
Chapter 908 The Yang Family

Chapter 908 The Yang Family
Not surprisingly, Goguryeo sent envoys to beg Yang Zheng for mercy.

Not only the envoys sent by Goguryeo, but also three Hans sent envoys one after another.

Ma Long's attack on Liaodong pacified the three tribes of Xianbei with little effort.

Murong, Yuwen, and Duan all became pawns of the Qin army, sharpening their knives and rushing towards Goguryeo.

In fact, in Liaodong, China's main competitor is Goguryeo. Since their founding, they have been expanding, constantly provoking the Han Dynasty, and marching to the south of Sanhan.

The capital of the country was moved from Heshenggu City to Wandu Mountain City, which was closer to Liaodong, and moved to Pyongyang in history.

Goguryeo is different from nomadic peoples such as Xianbei and Wuhuan. It is also a civilization based on farming, and also has fishing and hunting.

One mountain cannot tolerate two tigers.

Goguryeo is not only aggressive, but also very resilient, with great potential.

In history, the country was first destroyed by Guanqiu Jian, and then beaten to the ground by Murong Ke, but still stood on the land of Liaodong, defeated Emperor Wen of Sui Dynasty, dragged down Emperor Yang of Sui Dynasty, barely resisted three attacks by Emperor Li Erda, and finally It fell into the hands of Tang Gaozong.

Let them develop, the consequences will be disastrous.

Goguryeo proclaimed its vassal and paid tribute, promising to be a vassal state of Daqin and so on.

Yang Zheng refused all of them, without giving any room for bargaining.

"Since the Han and Wei dynasties, benevolence has always been in our hearts. We have always admired the Central Plains, and we have never stopped sending envoys to pay tribute. Your Majesty, relying on force and arrogance, is arrogant and willful. It is very disappointing." The envoy Chen Han cupped his hands.

Guan Qiujian wiped out Goguryeo, and swept Chen Han by the way.

With the succession of Wei and Jin, the rise of Great Qin, and the civil war in the Central Plains, Chen Han was restored just like Goguryeo.

"Are you teaching me a lesson?" Yang Zheng was a little puzzled, it's none of their business to beat Goguryeo by his own mother?One after another, they came to be peacemakers.

Cheap or not?
Goguryeo is strong, the first thing to do is you.

This is the same reason that the later generations of the Bang Kingdom have always praised the Wa Kingdom. If the Wa Kingdom rises, it must be the first to do the Bang Kingdom...

Besides, do they have such a big face?

"Don't dare, dare not, Your Majesty is a sage who came to the world. Our country and the Central Plains have a long history of water. May your majesty calm down the anger of thunder and regard peace as the most important..."

"A strip of water has a long history?" Yang Zheng sneered.

Bang people can never get their position right, it's all because the Eastern Han Dynasty spoiled them.

To be honest, Yang Zheng didn't like their piece of broken land. There were many mountains and few fields, and the cost of ruling was too high, but he didn't like it. The tyrants must be interested!

"Great Qin is the upper kingdom, and you are also worthy to have a long history with Great Qin? Listen clearly, Goguryeo will be destroyed!" Yang Zheng said in a deep voice.

The envoys were dumbfounded, they didn't expect the emperor of the Central Plains to be so powerful, it almost overturned their cognition.

"As for Sanhan, whoever dares to take in Goguryeo alone, I will launch an army to punish him, so you can do it yourself!" The original good mood was disturbed by these people.

Yang Zheng only believes in the law of the jungle.

When you are strong, you are surrounded by grandchildren, and when you are weak, you are surrounded by bad people.

A powerful civilization needs powerful force to guard and deter!
If you don't teach them a lesson, they will never know who is the father.

The envoy retreated in despair.

Wei Guan whispered: "Could it be that Your Majesty really intends to conquer Sanhan?"

Yang Zheng asked back: "Can't I conquer Sanhan?"

"Three Koreas are sparsely populated, and the gains outweigh the losses... Your Majesty's talents and strategies are beyond my expectations." Wei Guan said euphemistically.

Yang Zheng asked people to bring up the sand table in Liaodong, "Three Koreas have been united these years. Without the permission of Daqin, King Lichen was the co-lord of the three Koreas. After Daqin destroyed Goguryeo, a large number of northerners would go south. Great increase, Boyu thought they were poor, but in fact they were not, there were 54 cities in Mahan, Chenhan, and Bianhan also had twelve city-states, with 15 households and more than [-] people, which is even more than Goguryeo.”

Goguryeo was destroyed by Guan Qiujian, and its strength was not as good as before.

There are important people in Sanhan, and there are cities in important cities. It is much stronger than Goguryeo, which is bitterly cold.

Besides, if Daqin wants to develop Liaodong, it needs a large number of slaves to put in the effort. There are only so many savages in Liaodong, so they can only make their minds up to Sanhan.

This was the main reason why Yang Zheng decided to fight Samhan.

Some things can be done but not said.

"I'm stupid." Wei Guan cupped his hands.

"As for the war, Boyu doesn't need to worry. It's a small country, with more than [-] partial divisions and a powerful army. It doesn't cost the Central Plains food." Yang Zheng cares more about internal security than anyone else.

After staying in Xuchang for two months, the weather has warmed up.

Yang Zheng led the crowd to continue eastward, passed by Yangxia, stayed for several days, and paid homage to the ancestral grave of the old Yang family.

In fact, Yang Zheng didn't have the slightest impression of his hometown in his mind.

However, out of political needs, Yang Zheng disguised himself as the emperor of Kanto and entered Guanzhong to enhance the recognition and belonging of the people of the Central Plains to Daqin.

Among other things, the support of the people of Chen County for Yang Zheng was unprecedented.

Wherever Yang Zheng went, there was joy.

The tributes piled up like mountains, the rich and wealthy offered silk and satin, and the ordinary people slaughtered chickens and sheep...

Under the hospitality, the accompanying officials couldn't persuade him no matter what.

In the end, it was Yang Zheng who came forward to stop this trend.

The ancestral tomb of Lao Yang's family has long been repaired in a magnificent manner, and the local officials have even sent special personnel to guard it. The service is extremely thoughtful, more caring than the emperor himself...

I don't know if they care so much about their ancestral graves.

Yang Zheng sweeps the tomb and burns incense, which can be regarded as worthy of the ancestors of the old Yang family.

"Meet Your Majesty!" A group of Yang family youths knelt in front of the imperial chariot.

"Flat body."

"These are all descendants of His Majesty's own family." Several elders said excitedly.

Rich has distant relatives in the mountains, and no one asks the poor in the downtown.

Speaking of which, when I was in Daoshan Blood Sea in Liangzhou, I didn't see a family to help me...

Yang Zheng has experienced many things over the years, and has met many people. With a glance, all he sees are playboys, all of them white and tender, with arrogance in their eyes.

If you really have the ability, you can either join the army or take the imperial examination, there is no need to make such a move.

Daqin's upward passage is unimpeded.

Having no talent and no virtue, and being in a high position not only harms others, but also harms himself.

"Haha, that's great. There's a reward. Each person has a famous knife and a war horse. All of them will go back to Beijing with me and go to the youth camp to learn their skills!" Yang Zheng didn't refuse either.

The old man's eyes flashed, "Your Majesty, these are young talents from the Yang family, both civil and military."

"Both civil and military? My sons don't dare to entrust them so much. They entered the youth camp since they were young. It seems that they are better than my sons?" Yang Zheng smiled.

I feel somewhat lost in my heart.

Anything that is stained with interests will change its taste.

In fact, you don't need to think about it to know that the people who can stand in front of you today have certain influence in the local area.

Either the children of the elderly, or the people of powerful and powerful families.

The three generations of the old Yang family's ancestors and grandchildren all entered the Cao family as part of their trilogy, and the Central Plains was in constant war. I don't know if this is the ancestral grave...

Fortunately, the old man is also an old man. Seeing that Yang Zheng's tone was wrong and he didn't talk to death, he repeatedly pleaded guilty, "How dare, how dare, His Majesty let them enter the youth camp, it is also out of love."

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" A group of "young talents" from the Yang family kowtowed their heads in gratitude.

(End of this chapter)

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