
Chapter 902 Contradictions

Murong She attributed it to seeing how powerful Wubao is.

I tried my best, but still couldn't do anything.

The Tian family's private army insulted them every day on the Wubao: "Murong old dog, sooner or later your dog's head will be cut off!"

This is quite elegant, and more unsavory words are poured down from the castle like dirty water.

Murong Shegui was filled with anger and hatred, and finally fell ill.

Ever since Daqin decided to march eastward, Murong Shegui lived in fear every day, and the pressure was too great. This time, he was leading the army in person again, exhausted.

Murong Shegui is only in his 50s this year, but the nomadic wind and sun make him look like he is in his 70s, with gray hair, wrinkled face, and much less energy than before.

As soon as he fell, the Xianbei people panicked even more.

It is inevitable that some people will start thinking and have no interest in attacking Wubao.

"The army of Qin will come to attack after the spring is warm, and Da Shanyu has fallen ill again. Tell me what to do now?" Murong Nai put on an attitude of doing his part.

In the grassland tribe, it is a tradition that brothers end up with brothers.

Murong Shegui's eldest son, Murong Tuyuhun, was captured alive by Daqin and stayed in Daxing for reform, while his second son, Murongxuan, was still in his infancy.

The only one who can take the lead is Murong Nai.

"Why do you need to say more, the only one who can command us now is the general, and we will support you to the death!"

"What general, now is the Great Chanyu!"

"Yes, Great Chanyu!"

All the heroes sent Murong Nai to him directly.

Murong Nai could not close his mouth from ear to ear, Murong Shegui was already sitting on the main seat boldly, "Okay, under the leadership of my Murong Nai, Xianbei will surely regain the glory of the old sandalwood locust trees! "

"Long live the Great Shanyu!"

Everyone shouted for a while, sparing no effort to show their loyalty.

But Murong Nai's eyes turned to Duan Ri Lu Juan and Yu Wen Mo Huai.

Without the support of the other two departments of Xianbei, his great Shanyu is empty.

Duan Ri Lu's family hurriedly knelt down on one knee, "The people of Qin are strong and want to destroy our race. If they can't hug each other at this time, they will die without a place to die. I, Duan Bu, are willing to die for Da Shanyu!"

With some generous words, Murong's patience was in full bloom.

For so many years, Duanbu Xianbei has relied on both sides in the cracks to become one of the three Xianbei, and its strength is also the weakest.

Murong Nai cares more about Yu Wenmo

There is a feud between Murongbu and Yuwenbu.

This time because Daqin was too strong, they had to unite, but this alliance itself was fragile.

Yuwen Mo Huai was young and vigorous, not as humble as Duan Ri Lu Juan, staring at Murong Nai and said: "Old Shanyu just caught the cold by accident, you can't wait?"

This actually reminded Murong Nai, a cold light flashed in his eyes, "So, your Yuwen Department refuses to accept me?"

The surrounding generals drew their swords one after another.

The people from the Yuwen Department also drew out their knives, and the needles on both sides pointed at the wheat awns.

Murong Shegui has the "Great Shanyu" canonized by Cao Wei, so he can suppress all the tribes. Murong Nai has nothing, so of course his words have less weight.

When the two sides were on the verge of breaking out, Duan Ri Lu's family stood up and said, "You two should not hurt your friendship. The people of Qin are staring at each other right now. We are waiting for the fire to merge. The day of Xianbei's extinction is not far away."

Duan Ri Lu's family kept thinking about Xianbei's future and won a lot of favor.

The key point is that Murong Nai and Yuwen Mohuai didn't really want to fight, they just put on a show to scare each other.

"Hmph!" Murong Nai withdrew his knife.

"It's not the same way, if you can't get together, leave!" Yuwen Mo Huai was very angry, and led the general of Yuwen Department to turn around and leave the tent.

Both are Xianbei people, Murongbu is a descendant of Donghu, while Yuwenbu is dominated by Huns and supplemented by Xianbei people.

Its customs are also very different from Xianbei people.

Kuntou of the Yuwen Ministry followed the tradition of the Huns and was mainly nomadic.

Murong's head is tied, that is, the hair is braided. In recent years, under the influence of the Central Plains, he has been farming and grazing, and his clothes are getting closer to the Qin people.

The Duanbu Xianbei is not an ethnic group at all, but a mixture of various tribes in Eastern Liaodong.

The Ministry of Yuwen led the crowd to leave that day.

That night, under Murong Nai's supervision, Murong Shegui's condition worsened irreparably, and he passed away...

Murong Shegui died, and the tribe was even more divided.

Murong Nai soon discovered that even in the headquarters, there were many deserters.

The once powerful Murong Department suddenly showed signs of disintegration.

"After this winter, maybe times will turn around!" Murong Nai comforted himself.

Duan Ri Lujuan suggested: "If the Yuwen Department retreats, our strength will be greatly damaged, and we will not be able to attack the Wubao of the Qin people. It is better to retreat to Xiangping and rely on Goguryeo to accumulate strength. Even if the Qin people come to attack next year, we will have the strength to fight! "

"Fortunately, you still have your help, otherwise we Xianbei people would be doomed." Murong Nai was moved.

Yuwen Mohuai, who had just retreated to the west of Liaoxi, was still brooding in his heart, "Murong Nai is nothing, if it weren't for the fact that Daqin is about to attack, I would have killed him now!"

The general said: "We are not the same ancestors as Murong, why should we be driven by them?"

The crowd reconciled.

Yuwen Mo Huai had a sly smile on his face, "Don't worry, this time Daqin is going to recover Liaodong. We are nomadic outside the Great Wall and live by water and grass, so we don't have to wade through this muddy water. Daqin can do it in such a big Liaodong." Is it possible to take all of them? When the Murong Ministry is wiped out, we will make a comeback, and then Liaodong will be ours, ahaha!"

"Ahaha—" the people around Yuwen Department laughed loudly.

The soldiers on the side were also infected and laughed too.

It was a miasma.

Smiling and laughing, Yuwen Mohuai felt the ground tremble a little. He looked up at the sky, but it didn't look like it was going to thunder or rain. Besides, how could there be thunder in winter?
The roar of the earth is getting closer.

"No, enemy attack!" Yuwen Mohuai roared.

But the people around are still immersed in laughter.

"Cavalry! It's Murong Nai, the wolf cub's cavalry!" Yuwen Mohuai drew out his knife and let out a stern roar.

The surrounding generals felt that something was wrong.

However, it was too late, at the end of the distant horizon, on the white snow field, a black tide was surging.

The fiery red "Qin" flags fluttered in the cold wind.

If it was the cavalry of the Murong Department, the Yuwen Department still had the determination to kill them, but when they saw the "Qin" banner, all thoughts were lost.

Yuwen Mo Huai's face was trembling. In the icy and snowy world, cold sweat oozes from his face. Facing the unrivaled power, he couldn't even think of resisting, " is this possible?"

His subordinates were even more stunned.

Everyone preconceived that the Qin army would attack after the warm spring next year, but they didn't expect it to come so soon, so urgently...

Just at the moment of astonishment, Qin Jun's iron cavalry drew like a black long whip, and blood sprayed on the snow.

Qin Jun came so fast, Yuwenbu didn't even have a chance to escape...

"Surrender." Yuwen Mo Huai sighed.

Facing such an opponent, if he didn’t surrender, he would have to be slaughtered. Yuwen Mohuai was still young and wanted to live a few more years, and I heard that the Emperor Daqin was kind to the surrendering tribesmen, and he had a luxurious mansion in Daxing...

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