
Chapter 895 Development

If Yang Zheng's edict continues, it can be said that one stone will stir up thousands of waves.

Staying in Daqin, being controlled everywhere, and having to endure the exploitation of the court, but going out, the sky is high and the emperor is far away, and you can do whatever you want. This kind of temptation cannot be increased.

Liaodong was originally a Han land, with abundant products and a large population. Since its development in the Zhou Dynasty, although it is not as prosperous as the Central Plains, it is by no means a barren land, at least better than Nanzhong.

A hereditary replacement is enough to make the tyrants drool.

The imperial court also allowed them to recruit local bravery by themselves, and the Ministry of War even announced that they could sell equipment eliminated by the Chinese army. There was no limit to the supply of leather armor, and war horses could also be sold!
There is only one condition, each tycoon allocates Xuan Yilang according to the size of the army.

Xuan Yilang did not interfere with how they fought, killed, or robbed. He was only responsible for overall planning, communication with the court, and contact with friendly forces, so as to avoid killing each other in order to compete for interests.

At the end of Han Dynasty, Haoqiang was already very powerful.

Liu Bei entered Xuzhou, and Mi Zhu attached him with ten thousand servants.

Sun Ce raised troops, and Zhou Yu and Lu Su followed him with their own money and food.

No matter how Yang Zheng suppressed the wealthy family, they would always have a way to hide their population.

Many trilogy have been attached to the wealthy family for generations, bound by clan etiquette, and have long become an iron plate.

It is difficult to separate the relationship between them by traditional means.

What's more, many big families are people with the same surname, and a village, a ri, are all connected by blood, so it is difficult to carry out the will of the imperial court.

But it's different now.

The relationship between Haoqiang and the imperial court has changed from confrontation to cooperation, legal annexation of land, legal confinement of the population, and hereditary succession.

Just need to move the butt somewhere.

Where can I find such a good thing?

The wealthy family is not an idiot, and everyone is open-minded about what enfeoffment means.

The coldness in Liaodong is a bit cold, but it is not unacceptable, and Youzhou is not very warm. Northerners in this era have long been accustomed to bitter cold.

I heard that the imperial court produced cotton-padded jackets and quilts, which were warmer than mink fur.

Coal cakes are also popularized among the people on a large scale, and the bitter cold in winter is not so difficult.

Originally, Yang Zheng only issued an edict aimed at the wealthy families in Hebei, but he did not expect that the wealthy families in the Central Plains, Shandong, and Guanzhong would all respond accordingly.

Letters of petition flew into Daxing like snowflakes from all corners of the Qin Empire, and piled up in front of Yang Zheng into a small mountain of paper, a mountain of dust...

In the petition, Yang Zheng was blown up as an unprecedented sage, and it was also said that this move would benefit the present and benefit the future. They are willing to shed their blood for the Great Qin, open up territories and expand the land, and achieve great achievements for thousands of generations!

Some radical ones even begged Yang Zheng to leave more space in Lingyan Pavilion and move some space for them...

The excitement of the matter far exceeded Yang Zheng's imagination.

In recent years, Daqin's credit is still reliable, and there is basically no incident of reneging on its promises, so any edict issued by the imperial court is generally supported by the people.

Credit is not only the foundation of a person, but also the foundation of a country.

Before Shang Yang's reform, the first thing he did was to move wood and establish faith.

When Yang Zheng made his debut in Xiping, he would kill people if he said he would kill someone, and he would kill the family if he said he would exterminate the family. He never joked...

"If the population of the Central Plains migrates to Liaodong in large numbers, won't the Central Plains become more empty?" Du Yu reminded.

There is a shortage of people everywhere these days.

After destroying Jin, swallowing Wu, and Dutian Juntian, the households were 250, and the population was 840.

It looks good, but it looks thin when apportioned to the huge country.

It should be noted that the territory of Daqin now extends to Yibohai in the west, Jiaozhou in the south, and Yanran Mountain in the north.

It is the population that bears the weight of civilization, and if there is not enough population, how can we talk about expanding the Chinese civilization circle?

The contemporary Sasanian Dynasty had a population of about 1000 to [-] million.

"Du Lingjun is too worried. The Han people pay attention to returning fallen leaves to their roots, and going out to plunder... It is one thing to pioneer, but it is another thing to actually settle in Liaodong." Wei Guan laughed.

Liaodong in this era is not as small as the three northeastern provinces of later generations, but covers a vast area of ​​Changbai, the outer Xing'an Mountains, and Sakhalin Island.

Judging from the sand table, it is not much smaller than Kanto.

Yang Zheng coughed and said, "The wealthy family is willing to go, and I welcome them very much. The population is insufficient, so encourage children!"

Why are later generations of Huaxia so introverted?

In the final analysis, there is still insufficient living space. 14 billion people live on 960 million square kilometers of land.

The Bianza people, Europe, the United States, and Australia are their territories everywhere, spanning five continents and four oceans.

In fact, the Central Plains Dynasty has always had a curse. Before the introduction of Champa rice, the peak population was around 6000 to [-] million.

Reaching this population size, the Central Plains Dynasty will be terminally ill.

The Han Dynasty collapsed in this way, and the Tang Dynasty also collapsed in this way.

Therefore, running Liaodong is not about Yang Zheng being overjoyed, but for the sake of future generations and this nation.

Secondly, the Qin people have gained a foothold in the huge Liaodong, and they can also suppress the local barbarians.

The savages in the black water of Baishan in Liaodong have always been a serious problem in the Central Plains!

"This time the wealthy family is just standing in the front. Daqin will follow up after recuperating. Maybe five, ten, or even 20 years later, we will see the results. However, there are some things that our generation must do. Starting today, we will develop Liaodong for the future Great Qin State Policy!"

"Your servant obeys the order!" Wei Guan, Du Yu, Lu Zhi, Suo Jing and other ministers of the Great Qin Dynasty said in unison.

In fact, Yang Zheng could understand the thoughts of Lu Zhi and Du Yu.

In other words, I can understand the Confucian way of thinking.

Confucianism is naturally introverted, somewhat self-abuse, and does not like to abuse outsiders.

Now that Yang Zheng is here, he naturally wants to break the curse that imprisoned Huaxia.

Of course, these are his personal understandings, which may or may not be correct, but no matter what, it is always right to expand the living space of Chinese civilization.

"Anyone who wants to open up Liaodong is welcome!" Yang Zheng made a final decision.

Taking advantage of the fact that the Great Qin Dynasty is rising like the sun, taking advantage of the fact that the fighting spirit of the Han people is not sluggish, and taking advantage of the fact that you still have ambitions, take one more step forward!
How far a dynasty can go, isn't it just the foresight of the previous two generations?
If you don't go out now, are you counting on the next generation?
Yang Zheng never extravagantly expected how perfect the next generation would be, he just asked not to cheat his ancestors too much.

From the perspective of the general situation, the imperial court did not actually pay much for the development of Liaodong this time.

He also made a lot of money by selling equipment, and he has accumulated tens of hundreds of years, so he is not short of money and food.

After the registration and filing, a branch of "army" began to march towards Youzhou, with as many as two to 3000 people and as few as hundreds of people.

Those who are willing to go to Liaodong to risk their lives must be ruthless and strong.

Although the training is not good, the aura of killing people and stealing goods is amazing.

Some unscrupulous wealthy families have even prepared slogans, robbing money, robbing land, robbing women...

However, they were soon reprimanded and educated by the government. The tyrants acted accordingly and immediately changed their slogan: restore the homeland...

The tens of thousands of soldiers of the Chinese army who had retired and moved to the Kanto region before became popular, rejuvenated in their second spring, and became the coaches and officers of these private armies, helping them train soldiers and formulate tactics.

Even some retired soldiers recruited old troops and neighbors, and formed private armies, with sixteen large and small.

Yang Zheng is naturally happy for them. They have rich combat experience and are loyal to Great Qin, which will also be the basis for Great Qin to rule Liaodong in the future.

"You can rent them to provide iron armor, crossbows, and war horses. After you have gained something, you can return it!"

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