
Chapter 903 Loyalty

Ma Long's [-] elite entered Liaodong, and it was simply devastated.

None of the Xianbei could resist.

When the flag of Daqin appeared there, the city there surrendered.

Even if the nobles of Xianbei were unwilling to surrender, the Han people and Wuhuan people in the city would kill the city lord with their swords in their hands, and open the city to welcome the Qin army.

From the moment Murong Shegui died of an inexplicable illness, Xianbei's hearts were scattered.

The fear of the Central Plains has not dissipated among the various ethnic groups in Liaodong.

From Gongsundu to Sima Yi, and then to Guanqiu Jian, the strength of the Central Plains has left a deep impression on the Liaodong tribes.

Great Qin was born out of many powerful countries, and Shu destroyed Jin and Wu, swept Mobei and Western Regions, and its prestige was as high as the sun, and the Liaodong tribes dared not resist.

Ma Long's [-] cavalry were almost as if they had entered a land without blood, and most of the old land in Liaodong was quickly recovered in just over ten days.

Only Murong Nai and Duan Ri Lu's family were left in Xiangping City.

Just at this time, a heavy snowfall made Murong Nai and Duan Ri Lujuan breathe a sigh of relief.

After decades of operation by the Gongsun family, Xiangping City is quite strong. Murong Nai is backed by Goguryeo, and Ma Long's troops are all cavalry, so there is no rush to attack for the time being.

"Ma Dudu's supernatural power, Xianbei people are shit!" The tyrants complimented one after another.

Ma Long has never had a good impression of Haoqiang, and the past in Xuchang has always been one of the nightmares that he can't get rid of.

"The Xianbei people have only their last breath left. I don't know how the court will reward us?" Zhongshan's powerful Liu Jue asked.

In an instant, the tyrants' eyes widened.

They rushed here in a hurry just to get a share of the pie.

Besides, it was promised by the court.

I used to say that Liaodong was bitterly cold, but when I arrived in Liaodong, I found that there were treasures everywhere. After hundreds of years of operation, the city was not as prosperous as Youzhou.

The most important thing is that there are many ethnic groups in Liaodong, and there are not as many constraints as in the Central Plains, so soldiers and powerful soldiers can give full play to themselves.

During this period of time, they have captured many local tribes as slaves.

Building forts, farming, fighting, and grazing, as long as they are given food, one is more docile than the other, and they never have the heart to resist.

What surprised them even more was that if they planted anything in the ground, it would grow wildly. The fertility of the land was much stronger than that of Hebei.

"Of course there will be rewards from the imperial court, but Murongbu and Goguryeo are by our side, if they are not destroyed, can you rest easy?" Ma Long's indifference made him even more majestic.

"What the governor said is true, so what are you waiting for? Together, our dozens of families can gather 7 to [-] people. What is a Xiangping City? Let's pacify them now!"

"The Xianbei people and Goguryeo are not of the same mind. We are not in a hurry, they are the ones who are in a hurry!" Ma Long glanced at the eager tyrants, and thought to himself that His Majesty has good means, and these people will be a disaster sooner or later if they stay in the Central Plains.

Coming to Liaodong is the scourge of Xianbei people and Goguryeo people.

Speaking of which, half of Murong Shegui died at their hands.

"Xiangping City is strong. From now on, all the elite soldiers under your command will be transferred to the commander-in-chief for intensive training!" Ma Long has the right to hold the festival, and it is only natural to gather the military power.

"I was originally a soldier of the Great Qin Dynasty, and I am willing to obey the order of the governor!" The leaders of the retired soldiers cupped their hands one after another.

Malone nodded with a smile, "As expected of a Great Qin soldier!"

Everyone was overjoyed, and their waists became straighter.

The tyrants frowned and whispered.

Ma Long didn't want to talk nonsense with them any more, so he slapped the table with his palm, "This Eastern Expedition is of great importance. His Majesty grants someone the right to hold the chastity. Anyone who doesn't follow will be beheaded!"

The word "cut" was full of murderous intent.

The tyrants were suddenly silent.

This is not the mainland. From the moment you step into Liaodong, everyone's life and death are in the hands of the imperial court.

One word from Ma Long can make Hao Qiang's life worse than death.

"Do you have any objections?"

"I am willing to obey the order of the governor!"

The tyrants were dealt with submissively.

In the cities of the Liao army, more and more troops gathered, and the Han people from the cities in the east of the Liaodong also came to hear the news. Wherever Hu and Han lived together, the Han people had more warriors.

However, Ma Longning only selected [-] elites and trained them strictly.

"Daqin has 24 ranks of military merit, the first to climb, behead the general, and capture the flag is the [-]th rank of merit, and he can be a captain in vain and enjoy [-] acres of land!"

Under the reward, there must be a brave man.

Xuan Yishi's words made the warriors jealous instantly.

The training has also become harder, the wind and snow are blowing, and no one complains.

A strong army was quickly built by Malone.

Before the battle was fought, the Qin army was already astonishing.

There is an endless stream of tribes who come to vote every day. Now that they surrender, they can still have the status of waiting to return, fight with the Qin army, make military achievements, and rewards are indispensable.

The most indispensable thing in Liaodong is smart people. Didn't Murong Shegui follow Sima Yi to beat Gongsun Yuan and get the canonization of Cao Wei?
Qin Jun's power grew bigger and bigger like a snowball.

Some impatient tribes simply attacked Goguryeo directly to weaken its power.

The city of Liao team was very hot, but the city of Xiangping was miserable.

Murong Nai felt cold all over.

With his mind, he really couldn't figure out why he looked like he was going to lose this battle without a fight.

Although Xiangping City is strong, Murong Nai always feels that the people in the city are looking at him in the wrong way, straight up...

It's fine if he's a Han Chinese, but the key point is that many Xianbei also see him in the same way, which makes him feel at a loss.

Murong Shegui has been in charge of the Murong Department for decades, and he is quite popular. He was sent away by Murong Nai. It is inevitable that some people will comment. If Murong Nai can win a battle, he may be able to calm people's hearts, but Murong Nai has no such ability, so he just sits and watches. The Liaodong army was defeated like a mountain, and Murong's tribe naturally refused to accept it.

"Brother Duan, do you think Xiangping City can be defended?" Murong Nai felt that the sky was getting colder and colder.

"Don't worry, Da Shanyu. There are [-] people in Xiangping City, and there is enough food and grass. There will be no problem for a year or so. Besides, we have Goguryeo, Fuyu, and Yejiao to support them. They hate the Qin people for destroying the country. Can't stop, we can retreat to the north, can the Qin people still chase and kill them to the ends of the earth?"

"Haha, that's what I said. In the future, Qin Jun will be driven away, and Liaodong will be divided equally with you!"

"It is the greatest blessing for my Lu family members to be able to follow the Great Chanyu for a while. I don't want anything else in this life, but to assist the Great Chanyu!"

"Okay!" Murong Nai slapped his thigh, looking at Duan Ri Lu Juan with admiration.

Where can I find such a loyal person these days?
"The defense of Xiangping City is left to you! You and I work together, so why worry about not being able to repel the Qin army!" Murong Nai waved his hand, and the last doubts in his heart were gone.

If this journey hadn't been for Duan Ri Lu's family's advice, Murong Nai doesn't know if he would be able to make it this far.

"The subordinates will devote themselves to the great Shanyu!"

The Xianbei people have always been influenced by the Central Plains. The Great Qin admired Zhuge Wuhou, and the deeds of Wuhou were sung everywhere.

Duan Ri Lu's family especially loved listening to storytelling and operas from the Central Plains, almost to the point of obsession.

I have a deep memory of Zhuge Wuhou and Guan Yunchang.

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