
Chapter 897

Chapter 897
"Your Majesty, this is the latest cotton grown in the Western Regions." The guards placed snow-white cotton in front of Yang Zheng.

Not as full as later generations, but still usable.

The western region is sunny, and many lands are not suitable for growing grain, but are very suitable for growing cotton and grapes.

After nearly ten years of cultivating Bachelor of Agriculture in Taixue, some results have finally been achieved.

Zhao Aqi was holding the padded jacket in one hand and the quilt in the other.

Yang Zheng touched it, and it was very thick.

It is warmer than the previous cotton quilts, and the key point is that it can be planted on a large scale. With this stuff, winter will not be so difficult.

With the addition of briquettes, kangs, fireplaces, etc., Daqin could effectively rule Liaodong.

Ji Kang also designed a kind of dock, which can accommodate about a hundred households, half on the ground and half underground, and every household is connected.

Although the sparrow is small, it has all five internal organs, wells, canals, stables, grain depots, firewood depots, and arsenals. It lives on the ground in spring and summer, and underground in autumn and winter. It can be used for centralized cooking and central heating by burning a heating stove. , the key is also ventilation.

The defense function is stronger than the traditional fort, and it can accommodate more people.

No matter where it is built, it is a fortress, and it is not a problem for two or 300 people to defend against the attack of two or 3000 people.

There are very few tribes in Liaodong that can produce two or 3000 people at a time.

Various conditions are ripe for opening up Liaodong.

However, what everyone didn't expect was that the Xianbei Tribe actually took the initiative to send troops to Youzhou.

More than 3 riders swept across from east to west like locusts. Wherever they passed, everything that could be taken away was taken away, and what could not be taken away was burned with fire.

Obviously, their target is not the Qin army, but the people of Daqin.

Taking offense as defense, destroying Youzhou's combat capabilities, and exhausting the Qin army.

Youzhou Muqi fought, but they were not the elite opponents of the three tribes of Xianbei. A few small defeats frustrated the Muqi knights.

The Xianbei people came in menacingly, and the nobles huddled in the Wubao, not daring to fight.

Ma Long led the elite Chinese army to attack, and after the three tribes of Xianbei hacked and killed the people, they retreated.

After going back and forth several times, Malone only had more than [-] elite Chinese troops in his hands, and it was really difficult to defend the huge Youzhou.

In this era, the Shanhai Pass had not yet been built, and Youzhou was exposed to the wind everywhere.

The Xianbei people are fast horses and sharp knives, come and go like the wind, and light horses, the elite of the Chinese army can't take advantage of it.

The flames of war are billowing all over Youzhou, and the people are panicked.

All of a sudden, performances impeaching Ma Long's incompetence from all over Youzhou were sent to Daxing one after another.

Above the court, there are also great opinions on Ma Long.

Although Du Yu didn't say anything, his past and Guanzhong scholar's words were sharp.

The generals from Qingying also took the opportunity to set the fire on Wei Guan.

"It's just a temporary disadvantage, why all the fuss?" Yang Zheng sat firmly on the fishing boat, and there was no doubt about Malone's strategy.

I have to say that the Xianbei people played beautifully and took the initiative to attack, let the flames of war burn on the territory of Daqin, messed up Daqin's offensive plan, and used offense as defense.

Since it is a war, there will definitely be casualties.

Wei Guan said gratefully: "I am willing to lead the army to help Youzhou and stabilize the situation."

"No need." Yang Zheng waved his hand, "Ma Xiaoxing must have a good plan."

If Emalon's ability can't solve it, it will be futile for Wei Guan to go up.

So far, there has been no news of the Xianbei breaking the city.

It shows that the situation is still under control.

Taking a step back, even if the situation is out of control, Hebei still has Zhang Te's sea-fixing needle, and he is the one who supports it. Why go all the way from Daxing?

A small disadvantage actually set off such a big storm, and people impeached Ma Long at the same time in the local government and the court.

It had to arouse Yang Zheng's vigilance, as if someone was secretly fueling the flames?

The governor of Bingzhou is Meng Guan.

Thinking about it this way, things suddenly became clearer.

Where there are interests, there will be infighting.

But things are still under control, Meng Guan hasn't crossed the line, just impeachment, secretly instigated, no personal attacks, slander and other means.

This is also Yang Zheng's bottom line.

Whether it is competition or infighting, it cannot get out of control.

"My minister recommends Ma Dudu to defeat Xianbei." Du Yu stood up and cupped his hands.

He stepped forward, and lowered the voice of a third of the hall.

"Then everyone will wait and see!" Yang Zheng didn't want to get entangled in this issue.

Today, I finally understand why Sima Zhao and Sima Yan always make wrong decisions.

In the final analysis, there are too many internal factions, various forces pull each other, and it is difficult to see the situation clearly when people are in the middle of the game.

If Yang Zheng wasn't a time traveler, would he trust Ma Long and Wang Jun so much?
Will know who can use it and who can't?
In the past, the territory was small and the strength was weak. Everyone worked together, focused on one place, and focused on one place. Now the family is big and the business is big, so there are more ideas.

Ma Long did not disappoint Yang Zheng, half a month later, the good news came back.

The Xianbei people captured a lot and were overjoyed. Ma Long defeated the Muqi a few more times and attracted the Xianbei cavalry to go deep into the interior. Ma Long personally led [-] elite cavalry to fight.

The Qin army and the powerful army attacked together, beheading more than [-] people, taking [-] prisoners, and capturing nearly [-] horses, cattle and sheep.

The morale of Youzhou reached its peak in the first battle.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the powerful coalition forces entered Liaodong.

The battle of Liaodong officially started.

The Xianbei people have operated Liaodong for many years, and they have absorbed many exiled Han Chinese to help defend the city, but they have some strength.

Without the intervention of the regular Qin army, there were back and forth fights with the powerful.

No one on both sides can do anything to each other.

However, the flames of war have pushed to Liaodong, and regardless of victory or defeat, it will deal a major blow to the Xianbei people.

The tyrants have no military discipline, and they will pay back what the Xianbei people did in Youzhou.

All the pastures were trampled down, the trees were cut down, the fields were trampled, the villages of the Xianbei people were burned, and all men, women and children became slaves...

And build a dock on the flat ground.

Bit by bit, it ate away at the land of Liaodong.

The Xianbei people soon discovered that things exceeded their expectations.

The mighty army surged from the Central Plains like a tide.

The city is still owned by Xianbei people, but everything outside the city is occupied by powerful people...

Insert a character "Lu" here, a character "Tian" there, followed by "Cui" and "Liu"...

Forts rose one after another, and there were ravines everywhere outside the city to prevent the cavalry from charging.

The Xianbei people also concentrated their forces and destroyed one or two Wubao, but it didn't help. As long as the Xianbei people don't garrison here, a new flag will be erected again in a few days.

And this strategy was also tailor-made by Malone for the powerful.

Although it was slow, it was very effective. Xianbei played offense as defense, while Malone's countermeasure was defense as offense, giving full play to the advantages of the powerful.

With the strength of the Xianbei people, there is basically no solution to the encroachment of the tyrants.

"Han brothers in the city, listen up, don't sacrifice your life for the Xianbei people anymore, the Great Qin Sage is in power, and the time has come for you to stand up and become the master!"

"Listen, people in the city, you are surrounded, surrender quickly, and you can survive!"

The tyrants make people shout in the city every day.

At the beginning, the defenders were still a little angry, and it meant to shoot two arrows, but then they didn't even have the mood to take a look.

(End of this chapter)

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