
Chapter 900 Wind

There is heavy snow in Liaodong, and the cold wind howls all day long in Hebei.

In Jicheng, Ma Long followed every move of Liaodong.

Youzhou can mobilize [-] horsemen and government soldiers, plus [-] elite Chinese troops, so they are not at a disadvantage in terms of strength.

In history, the bald tree function of hundreds of thousands of troops was put down by his 3000 people.

Tens of thousands of Xianbei people are of course no problem.

Ma Long, as a great official in frontiers, naturally knew the meaning of the court, and he did his best to completely solve the three parts of Liaodong and Goguryeo.

So the whole of Hebei has been accumulating strength and waiting for the opportunity.

Many people thought that Ma Long's backer was Wei Guan, but in fact only he knew that his backer was the emperor, otherwise he would have been drowned out by the last impeachment wave.

Malone had little interest in infighting.

I wrote to Wei Guan many times, reminding him to restrain his subordinates a little bit, all the surrendered generals these years have been under the banner of Wei Guan, and it is inevitable that good and evil will be mixed.

However, with Wei Guan's current status, many things are already involuntary.

"It's not because someone is greedy for power, but because of the situation. Even if someone retires after success, His Majesty will support another person. Xiaoxing doesn't need to worry too much, His Majesty has his own strategy..."

"The art of the emperor..." Malone sighed after reading the letter.

After sighing, he felt relieved very quickly, for such a big country with so many influences, if there was no emperor's skill, Great Qin would have fallen apart long ago.

"Captain, Murong She's emissary has arrived!" the guards reported outside the door.


Not long after, Xianbei envoys came in and said straight to the point: "General Ma is so powerful in the world. Even though my lord is in Liaodong, I have heard a lot about it. It is often said that the heroes of the Central Plains should be the most important."

Malone said with a smile, "If you have something to say, you might as well say it clearly."

The envoy clasped his hands and said, "The governor is in a prominent place in Youzhou. He has worked hard and made great achievements. However, there are a lot of rumors and rumors in the Great Qin court, and there are endless impeachment petitions. Looking at it from below, the governor seems to have many internal enemies?"

"You guys have put some thought into it."

"In today's situation, although the governor and my family are enemies, they are also allies. If Liaodong does not exist, I am afraid that the governor will not be able to command troops outside." The envoy's eyes lighted up faintly.

"Oh? So what does your master have to say?" Malone smiled unconsciously.

Such a clumsy divorce plan, but I have the nerve to come to the door to make a fuss.

Although there are factional disputes in Daqin, it has not yet reached the point of life and death.

Furthermore, with the emperor's control over the army, if Ma Long raised his troops today, the heads would be sent to Daxing tomorrow.

The success of Sima Yi is due to his strength on the one hand, and the loopholes in the Cao Wei system on the other hand.

Ten thousand steps back, even if someone followed Ma Long to rebel, Zhang Te from Yecheng and Meng Guan from Taiyuan were behind them.

The emperor's arrangements were impeccable.

Cao Wei had to use Sima Yi, but Da Qin didn't only have one Ma Long.

Not to mention Ma Long's loyalty to Da Qin, even if Ma Long had the intention, he would not have the guts.

"Haven't you heard that cunning rabbits are cooked by dead running dogs, and birds are good bows? The emperor of Qin has many kinds of Henkels, and you should learn from them! My master is willing to become brothers with the governor, to help each other, and to get what we need." Every word of the messenger is very inspiring.

"How do we get what we need?" Malone asked knowingly.

The envoy somewhat heard Ma Long's sarcasm, but at this time he could only pretend to be brave, hoping to impress him, "If the governor is willing, he will enter Liaodong next year when the weather is warm, and we can destroy Goguryeo together, and then our army will pretend to be defeated. His Majesty the Emperor is very happy, the great achievement of destroying the country is enough to satisfy the Qin government, the governor can also explain to the emperor, and Xianbei can also rely on the superintendent's supernatural power to survive, the best of both worlds, I wonder what the governor thinks?"

Ma Long couldn't help applauding the Xianbei people's imagination, "Wonderful!"

"The governor agreed?" The envoy looked expectant.

Unexpectedly, Ma Long's expression changed, "The three tribes of Xianbei had a covenant with Goguryeo, and today they abandoned it like shoes. How do you let the governor believe it? Or you just tricked someone into Liaodong, and then ambushed him?"

"There is absolutely no such thing..."

Ma Long stared at the messenger, "Are you a scholar?"

"The villain's ancestor moved to Liaodong, and it has been three generations. He has cultivated and studied in the family." The envoy said quite proudly.

"Since farming and studying family heirlooms, you should know etiquette, righteousness, integrity and shame!" Ma Long's usually gentle face suddenly became severe.

Fighting for many years, leading nearly [-] people at every turn, and his aura is as heavy as a thousand pounds. Once it breaks out, it is not something a slick scholar can resist.

The envoy was stunned for a moment, then trembled and said: "Captain... the two armies are fighting, if you don't kill the envoy..."

"Go back and tell Murong Shegui that when the weather warms up, someone will lead an army of [-] to sweep across Liaodong, so that he can do it for himself, and you can do it for himself!" Naturally, Ma Long would not be as knowledgeable as an envoy.

The messenger retreated in a hurry.

An hour later, more than a dozen generals entered the room and said in unison: "Captain, everything is ready!"

Malone lifted his cloak and walked out with his head held high, followed by the generals.

In the city, [-] cavalry rode on horseback, standing in the cold wind, and everyone's eyes were full of desire to make contributions.

The black armor shows their domineering and fierceness even more.

The people and horses were as silent as stone statues.

This is the elite of the Great Qin Empire, and this is where Great Qin's confidence lies.

Malone rode a war horse, carrying a long sword, and walked among the cavalry.

This horse was bestowed by the emperor himself, and this sword was also bestowed by the emperor.

"More than 20 years ago, General Guanqiu Jian swept across Liaodong with more than [-] paces, smashed Goguryeo, slaughtered its capital, and opened up three thousand miles for China. He returned with stone carvings. Now we happen to be [-] people. How dare you fight with us? A certain person went to Liaodong to make contributions?" Ma Long raised his arms and called out.

"Wish, wish, wish!"

The soldiers shouted violently.

Ma Long waved his hand, and the voice stopped abruptly, "I heard that Liaodong is bitterly cold, are you afraid?"

Another loud burst of laughter erupted from the crowd.

Most of these Chinese troops came from Yongliang, Han, Qianghu, Xianbei, which one was not born in the ice and snow?
They were the first to equip the cotton-padded clothes and quilts sent by Daxing.

Each cavalryman has four horses, one horse carries food and grass, one horse carries things to keep out the cold, and the remaining two are war horses.

The grain and grass are eaten up and the pack horses are eaten.

As long as you enter Liaodong, all the Wubao are supply places for the Qin army.

Soldiers are also deceitful, taking them by surprise and attacking them unprepared.

Murong Shegui thought that the Qin army would not send troops in late autumn, and even the imperial court thought that this battle would last for a few more years, but Ma Long wanted to do the opposite!
Ma Long always faced difficulties when using troops.

With a sound of "clang", Ma Long drew out the long sword at his waist. Although he was no longer young, his blood was still boiling.


A roar went straight into the sky, alarming the Xianbei secret agents in the city.

Then the war horse started to move slowly, galloping eastward on the cold wind, kicking up a huge cloud of smoke and dust.

After all the cavalry left the city, the gates of Jicheng were closed, and they were only allowed to enter but not to exit.

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