
Chapter 896 The Mo Family

With such a big movement in the Central Plains, Liaodong Sanbu and Goguryeo naturally received the news.

While begging Yang Zheng for mercy, he was actively preparing for the battle and concentrating his troops.

"Your Majesty has always advocated for Qin Yi's family, and we have never betrayed him. Why should Your Majesty be so ruthless?"

The Xianbei people were able to grow because they absorbed a large number of Han people and changed from simple nomadic herding to farming and herding.

"Didn't you send troops to Qinghe for the Sima family in the battle of Yecheng? Why are you so forgetful?" Wei Guan sneered.

"At this time and at that time, when the Sima family occupied the Central Plains and won Cao Wei's abdication, our troops were deceived by them. We didn't know what happened, so we had to send troops. Now that the Great Qin is the orthodox, our troops will naturally return to the Great Qin." The envoy was also sharp-tongued. .

Yang Zheng said with a smile: "If you really return to the Great Qin, you can join your family, and I will treat you kindly. Qin people and Xianbei are all one family."

"Returning to Your Majesty, the Xianbei people are not familiar with the water and soil of the Central Plains. They only wish to guard the border for the Great Qin, and I hope Your Majesty will make it happen."

"Are you defending the border for the Great Qin? Who occupied Liaodong, Daifang, Lelang, and Xuantu today?" Yang Zheng said displeasedly, flicking his sleeves.

The Han Dynasty had not only these four counties in Liaodong, but also Lintun and Zhenfan counties. After Guanqiujian swept Liaodong, he included the Lingdong area south of Changbai Mountain and the outer Xing'an Mountains into the two counties of Lelang and Daifang.

The envoy's expression was ugly. No matter how eloquent he was, he couldn't change the fact that the four counties had been invaded. It was impossible for them to spit it out.

"Although the Great Qin army is mighty, the Central Plains is three thousand miles away from Liaodong. The soldiers of the Great Qin cannot endure the bitter cold, and they are planning for His Majesty. If the battle goes wrong, His Majesty's prestige may be damaged."

Yang Zheng got up from the soft couch with a "swish", "Are you threatening me?"

Murderous look surged in his eyes.

They are all foxes for thousands of years, so what do you play?

After the Xianbei people grow stronger in Liaodong, they will definitely reach out to the Central Plains, which is not based on personal will.

Similarly, after the Central Plains Empire is strong, it will definitely send troops to Liaodong.

"Don't dare, don't dare, the foreign minister is just planning for His Majesty and Great Qin, and there is absolutely no intention to offend."

"Then listen carefully, how can you allow other people to sleep soundly on the side of the couch? Go back and tell the three ministries that you can either join the family and not lose the reward of being a marquis, or wash your neck clean and wait for Daqin's knife!"

I really don't know why they send people to talk nonsense.

The envoy retreated in fear.

"The three tribes of eastern Liaodong plus Goguryeo are quite powerful in combat. We should not take it lightly. I am willing to go to war." Du Yu cupped his hands.

He is definitely the safest shot.

However, Ma Long has been preparing for a long time in Youzhou, and it is definitely not the time to change the coach now.

In the past, it was not a matter of a day or two for Du Yu to establish a good relationship with the generals and powerful officials in Youzhou, and to be familiar with border affairs.

Moreover, Ma Long's ability is not bad. In Yang Zheng's mind, Ma Long's military strategy is no worse than Du Yu's.

Originally thought that Wei Guan would speak out to stop them. After all, he and Ma Long were in the same spirit, and Du Yu's meritorious deeds actually preempted their interests.

But Wei Guan didn't say a word.

Having been together for so many years, they have already figured out each other's temperament. Yang Zheng knew Wei Guan's thoughts in an instant. If you move, you will be watched.

If he loses, Du Yu's ministerial decree will be lost.

Shangshuling is almost the prime minister of Daqin, with great power, while Zhongshuling is just a supplementary prime minister.

This is competition and infighting.

At this level, no infighting is impossible.

People above do not fight, but people below must also fight.

A bowl of water should be flat, not favoritism.

Yang Zheng laughed and said, "How can you kill a chicken with a sledgehammer? Ma Xiaoxing is enough for the Liaodong Three Divisions! Don't forget Yuan Kai, I still need your support for the Taixing Grand Ceremony."

What kind of person is Du Yu? He could hear the clue from his tone, "Your Majesty's words are very true. Youzhou has a horse and a governor is enough."

The Great Qin was flourishing day by day, and a large number of good generals and ministers stood out.

Yang Zheng only needs to make a national policy, and the whole country will move in the direction set.

Speaking of it, the significance of the Taixing Grand Ceremony is no less than that of opening up Liaodong.

One is spiritual and the other is physical.

The first edition of the list of Taixing Grand Ceremonies has been released.

Not surprisingly, the opening chapter is full of Confucian classics.

Confucianism is certainly right, and cultivation of health and character is also good. Yang Zheng also admits its dominant position, but should we give some room to other schools of thought?
So at Yang Zheng's request, Mohism, arithmetic, medicine, astronomy, and geography were pulled to the top, and Confucianism was ranked last.

It also stipulates that in the future Daqin imperial examinations, the number of admissions for other subjects will be equal to that of Confucianism.

Throughout the country, there are too many places where arithmetic and medical skills are needed.

However, the move was met with little opposition.

For one thing, Yang Zheng is the founding emperor, so he can do whatever he wants.

Second, the imperial examination has just been released for a few years, and it is still in the exploratory stage.

Thirdly, smart people have already seen that partial subjects such as arithmetic and medical skills do not pose a threat to Confucianism.

Many Confucian scholars were proficient in arithmetic and medicine.

The only threat to them is the Mohists.

At first, Yang Zheng felt that Mohism and Confucianism were similar and had many similarities, but after a deeper understanding, he realized that they were completely different schools. They were basically two opposing schools.

While advocating metaphysics, pay attention to hard practice.

During the Warring States Period, the influence of Mohism was once above Confucianism.

Yang Zheng personally feels that the continuous corruption of Confucianism in the long history is due to the lack of competitors and too much prosperity.

And how did the gentry come from?

It is nothing more than a group of Confucian scholars who have mastered the right to speak, to be an official, and to study.

Supporting the Mohists is to divide the gentry at the root.

From the perspective of a traveler, the theory of Mohism is actually more in line with the laws of the development of human society than Confucianism.

Mozi, who was born at the bottom, was dissatisfied with the Confucian ruling thought of maintaining power and nobility, respecting relatives, and suppressing human nature. He hated the red tape of Confucianism. simple.

Has a strong sense of social practice.

What Chinese civilization lacks the most is practice.

However, the Mohist school also has many disadvantages. It is well-organized, goes through fire and water, dies without hesitation, does not compromise with those in power, has its own laws, and has very powerful military skills. Closed the door, it is a party of princes.

Therefore, it is inevitable to be rejected by the ruler.

When Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty met with great talent and boldness, he deposed all schools of thought and respected Confucianism alone, and the Mohist school completely declined.

Yang Zheng's consistent principle is to take the essence and discard the dross.

The Mohist style, developed in the unified dynasty, is also a major hidden danger.

What Yang Zheng needs is their practical spirit. As for other political ideas, they can no longer keep up with this era.

Of course, it would be foolish to dream of competing with Confucianism in the short term.

It is also easy to arouse opposition from scholars all over the world.

It is still the previous method, boil the frogs in warm water, first revive the theory in the "Taixing Canon", and then use the imperial examination to slowly guide it, and a group of people will naturally be born to learn Mohism.

Governing a big country is like cooking a small fish, and any reform should not be wishful thinking, it needs to pay attention to skills and implement it slowly.

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