
Chapter 899 Snow

Just in October, there was a heavy snowfall in Liaodong.

The city, the forest, and the fort were all covered in silver, and the snow fell to the ground and froze into ice again.

Murong Shegui is old and weak, so he needs to wrap two layers of sable fur to keep warm, "How many people in Qin died of freezing today?"

"According to Da Shanyu, outside of Qin and Renwubao, no one died of freezing."

Murong Shegui is not really loyal to Cao Wei and Sima's family, but they recognize Murong's family as Xianbei's "big Shanyu". unacceptable.

Liaodong is remote, as long as the winter survives, the Qin people will retreat by themselves.

Then the Xianbei cavalry took advantage of the situation to hide and kill, and they could win a big victory, and then continue to negotiate with the Daqin court with this victory.

Murong Shegui frowned, "Don't people in Qin fear the severe cold?"

"Although there is heavy snow now, it is not the coldest time, so why should you be anxious?" Murong Nai comforted.

"The ones who entered Liaodong this time are the powerful and powerful Central Plains, not the main force of the Qin army. Our army is in such a difficult situation. If Ma Long comes next year, what should we do?" Murong Shegui was not worried about the present, but the future.

The hall suddenly fell silent, and no one knew what to do.

Daqin is a colossus to them.

In the past, they could still reap some benefits from the civil strife in the Central Plains. Now that the Central Plains is unified, there is no chance for them to rise.

"Emperor Daqin is cruel and ruthless. This time driving the powerful into Liaodong is a plan to kill people with a knife. We and the powerful will suffer from both sides. The emperor will reap the benefits and get rid of the serious trouble in his heart!" Murong Nai said.

"Maybe we can divorce him?" Duan Ri Lujuan said suddenly.

"Divorce?" At this moment, Murong Shegui was like a drowning man, wanting to grab every straw.

"Exactly, most powerful people have long-term vision. There is a famous saying in the Central Plains: the cunning rabbit is cooked by the dog, the bird is good and the bow is hidden. We Xianbei are finished, and the powerful are useless."

"Respect yourself!" Murong Shegui suddenly thought of a word.

This is what he learned from Sima Yi.

When Sima Yi conquered Liaodong, he led Murong's troops to attack the Gongsun family. He had a lot of contact with Sima Yi, and he was shocked and respectful all the time.

This is also the reason why he chose the Sima family when the Qin and Jin dynasties fought for hegemony.

Sima Yi's use of soldiers like a god made him frightened.

It's a pity that the descendants are not as good as the next generation...

Murong Shegui bet on the wrong treasure, of course he has to pay the price.

Duan Ri Lujuan said: "We send lobbyists to the various fortresses, and we can also see the reality of the Qin people."

"Immediately send Han Chinese lobbyists to lobby the tyrants, saying that I, Murong Shegui, would like to become brothers with them!"

"Follow the order!"

The Xianbei people seem to have found a breakthrough.

In the world of ice and snow, envoys are busy everywhere.

Although Liaodong is bitterly cold, it is not unbearable.

Many Han Chinese have lived for a long time and are used to it.

"Become brothers?" In Tianjiawu Fort, Tian Qing sneered, "You are also worthy?"

The gentry has been powerful for more than 200 years. Whose ancestors are not princes and generals with noble blood?Letting them become brothers with the barbarians is really degrading the ancestors...

Discrimination is everywhere.

The responses of Tian, ​​Lu, Cui, Liu and other big families are basically the same. This kind of big family doesn't look down on Xianbei people at all.

Xiaohaoqiang, Xianbei people feel disadvantaged...

Don't look at the tyranny of the gentry as a cancer in the Central Plains, once it is pulled out, it is extremely ethical and united.

Almost no one responded to Murong Shegui.

I dare not respond.

The logistics of the tyrants are all in the hands of Ma Long. The briquettes they burn, the food they eat, and the weapons they use are all brought in from the Central Plains. promise.

In a word, Murong Shegui is an empty-handed white wolf, without any real things, how can the powerful give in?
The situation turned into a confrontation again.

Murong Shegui soon discovered the reason why the tyrants were not afraid of the severe cold, and got a few pieces of briquettes.

Coal is everywhere in Liaodong.

Murong Shegui asked Chinese craftsmen to imitate them. The things came out, but they were not so convenient to use. At night, they burned in houses and tents. At dawn, all the people in the tent died...

"What's going on?" Murong Shegui's scalp went numb.

In less than five days, 370 of his Xianbei force died!
The most terrifying thing is that people are ignorant, fall asleep and never wake up again.

At the level of Xianbei people, it is impossible to figure out what happened.

"It must be a trick of the Qin people!" Murong Nai found a reason that was not the reason.

"Yes, yes, the fire from the briquettes is blue, and there must be ghosts and spirits!"

The generals were terrified, the more ignorant the tribe, the more they advocated the theory of ghosts and gods.

In doing so, the morale of the Xianbei people took a big hit.

Murong Shegui has been the "Great Chanyu" for decades, and his psychological quality is still excellent. He scolded: "If it is really the help of ghosts and gods, how can we live until now? Send an order to attack Tianjiabao tomorrow, and the day the city is broken , chickens and dogs will not stay!"

The best morale boost right now is a win.

The snowy weather is beneficial to the Xianbei people.

Attacking Tianjiabao can also besiege the city and fight for aid, take the opportunity to destroy several other powerful forces, and reduce the pressure on the entire Liaodong.

God is very kind, and the next day will be sunny.

As long as there is no wind, it will not be too cold.

Xianbei dispatched an army of tens of thousands and went straight to Tianjiabao, the largest in Liaodong County.

Tianjiabao has long been serious.

Murong She returned without delay, so he ordered five thousand Han and Wuhuan people to launch a fierce attack, and Xianbei elites followed behind to supervise the battle.

However, Wubao is not so easy to capture, especially after Ji Kang's transformation, it is even stronger.

The Xianbei's superiority in military strength cannot be deployed under the Wubao, but on the Wubao they can massacre the enemy to their heart's content.

And the bows and arrows of the mighty army seem endless.

There are also small holes in the wall of Wubao, and spears of three or four feet are constantly piercing out of it.

On the city wall, there were still beating woods falling down.

Wubao's killing efficiency is extremely astonishing, abandoning all aesthetics, it is purely a massacre weapon.

Most of the 5000 casualties were piled up with corpses, but no one climbed the city wall.

As long as the one who died was not from the Xianbei, Murong Shegui would not be distressed and forced the soldiers to continue attacking the city.

Attempt to pile down the dock with human life.

"If we can't take this fort, we'll all die here!" Murong Shegui roared bravely with the blood of the Xianbei people, but continued to order other tribes to fill it up.

Bodies piled up layer after layer.

Blood flowed all over the place, and the white dock turned blood red.

Murong Shegui, Murong Nai, and Duan Ri Lujuan all looked solemn, as if they were frozen. They found that they still underestimated the strength of Wubao.

In the ice and snow, it was too late to build siege equipment.

"Brother!" Murong Nai persuaded.

Murong Shegui waved his hand dejectedly, "Stop attacking the city."

"For the present strategy, the only way is to besiege the city and fight for aid." Although Duan Rilu's family had never read Sun Tzu's Art of War, they had heard about Sun Bin's siege of Wei and rescue of Zhao.

Murong Shegui nodded, suddenly feeling exhausted.

For a few days, Lu Juan's eyeballs whirled around, "Da Shanyu, there is another plan!"

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