hesitate to inherit and replace the seal!"

The secretary Lang Li Mi in the corner wrote furiously, and after a while, a vigorous imperial edict was issued.

Yang Zheng raised the Jade Seal of Chuanguo and slapped the edict.

After the jade seal is built, it has legal effect.

It also means that Daqin will not go back on his word, otherwise he will break his promise to the world.

Yang Zheng has been around for so many years, but he has never done such a thing.

Suo Jing said: "Your Majesty can just reward gold and silver for official positions, why promise such great benefits?"

"If it wasn't for this, how could Hebei Haoqiang use his life?"

If you want others to sacrifice their lives, you must give enough benefits.

The Liaodong mentioned by Yang Zheng is by no means the homeland of the Han Dynasty. Liaodong is a big regional concept. Instead of benefiting others, it is better to benefit one's own family.

Yang Zheng had someone carry him into the sand table in Liaodong, drew his long sword, and drew a big circle on the sand table, covering the entire Far East.

"With such a large land, how much can the tyrants take?"

Chinese elites such as Lu Zhi, Du Yu, and Wei Guan have little interest in land outside the region. What they care about is actual control, and they basically have no objection.

When the Zhou Dynasty was founded, it was also in the Yellow River Basin, but after some enfeoffment, the territory expanded rapidly.

Liaodong was also enfeoffed in the Zhou Dynasty at the earliest.

Sealed and sealed, doesn't it become the sacred territory of China since ancient times?
Yang Zheng raised his sword and drew a circle in the coastal area of ​​the Far East, "This place can establish the Bohai Kingdom, which is the same as the Xia Kingdom, and the prince will rule it!"

Liaodong is the last gap in the Great Qin territory.

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