
Chapter 898 West Attack

Chapter 898 West Attack
Liaodong is so big, it is impossible to swallow it in one gulp in a short time.

The Xianbei people seem to be dragging their time too.

Yang Zheng knew that they were waiting for winter to freeze the powerful people in the Central Plains to death.

But this time they were obviously going to be disappointed.

What the Xianbei people could think of, the military department of Daqin had thought of it a long time ago, and the tyrants had thought of it a long time ago, and Ma Long was even more prepared to send carloads of briquettes to Liaodong.

Hebei is short of everything except briquettes which are inexhaustible.

It's still hot summer, and the tyrants are already preparing for winter.

The sheepskin jackets and padded jackets in Guanzhong were frantically sent to Youzhou, and the government and people directly made a lot of money, which directly stimulated a wave of Guanzhong's economy.

The financial resources of the wealthy families exceeded Yang Zheng's imagination.

Even if some small tyrants don't have enough money, Yang Zheng is very considerate and provides loan services, which can be repaid in ten-year installments or five-year installments.

Liaodong has nothing else, and its resources are extremely rich.

Wood, medicinal materials, animal skins, war horses, iron ore, etc. are all available.

With the ability of the tyrants to scratch the ground, they are not afraid that they will not be able to make it in the future.

As long as it is run properly, war is not simply attrition.

In this battle, as long as he can stand firm, Daqin will win half of it.

The Xianbei people have some strength, but this strength is not worth mentioning in front of a unified Central Plains empire.

As the war in the east stabilized, Yang Zheng stopped devoting energy. Ma Long's strategy of using defense instead of offense was basically unsolvable, and the fate of the Xianbei people could only be consumed to death.

The Great Qin Empire turned its attention to the Western Regions.

The kingdoms have been mobilized, and their eyes are turned to the west of Congling.

The most affluent places in the Western Regions are only a few pieces, Gaochang, Qihe River Basin, and Hezhong area.

At the same time, everyone worked independently and attacked each other. Now they are all part of the Chinese civilization and have a common enemy.

Even if there is no common enemy, the wealth of Hezhong and Tianzhu is enough to arouse their interest.

The [-] coalition army assembled in Shule, with Gaochang governor Yin Chun as the main general, and the [-] army gathered in Suiye, with Xia Wang Yang Yi as the main general.

Pointing at Bing Feng, the kingdoms in the river trembled.

At this time, after Kang Juguo parted ways with the Heda people, he was already weak.

Dawan Kingdom was repaired by Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty 400 years ago and became a vassal state of the Han Dynasty.

When the two countries saw that Daqin was unstoppable, they offered beauties and good horses, and even sent the prince to Daqin as a hostage.

"Your Majesty the Great Emperor, my Dawan Kingdom will always be a vassal state of Great Qin!"

"Your Majesty, Kang Juguo has never betrayed Daqin's heart. It was a misunderstanding back then..."

Yang Zheng never forgot that when Xia Kingdom first came to power, Kangju, Dawan, and Qiuci joined forces to resist Daqin.

Now one by one become meek.

"I also believe that it was a misunderstanding back then. Since it was a misunderstanding, let your king come to Daqin to apologize to me in person!" Seeing his former enemy bowing his knees in front of him, Yang Zheng felt extremely happy.

Every husband is not guilty, and he is guilty of his crime.

Dawan is located in the Congling Basin, with great geopolitical value, overlooking the river.

If Chinese civilization wants to advance westward, Dawan is a very good strategic highland.

Kangju is located in the north of the river, and if it stands in front of Xia Guo, it will certainly not be able to stay.

"We are willing to join Daqin and attack the Dayuezhi and Sasanians together!" The envoy imitated Han Li and cupped his hands nondescriptly.

The Dayue clan lost to the Xiongnu, moved westward to the Hezhong area, conquered the Daxia area, established the Guishuang Empire, defeated the Central Asian overlord the Anxi Empire, and went south to Tianzhu.Conquer the Ganges region.

However, the Sasanians rose strongly, and in the first year of Qinglong, Emperor Ming of Wei, defeated the Yuezhi people, and the Guishuang Empire retreated to the Ganges River Basin to survive.

The Yuezhi, Kangju, and Dawan are all half-stepped into the Huaxia circle, and have paid tribute year after year since the Han and Wei dynasties.

It is also in their interest to attack Hezhong.

The Sasanians were the real invaders.

Yang Zheng tapped his fingers on the table. To be honest, it is not difficult to defeat Dawan and Kangju, but it is very difficult to annex them completely.

After all, with the strength of the big man back then, he couldn't do it.

The middle of the river is the big stage for all ethnic groups, from east to west, from north to south, every rising power will almost always get involved in this place.

The cost of governance is simply too high.

Therefore, it is the most reasonable way to raise a few good dogs as pawns, and the big man does the same.

The messenger looked at Yang Zheng nervously and cautiously. The fate of their country depended on the next sentence.

"Why should I trust you?"

The two envoys breathed a sigh of relief at the same time, "We are willing to take out a city for Daqin to garrison troops, set up Xuanyi Mansions in various places, establish Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism, and be a vassal state of Daqin forever."

"It seems that you have worked hard." They gave Yang Zheng what he wanted.

"Your Majesty need not doubt our sincerity."

Speaking of this, it's almost the same. If the dog is anxious, he will jump over the wall. If he is too tight on his side, they will fall into the arms of the Sasanian.

The great man once said that politics is to make the number of one's own people as many as possible and the number of enemies to be few.

Hezhong and Tianzhu are so big that they can accommodate everyone's interests.

The joining of the two countries can also increase the strength of the Western Expedition.

"I hope you don't forget today's promise!" Yang Zheng nodded in agreement.

"Thank you, Your Majesty the Great Emperor!" The two knelt down at the same time, very excited.

The two battles were actually done by taking advantage of the situation, and the loss of Great Qin's national power was minimized.

Sometimes political means are easier to achieve than military means.

Regardless of victory or defeat in this battle, it is doomed for the Western Regions to fully integrate into the Chinese civilization circle.

Yang Zheng was in a very happy mood, "The prince can take the princes of the two countries to visit Daxing, and see the prosperity of my Daqin."

"My son takes orders." Yang Xu cupped his hands and said.

Today's Daxing already has the appearance of all nations coming to the DPRK.

The city is becoming more and more prosperous, and there are more and more people. The sorrowful look of worrying about tomorrow on the faces of the people in the past is gone, and it is replaced by self-confidence and grandeur.

Governance by doing nothing makes the people full of vitality, and all walks of life develop rapidly.

From all over the world, nobles from all over the world came here admiringly.

The population of Daxing has already passed the threshold of 100 million, and even the surrounding cities have also prospered.

The only thing that made Yang Zheng a little upset was that Wa Kingdom and Sanhan also sent envoys to pay tribute.

The lesson of the farmer and the snake must be learned.

I don't have the energy to take care of these small shrimps now, so I can only wait for the future.

Not all the surrounding small countries respect Great Qin.

The Linyi State in the south raised 20 troops, claiming [-], to attack Jiaozhou and kill the people. During the Eastern Wu period, they broke through counties and killed chief officials.

Yang Ji, governor of Jiaozhou, led [-] Qin troops to march south, but a disease suddenly broke out in the army.

Lin Yiguo took the opportunity to attack. The Qin army was originally short of nine troops and was defeated by the bandits, with heavy casualties.

Lin Yiguo's morale was greatly boosted, his ambitions were extremely expanded, and he was sharpening his sword, preparing to sweep Jiaoguang and annex Nanzhong.

However, Tao Huang, the governor of Guangzhou, tried his best to turn the tide. With an elite group of [-] Lingnan disciples, he attacked the Linyi army halfway, killing nearly [-] enemies and taking more than [-] prisoners. Thousands of families and return.

(End of this chapter)

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