
Chapter 909 Feng Chan

Chapter 909 Feng Chan
Above Mount Tai, the mountains are vast.

The mountain road has already been cleaned and is spotless.

From the mountain pass to the top of the mountain, there are five-color banners of black, red, green, white and yellow.

Yang Zheng took a bath and changed clothes, wearing a crown, and walked up step by step.

The mountain road is rugged and long. Fortunately, I have been exercising all these years, abstaining from female sex, and my physical strength is acceptable.

Liu Heng, who was guarding at the side, was already out of breath.

However, he was wearing armor, and he weighed dozens of kilograms more, so he had to work harder. In addition, his body had just recovered, and his strength was a little weak.

Others fared much better.

After walking for almost two hours, I finally arrived at the top of Dai. On the top of the altar, there is an altar. On the side of the altar, there are inscriptions erected by Qin Shihuang, Han Wudi, and Guangwu Emperor.

In the past, the stone tablet of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty was the tallest, with a full four feet. It was gradually cut up and down, and the stone was white in color.

In order to flatter Yang Zheng, the officials of Taishan County erected a five-foot-tall stone stele beside Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, which overwhelmed Emperor Wu.

No matter how arrogant Yang Zheng was, he did not dare to compare himself with Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty. Now Daqin is following his old path.

It's better to be low-key.

Song Zhenzong signed the Chanyuan Alliance, and shamelessly came to enshrine Zen, which directly lowered the grade of Mount Tai, so that the subsequent emperors did not personally enshrine Zen, and only sent officials to worship.

"For merit and demerit, posterity will comment on it. I will not be blessed with this stele. Someone cut this stele." Yang Zheng laughed.

"Wei." Li Mi cupped his hands.

Throughout the dynasties, those who dared to enshrine Zen Taishan had a certain degree of self-knowledge.

Qin Shihuang unified the six kingdoms, and laid the foundation of China for the ancestor of China, the Dragon, Che Tonggui, and the same text. Don't underestimate these six characters. Even in later generations, the third brother in the southwest did not complete this move.

On the basis of the establishment of the Qin Dynasty, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty merged with Korea in the east, swallowed Baiyue in the south, conquered Dawan in the west, and defeated the Xiongnu in the north. The eternal name of a great nation.

Therefore, since ancient times, there has been no greater contribution in history books than the theory of Emperor Qin, Han and Wu.

Counting Emperor Guangwu, Yang Zheng was the fourth emperor to enshrine Zen.

If it is credit, Yang Zheng feels that his greatest contribution is to save this great nation from falling into the dark abyss.

The current Daqin is just the beginning, not the end.

Feng and Zen are actually two steps. Feng is to worship the sky, and Zen is to worship the land. The ascension ceremony is performed at the top of Dai, and a stone is erected to praise virtue.

At the beginning of the sealing ceremony, everyone retreated, only Yang Zheng was on the altar.

Thousands of words were written in the sacrificial oration, which would bless the great Qin country and people for generations to come. It has been embellished by the literature museum, with gorgeous words and brilliant pens, but at this moment, Yang Zheng didn't want to read it according to the script.

Instead, he looked at the mountains and the sky in the distance. Originally, he had too much to say, but he suddenly felt a little tired.

The smoke is blowing and the sun is warm.

Unknowingly fell asleep...

But in the dream, I went back to the later life, saw my parents who were crying with joy, ate a meal they cooked, had a few glasses of beer with my father, listened to my mother's nagging, and then swiped my phone and played with the computer...

When I woke up, the sun was already setting.

The scene in the dream is so real, and the longing for the parents in the previous life is so real.

So much so that it is difficult to distinguish between reality and dream.

Suddenly realized that I am just an ordinary person, 30 years, with a flick of a finger, like a dream...

The emperor is an individual first, and he must first be an ordinary person before he can be a good emperor.

Looking at the vast mountains in the distance, the sky seemed to be within reach. Yang Zheng bowed his hands to the sky. He didn't know if there were gods in the dark. If there were, then please bless the people on this land and suffer less suffering. , let this nation stand forever...

"Your Majesty, it's almost time." Li Mi and Liu Heng whispered under the altar.

"Hmm..." Yang Zheng rubbed his drowsy head and stepped down from the altar, "I just had a dream..."

"This must be a response from the heavens, and this is a good omen." Li Mi clasped his hands and said.

"A good dream or a bad dream?" Liu Heng still had his guts running through to the end.

Others dare not ask, but he is straightforward.

It is of course a good dream to see parents who are healthy and healthy.

Yang Zheng stretched his waist, "I am the Son of Heaven, and the heavens are my parents, how could I have nightmares?"

"Haha, His Majesty said so."

The Zen ceremony is a little simpler, and you need to hurry up. After worshiping, reading some sacrificial rites, and going through the scene in a hurry,

After living in Mount Tai for a few days, officials from Shandong and Hebei came to see him one by one.

The so-called audience is actually a gift.

They thought that Yang Zheng came to visit the mountains and rivers.

It was useless for Yang Zheng to order them to focus on the common people and not to worry about themselves.

The officials stopped, and the local tyrants came again.

Gifts are not insignificant.

Yang Zheng didn't have much interest in luxury things, he just had to eat enough and wear warm clothes. Just as he was about to order the return of these things, Li Mi cupped his hands and said, "Your Majesty, the Zhuge, Xie, Yu, Chen and other clans are asking to see Your Majesty."

Yang Zheng's heart moved, the powerful from the Central Plains and Shandong came together, it seems that these are for him, otherwise he would not be so eager.


Not long after, dozens of gentry tyrants cheered and bowed in front of Yang Zheng, and there was another burst of flattery as usual.

Reach out and don't slap the smiling face, and they are giving gifts and flattering, so you have to give some face.

"Everyone came to see me, why?"

The direct descendants of the gentry tyrants were moved to Guanzhong, and the offshoots took the opportunity to grow and become new tyrants.

As long as clans exist locally, such things are inevitable.

Dozens of people were shy, looking at each other, as if they were embarrassed to speak.

In the end, it was Chenjun Xie who spoke first. After all, he and Lao Yang’s family are neighbors, and the relationship is a little closer. Filled with righteous indignation, we volunteered to cross the sea and teach these barbarians a lesson for Your Majesty!"

Yang Zheng was taken aback for a moment, this group of people really have great powers, the news came so fast...

But it's normal to think about it.

It is not surprising that there are letters between the nobles. The nobles in Hebei accompanied Ma Long on the Eastern Expedition, and the news of the victory in Liaodong has been sent back. The wealthy families have made a lot of money.

Compared with Liaodong, Sanhan is more attractive to them.

This expedition to Liaodong has undoubtedly created a win-win model.

"Do you have a boat?" Yang Zheng suddenly thought of a question.

The tyrants nodded repeatedly, "Don't worry, Your Majesty, we all have ships."

People are willing to go, what reason do I have to refuse?Not only can't refuse, but also encourage.

They went, and the Central Plains lost a major disaster...

"I'm very pleased that you have such a heart." Yang Zheng smiled and said, "The weapons, armor and war horses in the army can be sold to you, and they can be hereditary in the future!"

The weapons, armor and war horses eliminated in the army can just go to a wave of inventory.

In an instant, the small eyes of the tyrants lit up like wild wolves, "Thank you, Your Majesty! Thank you, Your Majesty!"

(End of this chapter)

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