
Chapter 904 East Tour

Press the gourd to float the scoop.

During this period in history, persistent drought broke out in Yongliang, causing rebellions among Xianbei, Xiongnu, and Qiangdi one after another.

The drought in Helongyou in Liangzhou ended, and the drought in Guanzhong began again.

Yang Zheng suspected that God was playing tricks on him on purpose.

However, as long as it is not a carpet-like drought in Yongliang, Daqin can survive it.

The mood of the people is relatively stable, and every family has surplus food, and they can survive.

Daxing's [-] Chinese army, plus war horses, couldn't bear it.

A war horse eats and drinks as much as five soldiers every day. There are 15 war horses permanently stationed in Daxing, and the other more than [-] are raised in ranches in Henan.

"Your Majesty should offer sacrifices to the heavens, so that the heavens will take care of us, Daqin, and the weather will be good." Lu Zhi suggested.

Wei Guan took a step forward, "Since it is a sacrifice to heaven, it is better to enshrine Zen directly on Mount Tai, and lead the people to eat in Xuchang, so as to reduce the pressure in Guanzhong."

"What does Yuan Kai think?" Yang Zheng asked.

Du Yu clasped his hands and said, "Your Majesty's martial arts are no less than that of Emperor Xiaowu, and it is also possible to consecrate Zen to Mount Tai. Your Majesty was born in Yangxia, and he lived in Xuchang. He can win the hearts of the Central Plains."

Rich and noble do not return home, such as brocade clothing at night.

After Henkel's success, he also returned to his hometown to worship his ancestors. This is what Huaxia pays attention to.

You don't have to believe it, but you have to do it.

Yang Zheng nodded, "I should also go to the Central Plains!"

Guanzhong and Guanxi cannot be opposites. This trip to the east will not only enshrine Zen, but also pay homage to the ancestral tomb of the Yang family to strengthen the connection with the Central Plains.

The plan has been decided, and the court passed it quickly.

Feng Chan's request has not been a day or two. A few years ago, someone made an appeal. At that time, he was poor and white, and he was afraid of wasting the people and money, so he let it go.

After two years of tax reduction in the Central Plains, the economy has recovered, and it is time to take a look at the country we have built.

Fifty thousand soldiers, one hundred thousand war horses, forty thousand cattle and camels, maids and eunuchs in the civil and military palace, plus the accompanying Daxing scholars and civilians, a total of more than [-] people marched by land and water, heading east in a mighty way.

Prince Yang Xu and Tai Fu Lu Zhi stayed in Daxing.

Along the way, the government had already prepared and hoarded food.

The first stop, Hongnong, is between Hedong and Nanyang. The land is fertile and there is more than enough grain and grass. The local area itself is a grain and grass transfer station.

But at the second stop in Luoyang, Yang Zheng suddenly felt that Luoyang was so magnificent. When he attacked the city back then, he glanced at it hastily, but he didn't feel it. In the past few years, the war has subsided, and Luoyang has become so prosperous.

The population is dense and all industries are prosperous.

After decades of management by Cao Wei, the palace has a special charm.

Daxing is a future-oriented, inclusive and sustainable city, while Luoyang is full of a sense of history.

On Tongtuo Street, Zhong Jin, Jiulong, Weng Zhong, Tong Tuo and Fei Lian stand opposite each other, with a magnificent momentum.

Emperor Cao Rui and Sima Yan of the Ming Dynasty both made large-scale construction projects to build Xuchang Palace, Luoyang Palace, Zhaoyang Taiji Hall, Zongzhang Temple, Lingyun Terrace, Chengtai Terrace and other palaces. Zheng.

It happened to be snowing heavily, so Yang Zheng stayed here.

The people of Luoyang were overjoyed, and offered pigs and sheep to reward the soldiers of the Great Qin Dynasty.

Some wealthy households volunteered to donate money, rare treasures, beautiful girls...

His enthusiasm far exceeded Yang Zheng's imagination.

However, some things can be accepted, and some things cannot be accepted.

Then a decree was issued: "The world has only been in peace for a few years, the four seasons are not right, the people are suffering from hunger and cold, and the extravagance should not be reopened. I know the love and love of the elders in the Central Plains. I will not take money, food and treasures." I hope that the elders of the Central Plains will know my heart to care for the people..."

The human heart is the greatest wealth, and it is not easy for the world to come to where it is today.

After this edict, the whole Luoyang boiled, and the people burned incense to pray for Yang Zheng.

"Luoyang is prosperous. It is located in the hinterland of the Central Plains. There are eight golden locks. It should be established as the capital." Du Yu suggested.

Luoyang's geographical advantage is too great.

Guanzhong is to the west, Nanyang is to the southwest, Wanxu is to the southeast, the hinterland of the Central Plains is to the east, Bingzhou is to the north, and Hebei is to the northeast...

It is no wonder that all dynasties have taken such a fancy to this place.

If you just want to keep things going, Luoyang is definitely the top choice, but in order to control Hetao, Hehuang, and the Western Regions, Yang Zheng still prefers Guanzhong.

It is not bad to establish Luoyang as the accompanying capital.

It's a pity to give up such a magnificent palace.

Cao Wei had five capitals, and it would be nice for Daqin to have another capital.

Directly governing Luoyang is more conducive to controlling the Central Plains.

"Simply establish Luoyang and Xuchang as capitals." Yang Zheng nodded in agreement.

The accompanying officials immediately entered the discussion stage.

In fact, there is no need to discuss it. The status of the word Luoyang in people's hearts needless to say.

The three provinces passed quickly, and Yang Zheng stamped the Jade Seal of Chuanguo.

Luoyang and Xuchang officially became the accompanying capitals of Daqin.

Geographically, Guanzhong, Hedong, Luoyang, Xuchang, and Yecheng are like a giant dragon with teeth and claws shuttling on both sides of the river, provoking the backbone of China.

From Guanzhong to Kansai, Daqin has no geographical shortcomings.

Even if something happens in the world, with this long dragon, it can be calmed down quickly.

When the news came out, the whole Luoyang was immersed in joy.

The people rushed to tell each other, and there was laughter and celebration everywhere.

And the mansions in Luoyang City have also risen with the tide, and the accompanying luxury houses have purchased a large number of mansions, and the prices of Luoyang mansions have skyrocketed, on par with Daxing...

Watching Jin Yiwei present the information, Yang Zheng not only smiled wryly, it seems that this is the case all over the world.

After staying in Luoyang for more than ten days, when the wind and snow stopped for a while, Yang Zheng led [-] soldiers and hundreds of officials to Xuchang, and the accompanying soldiers stayed in Luoyang.

The people of Luoyang were reluctant to leave, and they went ten miles out of the city to see each other off.

Yang Zheng couldn't help but sigh in his heart, the people of Huaxia are so easily satisfied, he just did what an emperor should do, and made the people so grateful...

Great Qin quickly unified the Central Plains, so that the people suffered less from the flames of war.

The prosperity of the Central Plains is far above Guanzhong.

Especially after the tyrants were fooled to Liaodong, the Central Plains became more vibrant.

Both population and land are freed.

Daqin has always been light on corvees and low on taxes, and the pressure of survival has been greatly reduced. In the villages along the way, the sound of children crying and laughing is everywhere.

When they arrived in Xuchang, the common people also went out of the city for more than ten miles to look forward to it.

The dense crowds of people just wanted to see the demeanor of the Great Qin Emperor.

Yang Zheng was riding on a horse, dressed in armor, wearing a red cloak, canopy and feathers, and a guard of honor with banners and flags, surrounded by fine horsemen on the left and right.

Seeing it from a distance, the people knelt down in the snow with their hands folded.

"The Yang family is also from the Central Plains, so you don't need to be polite!" Yang Zheng immediately raised his hand to help.

The guards around him repeated loudly.

The people got up and thanked them.

One sentence shortens the relationship with the scholars and people of the Central Plains.

Entering the city, the streets and alleys were full of people, all watching the emperor's guard of honor.

Yang Zheng smiled and gestured, cupping his hands frequently, and wherever he went, there was a burst of cheers: "Your Majesty, Wanan."

Xuchang originally had a palace, which was cleaned up by the government long ago.

Yang Zheng moved in directly.

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