
Chapter 905 Corruption

Throughout the winter, Yang Zheng was not idle, dealing with hundreds of corrupt officials.

Yang Zheng thought that under the eyes of Xuanyi Division, Zhenfu Division, and Yushitai, the officials would be more honest, but this obviously overestimated their moral level and underestimated the greed in human nature.

What makes Yang Zheng heartbroken is that people from the youth camp are not much more noble than those from the gentry in this respect.

Some people are even more greedy than traditional gentry.

The traditional gentry still has moral constraints, so to show some face, at least not go too far.

However, people from Qingying, poor families, and common people, once corrupted, have no bottom line at all.

The prefect of Chenliu, Zhao Jun, occupied [-] mu of fertile land, and the luxury of his mansion was comparable to that of an imperial palace.

Wang Zhi, governor of Yuzhou, has three female slaves of 720 and [-]. The scale is about the same as that of Yang Zheng's harem. With so many women, of course they don't know how to eat bran and vegetables. Not a small number.

Where does such a large cost come from?Of course, it was a clever trick to collect exorbitant taxes in the name of the court.

There is also Sun Zhao, the prefect of Dongjun County, who was born in Qingying. He was given the nickname "Zhongming" by Yang Zheng back then. He is a member of the loyal generation and has high hopes. Squeeze the people of Dongjun, fabricate political achievements, and report to the higher authorities.

The imperial court sent people down to investigate, and as a disciple of the emperor, he forcibly relocated the people in the surrounding counties and counties, creating the illusion of "prosperous population"...

In short, Yang Zheng was amazed by the methods of corrupt officials.

This trip was supposed to be a look at one's own merits, but one by one the shady scenes were uncovered...

"Could it be that your Zhenfu Division, Xuanyi Division, and Yushitai are all freelancers? Or are you collaborating with them?" Yang Zheng was really angry.

How many years has it been since the founding of the Qin Dynasty?The place has reached this point, which is tantamount to "slapping" Yang Zheng's face.

It seems that many things cannot be taken for granted, and there is always a long way to go to deal with corruption.

Every person who is investigated is followed by a long line of people, and the people of a county and a county are in dire straits.

In Yang Zheng's rage, the officials of the third department knelt down on the ground.

The dirty officials who were discovered were actually calculated by the bachelors of the Literature Museum.

They calculated the tax forms submitted by the local government, reviewed the documents, and found that many figures did not match up, which was quite different from last year.

Numbers can never be faked.

Many details are hidden inside.

The calculation staff in the literature museum found loopholes, and then Jin Yiwei went to find out. It doesn't matter if you don't check, it can't hide everything.

"It seems that I have been too soft on them." Yang Zheng couldn't help but feel murderous.

It is said that I am good to the officials. There are public lands in the place, and the rent and tax collected are the office expenses of the officials. Every year, the imperial court still has a salary. Officials are not rich, rich, but they have no worries about food and clothing. It is absolutely impossible to support a decent family. question.

If the achievements are outstanding, there will be rewards from the court.

Yang Zheng absolutely did everything he could.

It's just that people's hearts are always greedy.

The psychology of luck is everywhere, and Hongwu Emperor is not afraid of peeling and peeling grass, let alone "Xie Ninglu"?
Isn't that the last name?What's the big deal……

Governing the country is governing officials. If the officials are not well governed, no matter how good the government's policy is, it will become a means for them to corrupt the law and cause public resentment.

"Anyone who corrupts the law, no matter how much or how big, will be beheaded, and his family members will be exiled in Liaodong as slaves of the border guards! The chief officials of Zhenfu Division, Xuanyi Division, and Yushitai will be fined for half a year, and all supervisors involved in the case will be removed."

Why are corruption, official corruption, and officials repeatedly banned?

Isn't the cost of crime too low?It doesn't matter if they are caught, someone will always protect them from death, hang around for a few years below, after the limelight, change their appearance, and someone above will be promoted again.

What is found is always the tip of the iceberg.

On the streets of Xuchang, seven people from 110 were pressed on a wooden platform.

The howling sound was very miserable.


At this moment, they are still unwilling to admit their crimes, thinking that they just took some more, and the crime is not worthy of death.

The common people pointed and pointed, their eyes of hatred seemed to overwhelm them.

Yang Zheng walked in front of Sun Zhao. Every person who was given the letter was an outstanding person. He had high hopes and was regarded as a nephew and disciple by Yang Zheng. Thinking of their swearing appearance, Yang Zheng felt extremely ironic.

Sun Zhao burst into tears, "The sinner is ashamed of His Majesty."

"It's too late to talk about it now." Yang Zheng's face was full of frost.

Some are for money, some are for women, some are dragged into trouble, and some are for fame.

"Before the sinner dies, he has one wish unfulfilled." Sun Zhao actually made the request on his own initiative.

"Bold!" Lin Sen scolded.

He was about to die, and Yang Zheng also wanted to hear what his wish was, "Tell me."

"Sinners don't have the face to see His Majesty, please cover your face and be tortured!" Sun Zhao begged.

"Okay!" Yang Zheng agreed.

"The time has come!" the supervisor said loudly.

A row of executioners walked onto the wooden stage with big knives, and the people in the audience watched everything with gritted teeth.

Yang Zheng looked at the masked Sun Zhao, and slowly drew out his sword. This person was appointed by him, so he should finish it by himself!

"Those who disregard the laws of the country, take this person as a warning!" Yang Zheng roared angrily.

The long sword swung down vigorously, and a human head rolled down.

Everyone on and off the stage was silent.

There is nothing more shocking than the execution of the emperor himself.

"Long live! Long live Your Majesty!"

Finally, this move won the crazy response of the people.


With a wave of Yang Zheng's hand, the executioner's sword fell, and heads rolled down one after another.

The atmosphere is also pushed to the top.

The world is unified, but the internal war has not ended, it just changed the battlefield.

This battlefield is more dangerous and difficult than the real battlefield, because sometimes you don't even know who the enemy is, it may be your loyal subordinates, or your family...

If you don't pay attention to it, Daqin will be riddled with moths in 50 years, and then it will collapse with a slight push.

This lesson is everywhere in history.

Back in Xuchang Palace, the supervisors of Xuanyi Division, Zhenfu Division, and Yushitai were summoned.

Yang Zheng wanted their detailed report.

Why these people were not found is a loophole in the system or a human problem.

Yang Zheng asked the bottom line.

If rats are rampant in a place, there must be something wrong with the cats.

Zhao Aqi, Li Jing and others were sweating from their busy schedule.

The third division sorted it out from top to bottom.

Zhenfu Division's energy is spread on local tycoons, Xuanyi Division's energy is focused on local government soldiers and people, and Yushitai is busy reviewing the backlog of local lawsuits and prisons.

The third division did not expect the corruption of officials, and did not expect it to happen so quickly.

"This time, I take it as your lack of preparation. Next time, if there is such a big negligence, the local supervisors will be guilty of the same crime!" In fact, Yang Zheng himself was negligent. Among the illusions of the Great Qin's peaceful and prosperous age.

"Wei!" The officials breathed a sigh of relief.

"After Feng Chan, you three divisions should not be idle, and the whole country will screen for me. In addition, the salary of the calculation staff of the Literature Museum will be increased by twenty shi."

If you have meritorious service, you will be rewarded, and if you have made mistakes, you will be punished.

This time also made Yang Zheng realize the importance of the audit department.

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