
Chapter 907

Chapter 907

At this moment, Murong Nai was looking at Qin Jun's formation with great worry.

Yesterday a big fire burned his courage long ago.

The Qin army only had 5000 people to attack the city, but they sent 2 people, but they still lost to the Qin army.

If it was not a critical moment, Duan Ri's family members ordered to release arrows, and five thousand Qin troops would have already broken through the city.

And now, there are nearly [-] Qin troops under the city!

Murong Nai was already terrified.

Han people are Han people after all, and they are not something that grassland tribes like them can challenge.

Remember how powerful Tan Shihuai, Ke Bineng, and Tuoba Liwei were back then?They were picked up one by one by Qin Jun.

Surrender now, at least to ensure wealth for the rest of your life.

Murong Nai licked his lips, but he didn't know how to talk to Duan Ri Lujuan and Goguryeo people.

Each of them has an army of more than ten thousand in their hands.

"Don't worry, Da Shanyu. The Qin army is just a bluff. His subordinates have already set up alleys in the city. We only need to hit the Qin army hard and hurt them, and we will have a chance!" Duan Rilu's family persuaded him in turn.

"Well, very good!" Murong Nai responded with a pretentious manner, but he was still thinking about how to persuade Duan Ri Lu Juan.

After entering Xiangping City, everything in the city was entrusted to Duan Rilu's family.

As a result, the city defenders only knew Duan Rilu's family, but not Murong Nai.

Even many members of the Murong Department secretly took refuge in Duan Rilu's family.

The law on the grassland has always been like this. When the head wolf gets old, the pack will turn to a new wolf king.

Duan Ri Lu's family went from a class of slaves to a master, so they naturally knew this way well. Unknowingly, Murong Nai had been emptied.

"Even if you lose this battle, it doesn't matter. The subordinates have already contacted the King of Goguryeo. If the battle goes wrong, you can go to them!"

"Very good, very good!" Murong replied patiently and absently.

What kind of person is Lu Juan Duan Ri?After struggling all the way, he has long become a human being.

From Murong Nai's expression, he had already guessed what he was thinking.

"Down, down, down!"

The Qin army under the city was already roaring, and the momentum was overwhelming.

Murong Nai's face became more and more ugly.

"Big Chanyu!" Several adults from the Murong Department turned their eyes.

They didn't want to fight anymore, they just waited for Murong Nai's words.

Yesterday's brutal fight had already frightened them out of their wits.

In recent years, there have been many bloody battles in the Central Plains, and the Xianbei people have been living smoothly in Liaodong, and their lives are good, but their fighting spirit is constantly declining.

Murong Nai glanced at Duan Rilu's family, "Xiangping City is difficult to defend, Qin's army is powerful and invincible...for the current plan, it is better..."

As soon as the words were out of his mouth, he was opposed by the Goguryeo general, "No, our army still has the strength to fight, why surrender?"

General Murong said angrily: "The Qin army is so strong, how can we fight this battle?"

The two sides immediately quarreled, and their faces were red.

No matter how much Murong Nai tried to persuade him, it was useless, since he was already in an improper position, his words naturally had no weight.

Like Liangzhou, this area of ​​Liaodong has been relatively vigorous and sturdy since ancient times, and it is not too much nonsense to be able to do it.

Before he knew it, he pulled out the knife and his eyes turned red.

Murong Xianbei and Goguryeo are also feuds. They followed Guanqiu Jian and destroyed their country. However, the hatred of subjugation is still vivid in my mind for more than 20 years.

Now due to the strength of Daqin, they have to join together temporarily.

"Ri Lu family members, you persuade them." Murong Nai was a little helpless.

The eyes of the people around turned to Duan Ri Lujuan.

The city wall was immediately divided into four forces, the Murong tribe, the Duan tribe, the Goguryeo tribe, and other tribes.

Duan Rijuan stood there, and that side would have an overwhelming advantage.

With his reputation, at least this dispute can be quelled.

However, Duan Ri Lu's family just cupped their hands, "Of course such a big matter must be decided by the Chanyu, and Duan dare not speak nonsense."

While talking, he turned around and left with his tribe, followed by other tribes.

On the city wall, the Murong Ministry confronted hundreds of people from Goguryeo alone.

"Never surrender!"

"Then die!"

Before the Qin army attacked the city, a bloody battle broke out on the city wall.

"Duan Ri Lu Juan—" Murong Nai shouted in panic, his shout was submerged in the sword in the blink of an eye, and turned into a scream.

"This kind of waste is also thinking about the Xianbei Great Chanyu?" Duan Ri Lujuan rubbed his ears and sighed, "If you give a certain 20 years, you may not be able to take advantage of the momentum. Murong and Yuwen are both dogs, that's all, Daqin It is bound by the destiny, and it cannot be contended with."

Duan Ri Lu's family admired Shu the most, so they recited a few famous sayings in private.

In fact, he most admired Liu Bei, the lord of Shu, who was displaced for thirty years and finally became the king of a country.

"Duan Qizhen went out of the city and surrendered to the Qin people. First stabilize the Qin people, and the others follow a certain speed to calm down the Goguryeo people." Duan Ri Lu's family waved their hands...

The horse stepped on the bloody ground and walked slowly into Xiangping City.

Malone's face was still calm, and the powerful and powerful chieftains around him looked at him like gods.

"Are you the family member of Duan Ri Lu?" Ma Long looked at the human kneeling in the blood.

"It's the sinner!" Duan Ri Lu Juan was extremely humble.

Murong Nai died, several adults of the Murong Department and the generals of Goguryeo died together, and the credit for dedicating the city naturally went to Duan Rilu's family.

Moreover, Duan Ri's family members dealt with it very cleanly, and all those who opposed the surrender in the city were cleaned up.

"You are indeed a smart person!" Malone said leisurely.

It is impossible for the several Xianbei leaders in Liaodong to have no information.

Duan Ri Lu Juan is considered a legendary figure in Liaodong, known to everyone.

"Don't dare, dare not, the sinner is coerced by the Murong family, so he can't come down early, and I hope the governor will atone for his sin."

"Get up, Your Majesty always said that Qin Yi's family needs to rely on you for matters in Liaodong!" Ma Long's attack will never stop at Xiangping.

Duan Ri Lu's family members kowtowed again in the bloody field, "The good governor learned that the sinner was not a barbarian, but a Qin man from Pinggu, Hebei. In the second year of Zhengyuan, there was a severe drought in Hebei. In order to appease the troops, pretending to be a Xianbei..."

Duan's Xianbei just put up a sign of Xianbei, and most of them belonged to Wuhuan, Xianbei, Xiongnu, Jie, Dingling and other tribes.

"Hahaha, that's how it is." How could Malone not know his details?

This is the same as many Qiang generals. After joining the Great Qin Dynasty, they tried every means to fabricate their family background. They were either Qin people who were exiled in the pre-Qin Dynasty, or Han people who avoided disaster in the Han Dynasty...

Malone didn't care who he was, and many people admired him somewhat.

This is a testament to the man's loyalty.

And Qin Jun's Eastern Expedition needed such a dogleg...

"A certain meeting will write a letter to Your Majesty to show your contribution." Since you want to use someone else, of course you have to draw a big pie.

Duan Ri Lu's family members were overjoyed, and bowed their hands to the west, "Thank you Dudu, thank you Your Majesty!"

His acting skills are not exaggerated, they are lifelike, but for Malone, he is really out of line, and he doesn't expose it because he has enough confidence to control him!

More than [-] captives in Xiangping City returned to Ma Long.

With more than 17 war horses and livestock, and [-] shi of grain and grass, the Qin army could continue to march eastward without relying on supplies from the rear.

At this time, Goguryeo was already trembling...

(End of this chapter)

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