Douluo's martial arts scalpel

Chapter 129 Liu Erlong took the initiative to seek treatment

Chapter 129 Liu Erlong took the initiative to seek treatment
Gu Ye's ability is very strong, Qian Renxue has experienced it personally.

She wants to take Gu Ye under her command.

Qian Renxue hated Gu Ye for taking her innocence, but liked Gu Ye's powerful ability even more.

She wants to control Gu Ye by her side at all costs, and she wants to let Gu Ye taste her power.

"Now that Gu Ye knows my identity and my mission, just in case, I can't touch him for the time being."

"However, Gu Ye, I will let you know the price of doing this to me, Qian Renxue, soon."

Qian Renxue picked up a pool of water and poured it on her face.

The water splashed down her face all the way, and finally fell into the water surface, causing ripples.

Her mind also became active following the ripples.

At night, at the back of Lanba Academy.

After Liu Erlong returned to the back mountain, he thought that Gu Ye was not there and wanted to rest.

But as soon as she came back, she found someone next door.

Obviously, Gu Ye came back.

As soon as he found out that it was Gu Ye, Liu Erlong thought about the embarrassing incident last night, went back to the room and closed the door directly.

But to her surprise, Gu Ye didn't seem to notice her.

At this time, Gu Ye did know that Liu Erlong was back, but he was thinking about some things and didn't care whether Liu Erlong came back or not.

For the next few days, Gu Ye stayed in Lanba Academy.

When I have classes, I go to Lanba Academy to teach those students, and when I don't have classes, I go back to the back mountain room to rest, and change my identity from time to time to go out to inquire about news.

What puzzled Gu Ye was that Qian Renxue didn't move at all.

It's as if nothing happened in the secret room.

Although Qian Renxue did not move, Gu Ye was not careless.

He still returned to the back mountain of Lanba Academy and lived with Liu Erlong.

During these few days of living with Liu Erlong, Gu Ye obviously felt that the relationship between the two of them had become much closer.

Liu Erlong also walked out of that embarrassing incident.

In Lanba Academy, because of Gu Ye's strength and teaching methods, many students admired him, and gradually gained a lot of prestige.

Liu Erlong saw it in his eyes and was happy in his heart.

She remembered that Gu Ye seemed to have a practical class today, so she came to the training square out of curiosity.

The class that Gu Ye leads is the highest class in Lanba Academy, with only ten students, all of whom Liu Erlong presupposes to participate in the All-Continent Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition in one year's time.

Jiang Zhu, Tai Long, Jing Ling, and Huang Yuan are considered elite students in Lanba Academy, and they are all in this class.

Liu Erlong looked over from afar and found that Gu Ye taught the ten students to fight in person.

Jiangzhu is an auxiliary soul master, and the general academy teaching will not teach auxiliary soul masters to fight at all.

Because the support is as good as the support.

But in Gu Ye's opinion, the auxiliary system is the most suitable for practicing combat.

Just like Gu Ye himself can be regarded as a soul master of the healing department, but his strength is extremely admired by everyone.

It is precisely because of this that in the eyes of everyone in Jiangzhu, Gu Ye is a teacher worthy of their admiration.


At this time, Jiangzhu found Liu Erlong not far away, and quickly waved to her.

In front of the students, Liu Erlong doesn't look like the dean, but like an elder. In the eyes of the students of Lanba Academy, he has a high status and is very friendly.



When the other nine students saw Liu Erlong, they all stopped to say hello to her.

"Well, I'm just here to take a look, you don't have to worry about me, just go ahead." Liu Erlong smiled.

"Yes, Dean."

Ten people responded and continued to practice.

Gu Ye came to Liu Erlong's side at this moment, and said with a smile: "President Erlong, why are you free?"

"Why, let me check if you are a teacher, can't you?"

"Okay, you are the dean, you can say whatever you want, then you don't know Dean Erlong, can I still be competent as a teacher?"

Liu Erlong looked at these students, especially Jiang Zhu, a soul master of the healing system who could do two tricks with a soul master of the agility attack system, and nodded in satisfaction, "Not bad, it seems that you are not lazy."

Gu Ye looked at Liu Erlong amusedly.

"Principal Erlong, sit down on the side, let's talk about something." Gu Ye took Liu Erlong's hand without any scruples, and sat down on the grass beside him.

Liu Erlong didn't seem to care much, so Gu Ye led him to sit on the grass.

The two just chatted.

But what Liu Erlong didn't know was that when Gu Ye was holding Liu Erlong's hand just now, when Gu Ye was thrown into the bead, the ten people like Tai Long saw it and were shocked in their hearts.

They all know that the dean Liu Erlong is single, but now Gu Ye is with Liu Erlong
When they thought about Gu Ye living in the back mountain of Lanba Academy, they thought even more.

When it was time to rest, a group of ten people chatted together, looking at Gu Ye and Liu Erlong from time to time.

"Jiangzhu, have you found that Dean Erlong and Teacher Gu Ye are a good match?" Jing Ling said in a low voice.

"Indeed, Mr. Gu Ye is handsome, and Dean Erlong is also very beautiful. They really match each other very well." Jiang Zhu nodded in agreement.

"The two are living together now, maybe Mr. Gu will become the man of our dean." Tai Tan's voice was louder, although he spoke softly, but the people next to him could hear him clearly.

Although Liu Erlong was a little far away from Tai Long, but at the Soul Sage level, she still had very good hearing.

She even clearly heard what Tai Long and Jiang Zhu were talking about.

She knew that these students must have misunderstood her, after all, he and Gu Ye were innocent.

Gu Ye obviously heard it too, Liu Erlong didn't care, and he didn't even care.

He was still chatting with Liu Erlong about some things.

The two sat on the lawn, and Liu Erlong laughed like a silver bell when he heard some things Gu Ye said.

The afternoon passed quickly, and Gu Ye's course tasks ended here. After dismissing the students, he said to Liu Erlong, "Let's go, let's go back."


Liu Erlong nodded.

In the past few days, she and Gu Ye went back to the back mountain together.

Now she can clearly say what they will do when they go back together.

She will water her flower teaching first, while Gu Ye will be busy cooking in the kitchen. After she waters her flowers, Gu Ye's meal is almost ready.

In the next two days, we ate together and talked about some things. After the chat, we sat down and talked about the mystery of Wuhun.

Mostly Gu Ye was talking and she was listening.

It was precisely because of this that the more Liu Erlong got to know Gu Ye, the more he realized how extraordinary he was.

The two walked shoulder to shoulder, looking like a couple.

After a while, he returned to the back mountain.

Just like a few days ago, Liu Erlong wanted to water the flowers when he came back, and Gu Ye habitually came to the kitchen to cook dinner.

But at this time Liu Erlong, who was supposed to go to water the water, didn't go. She came to the kitchen, saw Gu Ye who was busy inside, and said, "Let me help you."

Seeing Liu Erlong and Gu Ye who came in, he didn't refuse, but joked: "That's okay, as the so-called men and women match, work is not tiring."

"Pfft! Who said nonsense."

Liu Erlong is used to Gu Ye being able to say some crooked truths from time to time.

"Principal Erlong, what I'm talking about is the truth, because men and women are really not tired when they work together." Gu Ye teased.

"If you say again, I'll let you do it by yourself." Liu Erlong pretended to be angry and threatened Gu Ye.

Gu Ye chuckled lightly and stopped talking.

The two are in the kitchen, working together for a while.

In less than half an hour, dinner was ready.

Cooking should be a very daily thing, but it is a bit unusual in the hands of a man and a woman.

Especially among a pair of men and women who have their own concerns.

Gu Ye has always had the idea of ​​tasting Liu Erlong's ripe peaches.Although the idea is a bit scumbag, but he is not a good person.

In the eyes of Gu Ye, who is not a good person, slag has become a noble quality.

Although Liu Erlong didn't have that kind of thought about Gu Ye on the surface, but with his daily contact and being impressed by Gu Ye's knowledge and extraordinary, he gradually had some different feelings towards Gu Ye.

Especially when she was treated by Gu Ye, an embarrassing thing happened to her, so that she now has an indescribable thought about Gu Ye.

While eating, Liu Erlong thought about the Wuhun surgery, looked at Gu Ye, hesitantly said: "Gu Ye, I want you to help me with the Wuhun surgery again tonight."

"Of course you can, as long as Dean Erlong is willing, you can do it anytime."

"Well, let's wait." After Liu Erlong finished speaking, he ate in silence.

The reason why he wanted Gu Ye to help was because Liu Erlong had felt the changes in his martial spirit these days.

It has become much stronger, and at the same time, it can vaguely use lightning surround attacks.

Besides, Liu Erlong thought that she had convinced herself to face that kind of embarrassing thing, and she also vaguely liked it.

After eating, the two sat and talked together as usual.

Gu Ye told Liu Erlong about the results of the Wuhun surgery, which made her yearn even more for the Wuhun surgery.

After chatting for half an hour, Gu Ye saw that it was getting late and said, "Go to your room or mine?"

Liu Erlong thought about the last time he got wet on Gu Ye's bed, and hurriedly said, "Go to my room."

"it is good."

Gu Ye, who lived in the wooden house in the back mountain for some days, formally stepped into Liu Erlong's room.

Then, like last time, Liu Erlong lay flat on the bed, released his martial soul, and waited for Gu Ye's treatment.

Gu Ye looked at Liu Erlong who was lying flat on the bed, and somehow thought of Qian Renxue who was lying flat on the bed waiting for his favor in the secret room.

Thinking of that matter, Gu Ye found a strange thought uncontrollably in his mind.

Gu Ye quickly suppressed it.

"I started."

"it is good."

Gu Ye's surgery space appeared, covering Liu Erlong's martial soul.

After a while, Liu Erlong felt the lightning trigger on the martial soul, and then passed it to her.

The tingling sensation from the electric shock and the touch from the Wuhun made her cheeks flush and her breathing became slightly short of breath.

Gu Ye's treatment was really special, Liu Erlong knew what this feeling was like, but she was only doing it for the Wuhun, and she didn't intend to indulge in it.

Although Gu Ye was very serious about helping Liu Erlong perform Wuhun surgery, he could clearly see the changes in Liu Erlong on the bed.

Biting her lower lip tightly, her hands grabbed the hem of the skirt into a ball, obviously enduring something.

(End of this chapter)

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